Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Vehicles get no Respect

Every time I take my van to Dan's to have work done on it he makes sure to ask if I really want to spend that kind of money on such an old vehicle.
The same thing happened with my motor home. The owner of the truck repair shop didn't believe that it made any sense to repair such an old POS. He told me to go to another place.
If I was rich, I wouldn't have these troubles. A new vehicle would work and everyone would presume that I had plenty of money to repair whatever needs repair.
I see a lot of writings that say you shouldn't let your mental illness define you.
I say "hogwash"; mental illness and poverty do define you whether you want it to or not.
Every decision I make is based on how little money I have and the limitations that are laid on me due to my diagnosis.
I haven't been to a movie for the last 3 years because I can not afford the ticket and the popcorn. The only times I go to a restaurant that you have to leave a tip for is when Jim and Sherry take me to a birthday meal. I get my food at the church's food pantry and I settle for whatever they have. I live in the cheapest, dumpiest place in Decorah; and I'm trying to move into a 40 year old motor home.
I just had to get that crap off of my mind.
Back to Ebola. Stefan Molyneux had another good vlog about Ebola on YouTube, again. He also had a vlog about being a victim. I encourage you to watch both of them.
Shortly after my last blog somebody straighten out the numbers on Ebola, and the high numbers are apparently the correct ones. The last I saw, the number of cases is around 8500 with around 4000 deaths.
In his recent vlog about Ebola, Stefan talked about some of the stupid things that health care professionals keep doing around Ebola patients. I urge you to watch his vlog.
I'm thinking about cutting back on viewing YouTube videos.
Most of the doom and gloomer financial videos are getting a bit repetitive. If the world's economy doesn't collapse this Fall or Winter I'll be quite disappointed with them. I've bought all the gold, silver, and food that I can afford. I don't know how to get more prepared for the inevitable collapse. I'm trying to get my motor home running so I can head off to Canada or somewhere.
It's all just too expensive. Maybe I could rent Jim's place and forage for nuts and trap squirrels.
Well, I've got to go and try to track down an old Bitcoin purchase from 2010. If I find the right information I might be rich.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

They're Playing with the Numbers

Whoever they are (probably the Mainstream Media), they are messing with the numbers on Ebola.
Yesterday, most sources were saying that there were 3000 cases with 1500 deaths. Only one source said that it was up to 7000 cases with 3000 deaths.
Today the numbers are the high ones.
 I don't know what is going on. It looks like somebody doesn't want us to know how bad it really is.
The whole world is watching these numbers; wondering how long we all have to live. It seems like somebody could try to get it right. That's just the way it looks to me.
I don't suppose any of us are getting an accurate vision of what is really happening with Ebola. If we did it would probably collapse the economy. Which, from what is see of the market today, may be that is what's happening anyway.
That brings me to a financial topic. I'm doing well with Bitcoin, gold and silver, today. I don't know what I did right but everything I own is going up. If I was to sell everything today, I would be ahead of yesterday by about $100. I feel good about that, but what I'm investing in basically is betting against the rest of the world's economy. So maybe that's not so good after all.
I might get back to this post, yet today. I just don't feel too inspired, right now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Not much Happening

I don't really feel very inspired, tonight. I'm at the Co-op; drinking coffee; and trying to come up with something to blog about.
The guy who went to the hospital in Washington D.C. with Ebola symptoms turned out to not have Ebola. Since he was from Nigeria it would have indicated that Nigeria was not Ebola-free if he had it. Had he turned out to be positive I would have been shouting from the roof tops about the "sky falling".
It was good news that he wasn't positive; now we might have another 6 months or so before 90% of the world's population dies. I think that might make the difference between 2 and 3 years before we're all doomed.
Maybe I can get my motor home out of the shop and out to California before the Ebola outbreak gets here. I might not make it before the financial collapse.
Today, the market went down 272 points. I think it is anticipating the Ebola thing. Maybe it has to do with China's economy slowing down or ISIS, or the Ukraine crisis. I still think that it's Ebola driving down the market. Only time will tell. At least gold isn't collapsing. In fact, I kind of hope gold and silver go down some more so I can buy more.
It's almost 8:00 and the Co-op closes, soon.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Still Trying to Figure out how bad it really is

I'm still trying to figure out how bad the Ebola outbreak really is.
Most of the time I feel that 90% of the human race will die out in the next 2 or so years. That will happen if it proceeds at the exponential rate that it has been proceeding at.
An hour or so ago, I was watching a doctor on the Internet. He was talking about how hard it was to spread it. He was very compelling. Listening to him, made me think that there was nothing to worry about in the United States.
I have my doubts. I remember watching a very compelling doctor say that he wouldn't be afraid of sitting next to an Ebola victim on an airplane. Two weeks later the person who sat next to Patrick Sawyer (the Ebola victim who flew from Liberia to Nigeria) ended up dead.
I have my doubts about what people say about how tame this disease is.
There are two things going on now that are drawing my attention. The first is how much Ebola is spreading in Dallas, Texas. The guy spreading it there had upwards of 8 days to have spread it. Maybe he stayed at home and never did get out. If he got out and it's easier to spread than the authorities are telling us, there might be a lot more cases, there.
More important, however, might be the new, potential, case in Washington D.C.
The person who is being tested for Ebola came from Nigeria. If he has it, it means that the disease is being spread through Nigeria a lot more than we are being told. The Nigerian authorities are saying that it's been contained. If this person tests positive we have to wonder if it's spreading throughout Lagos. That is a city of between 21 and 22 million people. That implies that it's a lot more widespread than is now acknowledged.
Another thing I'm concerned about it the spread of another strain of Ebola in the Congo. Like I said, it's a different strain. It seems to be spreading faster than the first strain. I also have to wonder if a person can get both strains. What would that do to the mortality rate?
I haven't heard much about that, lately. Everyone is so focused on the outbreak in Dallas that nobody is paying attention to this new outbreak.

I was just talking with Gretchen at the Co-op about Ebola. I have her converted into a state of total paranoia. It made my day.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

It's Worse Than I Thought

If you are interested in what's happening with the Ebola outbreak go to Stefan Molyneux's YouTube channel and watch is vlog about Ebola in Texas. It's eye-opening.
After listening to Stefan I'm convinced that I've been downplaying the risk of Ebola in the United States. It's here and we don't know how bad it is, yet.
The best I can tell you is to go to Stefan's vlog and see what he has to say.
The stock market seemed to shrug off Ebola, today. I guess that the talking heads are talking the risk down. Yesterday the market moved down by 238 points; today there wasn't much of a move at all. It will be interesting to see how the market responds if there is more bad news about Ebola in America.
This might cause the crash that so many of us have been expecting.
I talk to Gary about buying silver on a leveraged basis. He talked me out of it. I always lose when I use margin. I never seem to learn.
Of course, since I'm not about to do it; it will turn out to be the smartest thing I could have done in the last decade. Oh, well.
It's supposed to snow, this weekend. I hope it snows enough to shovel it. I've got three places I shovel for, so I could make a lot of money this Saturday.
I doubt that it will accumulate enough to actually shovel. I'll have to get up early Saturday morning and check it out.
Well, go to Stefan's YouTube channel. He always has something to talk about and he was in rare form tonight.
On that I'll sign off.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lots of Ebola News Today

The stock market went down over 230 points, today. I think it was mainly due to the Ebola news about the man in Dallas who was diagnosed with it.
The market is a lot smarter than the people who talk about it. I saw someone today say that there was a lot of bad news and he felt that the market reacted in a rather restrained manner.
I think the people with the inside information are getting out as best they can. Ebola may affect travel and dining out and a myriad of other things I haven't thought of, yet. If I had stocks I would be selling, now.
I'll be watching how fast it spreads in the Dallas area. I noticed that the person who came down with it was in contact with 5 children. If they get it and play with other children it could spread a lot faster than people think it will.
The common opinion is that it won't spread as much in the United States compared with Africa. I think it might spread faster, here. We have a lot more people traveling all over the place, here. It might get to all corners of the country if people get on planes with it.
Anyway, I'll be watching the stock market and I'll be watching for news of new cases.
I'm getting work done on my motor home. Dave (the guy working on it) had to go to Chicago for a few days. At least he got some things done before he left. I still need to find out if the furnace and the water heater work. Those are the main things.
I should be ready to bug out in a couple of weeks, maximum.
I might get back to this blog later, tonight.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ebola in America, I've got to Comment

Well, the first case of Ebola that wasn't flown in on a special plane arrived in Dallas.
Actually it's happening a little sooner than I expected.
I suspect that people in Africa who feel a little woozy are spending their last dollar to get to the United States (where there is better health care).
If that is the case we'll see a lot of cases pretty soon. Every time someone gets sick and they have airfare and a passport they will run off to the good old U.S.A.
If I'm right the outbreak will get here a lot faster than I thought.
Tomorrow I'll see about getting some surgical masks and rubber gloves. I guess I'll need a spray bottle for chlorine as well. I won't start using this stuff yet but it's a good idea to have the basic supplies well ahead of the crowds.
I might have to bug out in the middle of Winter. I'll go to Arizona if I do. The "New 49ers" have mining claims in Arizona where I'll be able to isolate myself.
I think I'll be able to get my motor home ready to go within a month. I could actually drive it out right now, but I would like to get the lights in the living compartment working. I also don't know if the hot water heater and the furnace work.
The numbers of new Ebola cases seems to be leveling off a bit. At least they don't seem to be rising at the rate that I was used to. Maybe it's wishful thinking, on my part. The last that I heard the number of cases was about 6500 with slightly more than a 50% death rate.
Maybe the reality is that the numbers are distorted by not being able to get to the places where the sick people are. One of the problems is that the people doing the counting are dying as well.
I believe it was Sierra Leone that is quarantining 30% of it's population. I hope that works out well for them. I'm afraid that it will only cause deaths due to starvation. Those people simply don't have any good choices, any more. I don't know if any of us do have any good choices.
On a lighter topic, I'm thinking about buying silver on a leveraged basis. That means I'm thinking about gambling again. If that guy whose last name is Organ is right; silver should go through the roof this coming December. If it goes up 5 fold and I'm leveraged 4 to 1, a thousand dollars could become 20 thousand dollars. That would certainly finance my trip to Arizona or California. Of course, this is the same kind of thinking that has lead me down the road of poverty all of my life. I always lose.
Maybe this time I can get some one else to put up the money. Gary is my only hope.
I'll have to research it and make it happen. Maybe I could use my etchings for collateral.