Monday, August 24, 2015

Somebody Wants to Lend Me Money.

I've been spinning my wheels, trying to come up with money for both the car and RV registration and the payment for the real estate workshop. Somebody sent me a pre-approved letter for a loan of $2300. I could use it for getting the motor home out here or maybe I'll just junk the motor home and haul the stuff in it out to here in my van.
I'll have to think about it. Maybe, I'll call Gary and ask his advice. I don't know what to do; but I think I'll fill out the application. No matter what, a little more money would help out, now. Maybe I'll buy a few more silver options.
The stock market went crazy, today. When it opened it went down by 1000 pts. I was expecting a big down move on the open because it closed on a low point last Friday. By moving down at the close it signaled that there was more downtrend still in the market.
After a terrible open, it moved up and down all day. It didn't close at the day's low but it was moving down at the close. I think tomorrow it will open down again. I don't know what it will do after that. The manipulators might be able to save it again. They just print fresh money and throw it at the market. Maybe that will work.
Ted Williams (the homeless guy with the golden voice) is running for president. It probably is just a source of income for him but he might be the most qualified person for the job. At least he hasn't taken a bribe yet. I like that he has experience with drug abuse and homelessness. I can relate more to him than any of the other candidates. Maybe he'll work hard and make himself aware of the real issues like illegal immigration and bailing out the bankers and wealthy. Maybe I'll vote for him as a protest vote.
I've been out to the claim a couple of times recently.
The first time, I walked up the hill where I feel that the old 49er's might have dropped some coins. I used the walking stick my sister bought me. It helped a lot. The closer I got to the top of the hill the steeper it got. The thing that stopped me was that I realized that there was hardly any over-hang to the cliff. It became clear as I got to the top that the over-hang was only a few inches.Without an over-hang there was no reason for the 49er's to shelter there. You just couldn't see that from below.
Oh well, I had to try.
The second time I walked to a place on the downstream end of the claim. I wasn't able to get down to the river from the road; it was too steep for me. Maybe I should have used the walking stick. It was getting hot and I was feeling a little dizzy so I left.

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