Monday, June 8, 2009

Didn't post yesterday

I'm sorry that I didn't get around to posting yesterday. By the time that I had time to post, none of the wifi places were up. The co-op was opened but it wouldn't let me on to blogger. I guess I could have sat on the bench outside of the library but it was a bit cold.
Anyway, I didn't win the lottery. I only had 1 right number, but that is an improvement. I'm having doubts about dowsing for the lottery number. It seems that if it worked, everyone would be doing it. I'm going to keep trying but I may not list my numbers on the blog.
I went to La Crosse with Alice yesterday. I bought a book by Steven Covey named "Everyday Greatness". I told Alice that if I keep reading uplifting books, that I'll break out in a rash of good karma, someday. With all the New Age music and uplifting books that I read it's bound to happen.
I sent off for an old laptop today. It set me back $60, but it'll be a project. I could give it to Dave. He needs one.
I had a conversation with Jim and Alice, this morning. Jim doesn't seem as shaky as usual. He got off of one of his meds and maybe that is making a difference.
I told him about Delphi. It's bonds are selling for $.01 and they are getting money from GM. It would be risky but it might be profitable. I've got 10 bonds that I bought for $10.00 each.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lottery picks

After much debate, since I have only lost, I decided to post this Saturday's lottery picks again. They are: 14,18,20,42 and 50. The powerplay # is 14. Once again I would like to point out that I have never won. I pick these numbers by dowsing and apparently my spiritual guide feels that winning the lottery would be bad for me. Maybe they'll be luckier for you. You might try them on a different lottery.
I went to the meeting about health care advocacy, this morning. About 30 people showed up. I was surprised at how many horror stories, even the well off, had about the health system. People were paying 4 or 500 a month for supplemental coverage. They were working to supplement their retirement, just to have insurance.
I made the commitment to go to a Habitat for Humanity build to promote the group. That will be next Saturday and the one after that.

Friday, June 5, 2009

bought more bonds

Today, while I had way too much time on my hands, I bought 10 Delphi bonds. It might seem dumb to buy bonds in a company that is bankrupt. Two things influenced me. One was the low price. $10 for a $1000 bond is cheap. Another thing was a news article about General Motors giving Delphi some money. I'm gambling that the government or GM will help Delphi out. We'll see.
It's a nice day here, rather cloudy so its not getting hot. I really have no excuse for not mowing the lawn. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so today is the day.
I bid on a laptop on EBay today. It's another Great Quality. I'm really happy with the one that I have. I only bid $50 so I probably won't get it. If I do I'll have to update my paypal account and add money. I forgot to check that he would take checks or money orders.
I decided to continue to work on old laptops as a hobby. I'll never make any money on them but they are a challenge to get working properly. It's something I can do with my time until I try prospecting for gold, next year.
It looks like I overpaid for the Delphi bonds. Someone else bought them for $1 for $1000 bonds. Well you live and learn. I should have offered less in my bid. I still think they'll go up. I
could have paid a lot less.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Not as bad as I thought

I had figured that today I would be spending close to $600 on dental bills and car repair. The dentist bill was a bit higher than I thought because I opted for the fluoride treatment. That was probably a mistake since I could just use fluoride toothpaste. I spent far less on the car than I thought I would. Dan only charged me $300 for the muffler and tailpipe.
On the old laptop front, Alice got hers to work by taking the USB wifi module back to Wal-Mart. The first one was bad. She has already had it working at Bookends and Beans where they have a password. She's happy. I'm still a bit upset that I couldn't get the soundcard to work with Linux. I just found out about a program (alsaconf) that might make it work. Of course I would have to get it loaded and run it from a terminal. It would be a pain and Alice would have to learn Linux.
I lost the lottery again. Sometimes I have doubts about spiritual guides and dowsing. But I'll keep after it. I did seem to do well with water dowsing so I think there is something to it. Since my purpose is to put the lottery out of business by encouraging winning, I feel that Karma is on my side.
There is no way out of mowing the lawn today.
If anyone is reading this feel free to make comments.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Car troubles

I walked into town and back again for a total of 9 miles. I needed the exercise and it was a nice day. I don't know if I'll have the energy to mow the front lawn.
I got paid by Social Security. Now I have to get the car fixed and get my dental work done. They're both going to get done tomorrow morning.
The car is gaining on me. Not only is the exhaust system failing but it's getting hard to start. I'm afraid that it might be the fuel pressure regulator again. Maybe it's related to the exhaust problem. I might be getting back pressure.
I tried to pay the satellite television bill today. The debit card didn't work and I don't have a check with me that has the routing number of the bank. I'll have to get that tomorrow.
The internet at the Co-op didn't work very well, today. I couldn't get on to half of the sites I wanted to go to. They have something called a DNS that restricts where their users can go. I think they are too restrictive. I'm at Java Johns, now, and it seems just fine.
I took a few pictures during my jaunt, this morning. I'll see about loading them. I also need to pick the lottery numbers. If the car starts and I can get home I'll do that.
My lottery picks for the Iowa Powerball tonight are: 3,9,15,28,and 56. The powerball number is 28.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Feeling better

I'm feeling better, today. I think the cold has about run it's course. I went to the county health nurse yesterday and she said that it was almost certainly a cold. They are common at this time of year due to the radical changes in temperature.
I slept in this morning and I feel much better.
Alice and I went to Subway sandwiches for a $5 footlong. Its a bargain.
I think I'll go home and mow the lawn. The expected rain went to the south of us. I have no excuse for not mowing. I feel better and there is no rain. I'll just have to do it.
I have no sick computers to work on. Alice was complaining about her slow desktop. I could give her my slow desktop. Since I'll be moving into an apartment in a couple of months I need to get rid of a lot of stuff.
Well, its time to go mow.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not the flue

I went to the county health nurse because I was concerned about the aches and pains I was having in my chest. She told me that at this time of year a lot of people come down with colds. It makes sense, I had the air conditioner on in the car all the way from Iowa City. I probably got chilled. I had the feeling that I was making a lot to do over nothing, and now it is confirmed. I don't feel good enough to mow the lawn, however. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so it might not get done for a while.
I tried to mount Alice's wifi card on my machine. I found a driver for Windows 95 and I loaded Ndiswrapper on my machine. It didn't work. She'll have to buy a new wifi module. That's $32.00. Too bad.
I didn't get much done today. Just swatted flies and waited for my pension check, which didn't show. Maybe tomorrow I can get the car fixed. It's going to be costly. Dan hasn't even given me an estimate. That's got to be bad.
GM went bankrupt today. So far, the bonds have kept what little value they have. I'm just going to ride it out and hope that the judge sees things in a way that favors the bondholders.
That's it for now.