It's a hot one in Decorah. I've spent most of the day hanging out in air conditioned coffee houses.
I'm at the co-op now because it's the coolest place in town. They keep it cool to keep food from spoiling.
I'm using the Thinkpad 390 with Suse Linux as the operating system. I got the sound card to working yesterday, but this morning I couldn't get the wifi card to work at Bookends and Beans. They have a password protected wireless network and this form of Linux couldn't handle it. I know that I need something called a WPA network with a shared key. This operating system only has WEP.
I got the updater to working at Magpie. After struggling for hours I finally noticed that by right clicking on the update icon I could configure the updater.
I was blogging away and my computer notified me that 91 updates are available. I decided to do it now, while things are working.
I talked with Jim, this morning. He's having car troubles. His water pump is going bad and it will cost hundreds to repair.
I'm kind of glad that I have an old car. If anything major goes bad, I'll just get another car.
I tried to upload a photo but they are on the other computer. I tried to use the memory stick but this computer ignored it. I'll do it tomorrow.
Chronicling life in Sac City, Iowa. Fixing old laptop computers, and dealing with poverty while prepping for the financial collapse.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Rainy Sunday
I just tried to publish a blog but apparently I failed.
I got the Thinkpad's sound card to work with Suze Linux. I'll try on the other one when Alice comes back from Des Moines.
I missed the lottery numbers. I may give up on dowsing
I got the Thinkpad's sound card to work with Suze Linux. I'll try on the other one when Alice comes back from Des Moines.
I missed the lottery numbers. I may give up on dowsing
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Still picking lottery numbers
Even though I'm having doubts about dowsing for Lottery numbers, here are my picks: 15,24,41,46,52. The powerball number is 8.
I'm thinking that dowsing may be another form of delusion. I always get 5 numbers and only 5 numbers when I dowse. But they never seem to win. This may be the form of mistake whereby a person sees patterns where there aren't any. Wishing and the thought that you deserve to win may also be part of the delusion. It may also be that the lottery is rigged in such a way that the fewest possible number of people might win. With computers, that wouldn't be too hard to set up. I may quit listing or even dowsing for the lottery.
It seems to me that if you can't dowse with a pendulum for the lottery numbers, what good is dowsing. It seems to me to be the proof in the pudding.
Its warm today in Decorah. I think it's in the mid eighties. I've been hanging out in air-conditioned coffee shops. I spent most of the day at Bookends and Beans. I took a few pictures that I'll post next week.
I posted another picture from the trail near the fish hatchery. I was trying to frame a scene with the trees but it didn't really turn out as well as I thought it would.
I got the memory sticks that I was waiting for. But I'm still disappointed. I loaded a live form of Ubuntu. A live version means that it runs from the cd rather than the hard drive. Linux still doesn't get the sound card on a Thinkpad 390 right. There was no sound. I'll have to either load Windows, which doesn't support anything before XP, or find a form of Linux which sees the sound card. To be legal with Windows might mean spending 80 or 90 dollars. I do have a copy of the XP upgrade that is not on any other computer. Maybe they'll let me put it on this one. I would rather run Linux because there are no legal hassles and nobody attacks it with viruses. It is just a better operating system.
I'll work it out. After all, I'm doing it as a hobby and I have time to work on it.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Waiting for memory
I uploaded another picture of the Upper Iowa River today.
Not much is happening here. I'm waiting for a couple of memory modules for the Thinkpad. I only have 32 meg. that I think is working and that's not enough for a modern Linux operating system. When I boot up, it hangs up. I think more memory is the answer. I waited until 2:30 for the mail and I still haven't seen any. Maybe I just didn't get any mail today and I didn't see the mailman.
It's hot and muggy so I'm hanging out at Bookends and Beans to beat the heat. I had to disconnect my air conditioning because animals had torn apart the ductwork under the trailer. It cost too much to run anyway.
I keep reading more about the wheeling and dealing that GM and the parts suppliers are doing in Washington. Apparently they already have $5 billion that is allocated to the parts suppliers. The debate is over how much they have to pay to use it. It's now set at 3% and the manufacturers want it to be 1%.
GM is trying to get more money to see them through bankruptcy. They have approval of a $33 billion loan. Apparently they already have approval for $15 billion. They are trying for all of it.
I hope that GM and Delphi use some of that money to buy it's own bonds. They are a bargain now. Any money flowing into that market could really drive my bond values up.
I'm thinking about using my $20 camera to take video. It has that capability. I'm afraid that I'll have to be connected to a computer to do that. If I can do it from my laptop I'll get some video of the inside of Bookends and Beans.
It's too hot to go outside, today. I think I'll drink coffee and read (Everyday Greatness) by Steven Covey. It's a compilation of stories from Readers Digest. At least it's uplifting
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Picture of the Co-op
I uploaded a picture of the entrance to the co-op. That is where the screens of laptops are hard to see because of the glare from picture windows. They also have something called a DNS which restricts where you can go on the internet. It makes web surfing there, frustrating. I can't get to Etrade, Ebay, Yahoo mail, AOL mail and to post a blog. I go to the co-op mainly for the food and cheap coffee. If you go after 7:15 in the evening, they'll give you coffee for free rather than pour it out. They close at 8:30 so there is plenty of time.
I was supposed to meet Lula at Bookends and Beans, this morning. I stayed for half an hour, and then I left. I was hoping to help her get her computer working better. It's got Mandriva Linux on it, and it is getting messed up.
I got a Gateway Solo from Ebay yesterday. It didn't have an AC adapter, so I used the one on the Great Quality. The battery doesn't seem to hold a charge. That is important because it uses the main battery for the CMOS information. If you ask me, that is a design failure.
I got the thinkpad 390 to work with an old Ubuntu Linux. It doesn't see the sound card so I may switch to Windows. I'll have to see if I can work around the sound card.
I checked on how some of my old bonds, which I sold, are doing. I'm convinced that I sell too early. Rouse would have tripled over what I sold them for. Aventine would have retained it's value. GMAC would have gone up as well. I think I'm on to something, by buying the out-of-favor bonds.
The dowsing for lottery numbers didn't work. I was close with 2 numbers, but that only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades. I'll keep at it.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
New lottery picks
I've got some new numbers for the lottery. They are: 1,8,12,54,55. The powerball # is 9.
Last Saturday I got 2 numbers right so maybe I'm on the right track. The new pendulum is showing the affirmative answers better than the old pendulum. We'll see.
I'm working on getting Linux on the new, old laptop. It is low in memory so I'll probably have to wait until I can put more memory in it. I upgraded it to Windows 2000. I had troubles with a password when I did that. If I have to, I can get it back to 2000, but then I won't be able to upgrade it. Microsoft no longer supports 2000, so I can't get the service packs. That is what makes it more usable.
I loaded a picture of Trout Run Creek. It is a little north of the fish hatchery.
I'm hanging on to my GM bonds and Delphi bonds. Yesterday I saw an article that said that Obama declined giving the car parts manufacturers $11 billion. On the other hand GM is apparently giving Delphi $112 million. If that shows up in the bonds, it will make a difference. I hope that they come out of bankruptcy. If all of my money wasn't going to fix my teeth, I would invest more in Delphi. I think they could come out of bankruptcy. The federal government doesn't need any more unemployed auto workers right now.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Be it ever so humble
I loaded a picture of my home and van today. It's pretty humble.
I spent most of the morning getting Windows and Ubuntu to work on my good desktop computer. I need Windows because my camera won't work with Ubuntu. I got them to work but I don't have much room for music. Ubuntu didn't carve out enough hard drive space. I'll probably have to erase some music to get the pictures to work. Maybe I should just start over again and reload Windows and then Ubuntu.
I'm at Bookends and Alice is having trouble getting Adobe Acrobat to work. Her Windows 2000 doesn't have the Service Packs and I couldn't get them. I don't think her machine will ever work with Adobe. I would like to load Linux and go from there. It has a problem with the sound card and Linux.
We checked the cost of adding Windows XP and it would cost close to $100. If I can't get her machine to work with Linux, we may be stuck with XP. I'm sure that it would fix her problems. I'm going to get the new Thinkpad 390 to work with Linux then I'll trade her for her old machine and then I'll try to get Linux to work on it.
The Dow is down again but not as bad as yesterday. I think it's a buying opportunity. Apparently Obama decided against giving the car parts manufacturers any money. That's bad for Delphi, but I'm going to hang in with the bonds.
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