Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Defending my Trip to California

I had a dream last night. I found myself defending my thinking in going to California.
Here are some of the points I made:

  1. I felt that the currency was about to collapse and gold would be the only thing worth anything.
  2. I could accumulate gold and not declare it on taxes.
  3. I would be able to live on the claims that I have a right to be on.
  4. I bought a membership to a club that has the rights to mine gold on over 60 claims in Northern California.
  5. I bought a motor home so I could live comfortably in California.
My mistakes were:
  1. Buying the membership; it's too expensive and I didn't use the mentoring help that it promised.
  2. Buying the motor home. I never did get it running and it's too expensive anyway.
  3. Living in Yreka; it's too far from the gold fields and I ended up renting an apartment that I couldn't afford.
  4. I didn't get out to the claims enough. I wasn't expecting the 110 degree heat and the hard work.
  5. I was just too broke to make it work, last year. I still am too broke.
  6. I spent a lot of time going to Ashland, OR and spending money at the Starbucks.
Maybe I'll try again but it would be after I've got some money together and a motor home or trailer working.

Monday, February 22, 2016

I've Been Meaning to talk about this for a while.

I think I've been watching too many negative YouTube channels.
Today I was convinced that silver had to break out because the guy who does the "Web bot" videos said it would happen, today.
Well, it didn't happen; in fact silver went down by about 20 cents. He shouldn't have gone so far out on a limb with his predictions.
I'm beginning to think that the people who are predicting the end of the economic system and that silver and gold will go through the roof don't know anything more than I do. And I'm really uninformed about this stuff.
I think they cater to the fear that is inherent in all of us. We are trying to be prepared for what is coming up. I think that fear for the future is normal for Northern European people. Since we are from a place with a bad climate we have centuries of preparing for a negative future. It's in our genes.
I think that is why I've always been a sucker for someone saying that the world's economy is about to collapse and we all have to stock up on food and silver in order to be ready for it.
That's why I buy silver options and stock up on food and guns.
I've been played for a fool. I could have saved an expensive trip to California when I was looking for gold. I'm paying for that now.
I think I just need a job, here and pay off my debts. If I forget about preparing for something I can't do anything about I'll have a lot more money for just living. That's the main thing, anyway.
I'm so poor that there is nothing I can really do to prepare for anything, anyway. After all I have to beg for food from a church just to get by on a monthly basis.
I'll just have to concentrate on getting along and forget all this preparation bs.