Chronicling life in Sac City, Iowa. Fixing old laptop computers, and dealing with poverty while prepping for the financial collapse.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Saturday, October 23, 2021
A New Direction for This Blog
I've decided to take this blog in a new direction.
It's mainly just a journal anyway so it doesn't matter much.
I decided to explore what it will take to live to 150 years. I'll talk a lot about overcoming diabetes since that is what will probably kill me if I don't do something about it.
There are a bunch of other things that will shorten out life expectancyvo as well such as addictions.
Avoiding dangerous jobs should be covered as well. Some jobs come with a high level of danger but is baleanced by a high degree of porpose such as, firefighters. People doing those jobs might not be willing to consider any other job because they derive a great sense of purpose with what they are doing.
This is a rather poor start but it'll do for now.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
I moved
I moved from Decorah, Iowa to a small town in Western Iowa.
I'm going to keep quiet about where I live because I'm paranoid. Until the republic is restored I think I'll keep silent about such things.
The last two months I've been busy traveling with my sister and moving. My sister and I spent most of a month traveling throughout western U.S. visiting all the major sights like Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon.
After that, I moved. It took several trips in my car while towing my new 2 wheel cart. My Ford Explored broke down and I had to buy another car ( a Jeep).
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Blogging as a Journal
I use my blog more as a journal than anything else. I've been blogging, now, for 10 or 15 years.
I started it too talk about how to navigate the disability maze. If you are going to file for disability some of my earlier blogs have a lot of good tips for that purpose; but if I were you I would youavoid disability and just work for a living. No matter how fruitless it may seem. Disability is a trap. You'll always have a very limited income.
Maybe that is just the way things are in today's world; you're damned if you try to work and you're damned if you are on disability.
I had an active blog during the Ebola scare. I think that was when at one week I had hundreds of views from Moldova. I think I remember having 500 or so on one day.
Recently I haven't been writing very much. It's mainly due to my schizophrenia. Something happened in Vail CO a couple of years ago that had me hung up in sexual fantasies concerning a Hollywood babe.
To this day I tend to believe that it really happened. Usually my schizophrenic breaks involve combat in different time periods, like WWII and farther back. I never seem to go into the future for some reason.
My break at Vail did include catching a wormhole to go back to the South Pacific in WWII but I don't remember much of it. I'm getting too old for such crap anyways. I'm also too old for Hollywood babes but they get it in their minds that I'm actually very rich. Maybe I tell them that it's a tradition in my family to hide our wealth. I'm cynical enough that I think women are just after men for their money.
On a different track, I'm trying to buy Theta coin. For some reason it's difficult for Americans to get that crypto coin even though it's about to go through the roof.
I'm drawing a blank right now so I'll leave an image of one of my etchings and sign off.
Friday, April 2, 2021
Generalized Ramblings
I'm just inspired to ramble in a general way, tonight.
I was watching ALUX today and it had 15 ways to make money with no start-up expenses. I think #9 was to have a blog. It got me thinking about my blog.
The reason I named it "Working the System" was that at the time I started it I was starting out on disability for my schizophrenia . I was familiar with working thru the welfare system since I really didn't have much choice in applying for disability.
I live in a small town and evey body knows all about everyone else. I wasn't about to get a decent paying job. And I was too broke to move so I set myself on the path for disability. I felt it was my only option.
I wouldn't advise anyone to go this route but sometimes it's the only alternative. It's defiantly the path to more poverty. Of course, many people are going this way because it probably beats starving in a business doorway on a Winter night.
For the last five or ten years I've been trying to get an RV and maybe my own land so I can be homeless with some style. Instead I end up in tiny apartments and I go month to month with no savings.
I don't know the solution to poverty. I keep reading books and watching YouTube videos about breaking the chains of poverty but I simply don't have the motivation to break thru. One of the videos I watched yesterday said that poverty can be a habit and we lose the drive to break out of what is comfortable to us.
I think I'll leave on that note. This is simply not improving. I'll put a picture of one of the etchings I have for sale below.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Working on my Taxes
I've been working on paying my taxes.
The first step is always, getting the printer to work. I only need it one time a year but I always end up going thru my ink by printing out test pages. I alway have trouble getting it working. Even though this year it's brand new. I've got three printers. I think they all work but two of them are out of ink. And it's cheaper to buy a new printer than to replace the toner cartridge.
I had to print out the tax records from my various brokerages. Online, they were so small that I couldn't read them.
I've done everything except to enter the gains and losses from the brokerages. I'm afraid that I may actually owe taxes this year. I made $4,000 in one of my accounts (Robinhood) last March. It all went into my car. I'm ahead by about $1,000 on my Kraken account right now so I could sell that and pay taxes with it. We'll see.
I'm now the IT guy at the local Republican Headquarters. I'm not a dedicated Republican but I like the free coffee I get there.
I think I'll wrap it up and show you another etching by Malcolm Childers.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
I've been a metals trader for years.
I've traded metals (silver and gold especially) for decades; but I've rarely seen them move as much as it is now.
A couple of months ago I sold my silver to pay the rent. I'm find myself trying to build up my hoard, now.
I'll be going to the coin club tonight to buy some more silver. The coin club is there basically to have coin auctions on the first Tuesday of the month. I'll take a checkbook and I hope to buy quite a bit. We'll see.
The Gamestop thing has been driving markets like crazy. I put in an order to buy a Standard and Poors put option tomorrow. That is a bet against the market. I'm bearish. I've seen what happens when margin requirement are raised. It causes massive selloffs across all the markets.
I sold all of my silver calls this morning with a 300% profit. I regret that because I could have rode them for the next month; and now I may find myself priced out of the market. I think I'll attach an image of one of my etchtings and go to the coin club.
Monday, January 18, 2021
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Monday, January 11, 2021
A Cheap way to buy Real Estate
I was watch a Youtube video a few minutes ago telling about a fellows experience in buying a cheap acreage.
He drove past a run-down place with a torn up mobile home on it. He contacted the local county authorities and found out it was up for tax sale auction. It had failed to be auctioned off and the county was willing to sell it for $20,000 and they would take terms.
He got a title on his car for a down payment and it was his over 20 years.
I got off my rear end maybe I could make something like that happen.
There is a place near Huston MN. that would work for me if I could get it cheap. I'll look into it tomorrow.
On other news, there is a rumor that President Trump has already signed the Insurrection Act. That hasn't been done since the turn of the 18th to 19th century. I hope it's true because the Democrats have been outright treasonous for years and they belong behind bars.
We'll find out soon enough. If he didn't I'll have to go into hiding. I'm conservative and the Democrats will be coming for us soon.