Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sold Bitcoins, Now in Litecoins

I sold my bitcoins yesterday and bought Russian Rubles. I then bought litecoins after the crash. They seem to be holding up better than bitcoins.
I'm just going to sit on them for a while. I'm doing OK. I doubled my money in a month or so. If I can keep that up I'll run off to Costa Rica in 6 months and live cheaply.
I think the China selling is over. The Chinese government stopped their banks from dealing with bitcoins a day or two ago. It could still be volatile over the weekend. We'll see.
I'm going to Rochester today. Last week I tried to go twice and my car broke down both times. Today the car is working well and I've got gas. So I think i'll go. I have to go to an auction first. They are selling some foreign coins that I might be interested in,
I went to the auction and didn't see anything I would like to buy.
Then I went to Rochester and priced trailers. I couldn't find anything in my price range and weight category. The last trailer salesman that I talked to said that between 1995 and 2009 few small trailers were made.
Therefor, used small trailers are hard to find.  I'll have to be patient and explore all of the options. EBay looked hopeful but I would have to travel across country to pick it up. That means I have to get a hitch on my van before I can haul a trailer.
I'm at Barnes & Noble now.
I just checked the price for litecoins on their wi-fi. I'm down about 10%. That might sound bad but it could have been a lot worse. I'm going to be patient and see if they double in the next month or so.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bitcoin Panic

Well, I panicked this morning and sold all of my cryptocurrencies at a low.
The Chinese government made an announcement that trading Bitcoins through banks would be illegal. That caused Bitcoins and all of the other cryptocurrencies to collapse. I sold everything at a bottom. It's going up now so I bought back in. I could have just left it alone and it would have come back on it's own. I over-trade. I always panic and pick bottoms to sell into. Then I don't get back in, in time to make back my losses.
That brings me to a point that I've been thinking about. Does anyone have enough information to actually trade for money?
The individual investor simply doesn't have the information sources that are available to the large investors.
When I watch Jim Cramer on CNBC, people call in with a stock pick. He usually tells them that their stock is not "best of breed" meaning that it's not the best stock in that sector. I don't know how to get the information of what stocks are "best of breed". It seems to be known on Wall Street but not on Main Street.
There are times that I don't think Jim has enough information as well, Yesterday he was complaining that the Dow went down in spite of good news. I feel that he ignored the approval of Detroit's bankruptcy. I think that is what drove everything down yesterday. It portends more state and municipal bankruptcies. That could collapse the whole "house of cards" that is the world economy.
Back in 1989 I got into trading commodities because I felt that stocks were just too hard to understand. Now that I've traded stocks I feel that all the more. But I learned that commodities are too difficult as well. I'm trying cryptocurrencies because I think I'm in ahead of the crowd. Only time will tell.Maybe there is no way that an individual investor can have enough information.
I suppose we are all damned to cleaning toilets or loading trucks for a living. There just doesn't seem to be any way out of the "working class trap". The more I try to get out the deeper I seem to fall.
Enough rambling for now.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Coins are Down

My investments in the various digital currencies are all down about 10% today. Everything moved up so strongly last week that this might be expected.
I'm going to move some more money from the bank to invest in Bitcoins tomorrow if it keeps going down. The trouble with that is that it will take 3 days to move money from the bank account. Everything will be different by then. That always happened with trading on E-Trade. Maybe I could use a credit card. We'll see.
I'm tempted to go to Rochester and shop at Barnes & Noble. They sent me 3 coupons that I would have to use by today. I wanted to go Friday but my car broke. I got it fixed yesterday. Nothing is stopping me, today. I think I'll go right away. I'll continue this posting from there.
Well, my car didn't make it to Rochester. There was a loud whining sound (I think it's the serpentine belt) but it could be something worse. I turned back and I'm now having lunch at Culvers.
The prices of digital currency kept going down. I see it as a buying opportunity. I just don't have a way of moving money fast enough to take advantage of it. That's one of the advantages of digital currency. You can move it much faster than the banks can. Instead of 3 days it usually takes me 30 minutes. But to get dollars to the Bitcoin account takes 3 days.
So much for my fantasies of buying a trailer and more silver. I have to face reality and be grateful for the snow next week so I can make money shoveling it. In a year or two I might be able to get out of debt. For now I'm just stuck in poverty and a low paying job.
I was watching G4Title on YouTube, today. He talked about how people get caught up in the negativity surrounding the Prepper movement (especially concerning the financial collapse). His point was to not get caught up in the negative thought that naturally surrounds this stuff.
I think he's right but I feel that I'm being caught between a rock and a hard place. I know that the financial collapse is coming but I don't have the money to take steps to prepare for it.
Digital currencies were giving me some hope but that might be a delusion. I'll know in the next month or so. I'll either be quite well off for me or down about $1000. I know that I'll be pouring more money in if they go down because I see this as an opportunity. Well, at least I have a job and snow shoveling to bring in more income. Later

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bitcoin and Litecoin success

So far I'm doing well with my Bitcoins and Litecoins. Apparently, I found a way to finance my prepping. I've been wondering how I would get ready for the financial collapse.
Now, it might be possible. I've got most of my money in Litecoins. That's a smaller competitor of Bitcoins. If you've never heard of them, they are digital currencies.
I got tired of watching gold and silver be manipulated by the large traders. It's so obvious but nothing is ever done about it. The dollar and the rest of the "fiat currencies" are about to collapse due to printing to much currency. The stock market is also rigged in the favor of the rich. Poor people just don't have the kind of information to make that at all fair. Bonds are too cheap (due to money printing). And real estate is in a bubble that's about to explode. So I scraped together a little money to invest in Bitcoins.
Now I'm spending my ,hoped, for money in my mind. If Litecoins and Bitcoins keep going up here is a list of things I'll be buying with that money:
  1. A small trailer, something I could tow with my van. 
  2. $100 face value of silver coins. 
  3. $1000 worth of storable food and water. 
  4. Pay off the credit cards and such. 
  5. Camping gear, including solar panels. 
  6. Land for a homestead. 
The trailer comes first because it will open up a lot of options. I'll be able to go anywhere with it and avoid civil strife and starvation. If I lose my job I'll be able to live in a trailer park near the Mississippi and fish for food. That would also be near my church (in Onalaska, WI.). If I wanted to I could hitch it up and go to Texas for a job.
I'm tempted to get a lot more silver to use as a down payment to Jim for his land. I know that he doesn't recognize the need for precious metals like I do but maybe he would take it anyway.
I could use the trailer to store food and water while I work at the Peace Center. It's a job, after all,  and there is no good reason to quit it yet.
It will be great to be debt-free, but I have other needs that take priority. When the currency collapses I might be able to pay off my debts with precious metals. We'll see when the time comes. Otherwise, I'll just pay that off when I get my major needs taken care of.
On a different topic, I was watching the station "RT" today. They had videos of rioting in the streets in Europe. I feel that our time is coming.
The only reason that we haven't curtailed government spending like the Europeans have is that we are printing money like crazy.
We're due for either a hyper-inflation or a depression. I Iean towards the hyper-inflation.
Maybe I can pay my debt with inflated currency or precious metals. Paying my debts are low on my list of priorties. All of my friends think I should pay my debts first, but I think they are just brainwashed by the bankers and "Mainstream Media". I'll get ready for the financial collapse first and then pay my bills.
Well, thanks for reading. I'm surprised by how many readers I'm getting. I'm sorry that I didn't have many posts this week. I'm afraid that I'm obsessing on Bitcoins.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Back to Trading?

I'm tempted to get back to trading. This time it would be Bitcoins and Litecoins.
On some of my previous posts I've mentioned Bitcoins. Litecoins are a competitor that don't cost as much as Bitcoins.
This weekend, I was watching the price action on both of them.
It looked like there was an inverse relationship. When Bitcoins went up, Litecoins were either stable or they moved down.
If that relationship exists, a person could arbitrage or place each other against each other. Simply buying Litecoins when Bitcoins go up and reversing that when Litecoins go up and Bitcoins go down could be my path to fast wealth.
There are several problems with this form of trading:
  1.  Trading never stops. (I could trade all of the time) When would I sleep?
  2. I could lose everything. It's unlikely, at least it's safer than options. 
  3. I don't know about taxes with this. 
I don't want to mess up my job; I've done this before. I've been known to quit a job because I was making so much money by trading. Then the trading goes bad and I'm without a job. In fact that is a pattern of mine.
This time (as always) is different. At least I won't be dealing with leverage, or margins. That, basically, means using someone else's money to multiply my investments. That tends to turn out badly.
I'm picking up this posting after spending the day in Rochester, MN. I went to look at trailers. Being Sunday and in the middle of Winter, the trailer sales places were closed. I went to Barnes & Noble instead. I bought a book on foraging for food in a suburban environment. It was a wasted day. I should have been studying Spanish. At least my Bitcoins and Litecoins are moving up.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Gold Manipulation

It seems to me that the price of gold is being manipulated by the New York traders. When I go to EBay and price a 1/10 ounce coin I see that it went up about $30, today. Yesterday they were selling for $154; today the they go for $184.
The New York price went down about $20 for an ounce which means that the 1/10 ounce coins should be selling for $2 less, today.
The guys in New York (who trade virtual gold) seem to be in their own little world. I'm convinced that gold is really going up in price to the people who take actual possession of it. It's only going down for the people who have futures contracts or ETFs. Us people who want the real thing have to pay more, not less.
That shows how corrupt the financial system really is. There was an Internet story about an investigation into distorting the employment numbers, today. I don't feel that we can believe anything that comes out of the "Mainstream Media".
I even have doubts about Jim Cramer. He has a show on CNBC called Mad Money. I've been following him for the last 6 or 7 years. I did well with his advice in 2010 for a period of 6 months, but after that I lost money.
I'm convinced that Wall Street is just another way to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich. I've given up on stocks, bonds, options, and futures.
I now have my money in food, guns, and gold. I'm also getting into digital currency.
I'm still waiting for news from my bitcoin wallet. That's like a bank for bitcoins.
I should have my first bitcoin show up tomorrow morning. I've been quite anxious about it for a week or two, now. I messed up at first by giving them an old routing number. After I got that straightened out it took another week for the transfer to take place.
Now that I've got bitcoins the wait for bank transfers should be over. Bitcoins are supposed to make instantaneous transfers.
I read something today about a bitcoin competitor called litecoin. It's supposed to be to bitcoin as silver is to gold. It's cheaper and will be better supplied. I'm tempted to buy some of those with the money I was going to spend on bitcoins.
Digital currency is confusing so do a Google search on them, yourself. I'm not sure that I can do a good job of explaining them.
I'm concerned that I might be getting back into gambling with bitcoins. They are very volatile. That means I could make a lot of money with them; or lose a lot.
I feel that I'm just protecting myself for the inevitable currency collapse. Digital currency has no backing but that is better than the dollar (which is backed by debt).
Well, enough rambling for now. I'll probably post something after I get my first bitcoin, tomorrow.

Monday, November 18, 2013

More Complaining about the High Cost of Prepping

I just don't know how I'm going to be able to afford prepping. I was watching a YouTube video by the "Modern Survivalist" about having cash in an emergency. He said that his experience in Argentina showed him the importance of having cash for the first month or so of a financial collapse.
Apparently money might not go to the value of toilet paper, immediately. Even though it might lose most of it's value the first few days; it will remain a medium of exchange for a while. You'll still be able to buy things (like food and fuel) with it, for a while.
He recommended having a month's of cash on hand. After that, you'll probably have to sell your gold and silver. Bartering will also be common. So now, I not only have to have gold, silver, food, guns, ammo, but cash, as well.
The people on YouTube don't seem to have any problem telling us what to buy but I just don't know where the damned money is supposed to come from.
I've been cleaned out multiple times on the stock and futures markets. I never had an especially good paying job. And now I'm on Social Security and a part-time minimum wage job.
That job is making it possible for me to attempt getting prepared for the financial collapse.I just hope that I'll be ready for what I know will happen, in time. I feel that I need a trailer and more bitcoins at the least.
I've got enough gold and silver for now. I could use more food, and I could store some water. Cash is the problem. I feel conflicted between bitcoins and cash. I am probably just being greedy when it comes to bitcoins.
They have tripled in value since I started trying to buy one. If they keep going up in value, I could finance everything else with the profit from them.
I felt the same way about futures, real estate stock options, stocks and bonds as well. Nothing has ever worked out and everything has always turned out to be a way to lose money. At least, this time, I only have a little more than $400 invested. Of course, I used a credit card to come up with all of that money. I did that with most of my other investments and it has always been a disaster.
It seems that I'm destined to be poor. Maybe the time-space continuum would be ripped if I made money. Something seems to be keeping me making bad decisions about money. It might be that I still have the thinking that makes for compulsive gambling.
I don't think so. I feel that I've gambled all of my life to break out of the grip of poverty. The poverty led to my gambling not the gambling leading to poverty. Even when I wasn't gambling I've been poor. Other people who quit gambling turned their lives around. I never did.
 Working in electronics was the root of my poverty. And now the currency is collapsing and I'm not able to do much to prepare for it.
Oh well, I just needed to vent a bit. I'll try to get back on track, tomorrow.