Today he was talking about the brainwashing that the Mainstream-Media is doing to us about vaccines.
He pretty much focused on the measles vaccine. He pointed out that somewhere around 100 people have died as a result of getting the vaccine. This was for a disease that is not fatal.
It shows you that the press is in the pockets of the Pharma industry.
He also made some points about how Ebola. I disagree with him about Ebola. In fact, I have the feeling that the real news about Ebola is being suppressed to keep the stock market from collapsing.
It got me thinking about all the news I watch on Youtube. I feel that I'm being influenced by what I'm seeing on the Internet a bit too much.
Prepping is probably the biggest business going on in the United States. Sportsman's Guide and Harbor Freight are probably doing great business; selling to us people who are trying to prepare for the end of the financial world. We're also buying all sorts of gold and silver. Land is being sold for homesteads.
All this spending is caused by fear and panic being spread on Youtube.
I like think that I can discern the truth when I hear it but that is probably a delusion. I spent over $200 betting that the world would run out of silver. I could still win that bet but I only have 2 months to go on it.
I'm now thinking about getting a generator from Harbor Freight. It would only cost $100. But would I have a need for it if I didn't think that I'll be living off the land in the woods in the near future? I doubt it.
I've got over 200 ounces of silver. I bought that because I feel that the currency will soon be worthless.
I'm trying to get an old motor home working. Would I bother with that if I had any hope for the future? Hell no!
Anyway, I feel that I've been walking into yet another way that someone has to get me to spend money.
I still feel that the house of cards that is the American financial system is coming apart.
Some of my favorite Youtube channels that discuss this are:
- David Morgan
- The Corbett Report
- G4Tnews
- Max Keiser
- Greg Hunter
- Chris Martenson