Friday, January 31, 2025

I got a new credit card.

 Citi sent me a letter offering a new credit card. Their interest rate is lower than my other cards and it has no interest for 9 months. '

I took it. The interest that accrues for nine months will probably be quite high but I need the money for the upcoming trip to California. I think I'll link something.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

I think some of my posts are being censored.

 It seems that not all of my posts make it online, Censorship is still going on. 

I'll link something.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ross was Released

 Ross Albreit was released. I think I'll link something about  itl


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Working on Cleaning the Garage

 I've been cleaning out my garage to use it for my new business. I will insulate it with "Great Stuff" the expanding plastic foam. I'm bidding on that at Ebay. It's not too expensive so I might buy it at the hardware store. After I get it somewhat insulated I'll have someone hang drywall on it. It should look good after a while. 

I'm also bidding on computers and printers online. I also get large screen tv's to use as monitors. That will be a big part of refurbishing them. 

Anyway. it's coming along.


Friday, January 24, 2025

I Need to get busy on my Business

I must get busy moving things out of the garage and writing the business plan. I spend too much time drinking coffee and listening to the guys at the coffee club. It would be better to work on my business.

I'll link something an go work in the garage



Wednesday, January 22, 2025

I Might be in Trouble with My Paypal Credit Card

 I've been using my PayPal credit card for buying on an online auction. It was the same as Paypal credit. It's not. I don't know what Paypal credit is for but I have a small amount of credit on the credit card. 

I'm looking at a bill of over $400 at the auction, tomorrow. I increased my credit limit so I'm OK. 

I think I'll link something about Bitcoin here.


Monday, January 20, 2025

I Think I Fixed the Ads.text file problem

 I was talking with Microsoft Copilot and I accidentally fixed my Ads text file problem. 

I may start getting paid for my blog. But I doubt it. We'll see. 

I think I'll link something about the inauguration. 


Sunday, January 19, 2025

I'll miss Trump's Inauguration tomorrow

 I'll drive to Kanawha to pick up some stuff I bought at an online auction. It's a two-hour trip one way and I'll have to come back as well so four hours will be used up.

I think I'll link Fox news reporting on the preparations for the inauguration here.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Working on My Business

 I'm using AI to write a business plan for my computer business I'm trying to get off the ground. It really works well. It gave me a good name for my business and an excellent marketing idea. 

The Geneses GV80 is advertised a lot on my blog. I really like that car. My sister rented one the last time she came here. It's a fun car.

I'll link something here.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Cold Weather on it's Way

 The temperature will be dropping this weekend. On Monday, it might be below -20. I'll stay inside as much as possible. 

Sarah is coming by today. Let's work on a business plan for my new business. I'll also involve Microsoft Copilot.

I think I'll link Fox News. 


Monday, January 13, 2025

I Think I'll link Michael Saylor

 I'm watching Saylor on YouTube and I'll link it. 

I'm calling the Credit Union today to inquire about a business loan to start my computer refurbishing business. 

Here's the link


Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Lazy Sunday

 I didn't do much today. I fell asleep listening to the church service on Zoom. I swear that God reached down and bopped me on the top of my head to wake me up. 

It was a good sermon about the "Widow's Mite." I think I missed a lot of it. It's getting hard for me to stay awake because I'm 78 now.

I'll link something.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

I went to Des Moines today.

 I went to Des Moines to talk with someone in the VA about pursuing my disability claim.

It will take months, but I'm fairly optimistic about my chances of convincing a judge that I deserve a service-related disability. 

It took all day of running to and from Des Moines but it was worth it. I now have hope of getting a large disability. 

On a different story, LA is burning. It looks like it's going right through the city itself. Normally it's outskirts that burn.

I'll link something about it, here.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Same Ole Same Ole

 Nothing new is happening today. I don't know what to say today so I'll just find something to link. 


Friday, January 3, 2025

Blogger wants me to be a Programmer

 When I check my revenue, Blogger wants me to add an adds texts file, whatever that is. I'll just do without it since I couldn't find where it is supposed to go, anyway. 

I haven't shown my etchings lately. I sold most of them but I could find one that I still have.

I think I'll also show a cartoon I really liked from long ago.
I don't know how to expand the cartoon but if you figure out how it's really funny.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

It's a New Year

 Happy New Year. 

I haven't posted lately. I've just been lazy. 

Today I decided to start buying Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold as well as Bitcoin. They are hard forks from Bitcoin. I feel that we'll run out of Bitcoins to sell. Hence we won't be able to get any. I hope the forks last longer than Bitcoin.

I think I'll link something here about it
