Saturday, August 15, 2015

How I'm Messing Up.

Since I made my move from Iowa to here in Yreka I've done nothing but mess up. I've been spending way too much of my hard-earned and saved-up money.

  1. When I moved out here I was going to sleep in my van until I got my motor home out here. Instead I got a motel room that cost me $53/day for almost a month.
  2. I was going to live in my motor home either at the claim or a cheap trailer park. Instead I got an apartment that costs $507/month. 
  3. I was going to save money by cooking my own food. I have cut down on eating out but I still spend too much at Starbucks and getting ice cream. 
  4. I was going to work hard at the claim and get into shape for the winter. Instead I only go to the claim 2 or 3 times a week; and then I only work there for maybe an hour each time. 
A lot of my problems have been physical. It turns out that I have a deficiency of vitamin D. My schizophrenia has also been a problem. Entire days have gone by while I've been delusional. It's hard to explain but I've been in my dream world quite a bit. Increasing the medications seems to help.
Changing the topic; I'm getting discouraged about finding any gold on the claim that I've been working. I thought I found a good place for gold to be found but this morning I metal detected and dowsed where I felt I would find gold. The only thing I found was an old fishing lure.
Months ago I did find a trace of gold on the South end of the claim; I guess I'll go back there. The North end doesn't seem at all productive. Maybe I should just go to another claim.
On that note, I'll sign off.

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