Thursday, September 24, 2015

Making Progress on Finding Gold

I am making good progress on my search for gold, lately.
There are two, new developments.
First I spotted what looks like a Limonite deposit on the side of a road. Limonite is a dark colored mineral that often contains gold. It crumbles easily so it shouldn't be hard to dig out.
I was driving back from one of the claims on Highway 96 and I noticed it. I'm going to dig out a bucket full and pan out the bucket. If there is gold there I'll go back for more. I might have legal problems since it is on the side of a road but first I'll find out if it contains gold.
The next thing is that I found a young, energetic man to help me search for gold. We are meeting next Monday morning and I'll take him out to the claim. By then I'll know if there is gold in the Limonite.
I also made some progress on figuring out what is happening with regard to my schizophrenia.
Something that triggered my hallucinatory thoughts is that a young woman in Decorah was obviously pregnant and she said that I was the father. Believing in time travel I thought that my future self might have fathered the child. She's a fox and it seemed like it would be a good idea to me.
While I was looking for her phone number I found that she is into improvisational theatre. Apparently she was playing a trick on me and it worked. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I think it shows how people believe what they want to believe.
Anyway it shows me that my delusional beliefs are just that; and it's time to forget that stuff. It's really been messing me up.
So it's back to finding gold and arranging my trip back to Iowa to shovel snow and bring out the motor home.
On the topic of going back to Iowa; I was turned down for a place to stay in Iowa. I was hoping to stay at Jim and Sherry's so I could leave the van here. It looks like I'll have to stay at Gary's place if he'll take me in. I've got to call him today and find out. After that I'll have to arrange for my snow shoveling jobs. I think it will come together.
That's all for now.

Friday, September 18, 2015

I Actually did Something Todays; and I'm Stiff and Sore.

I went to a couple of claims today. I mostly metal detected and climbed around the hills. I'm paying for it now in the form of being stiff and sore. At least I'm trying to find gold. At the first place I went to  I got to thinking about how hopeless, finding gold, seems to me.
I got to thinking about what a fellow prospector told me "If you want gold you are better off getting a job and just paying for it."
That spurred me into going to Ashland, Oregon to look for a job. I checked out Craigslist on the computer. There seems to be plenty of jobs to be had  in Southern Oregon. '
I know that the thing that got me to Oregon looking for a job was that a young lady smiled at me and said "hello" to me last Wednesday night, there.
I'm a very impressional dirty, old man. She'll have me hanging out at the Ashland Starbucks every chance I get.
I suppose it has a lot to do with my delusions of grandeur and schizophrenia. I've been off in my dreamworld lately. Maybe I need a different medication. The stuff I'm using (Risperdal) doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. It also might have something to do with the isolation that I'm going through. I have too much time to daydream which is bad for us mentally ill folks.
A job would keep my mind occupied. I was thinking that prospecting would do that as well as bring in income. I do think most of my daydreaming happens in my apartment so maybe I just need to get  more serious about finding gold.
I sold most of my gold and silver and a couple of my guns last week. I had to to keep ahead of the bills.
I really need to sell some of my etchings because that would bring in serious money. That doesn't seem to be happening.
I called Tim at Game Exchange a couple of days ago. I wasn't able to get to Tim but the girl I talked to took a message. I hope the etchings move. They haven't been on Ebay lately but I can understand that since it might make sense to move them on and off Ebay to make people think that they aren't available, anymore.
That's all I have for now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm Down in the Dumps

My finances are hurting and I'm depressed, today.
I forgot about a loan I had from a bank back in Decorah. They had an automatic payment and now I have even $200 less than I thought that I had.
I'm going to have to sell guns and gold tomorrow. I hate doing that but I don't think the guns are that important since we'll have a "reset" rather than an economic collapse. I'll hang on to my .22 and air rifle in case I have to eat squirrels. If there is a total collapse, I'll rely on getting out of town on my motor home, somehow.
Maybe I should wait for a few weeks since people are saying that the collapse will come on the 23rd of September. That's only a couple of weeks away.
I have doubts about all of what those people are saying. They've been saying these things since the early 1970's and they've been wrong so far.
I think the main reason I was in such a hurry to get the motor home was to hide out during the Ebola epidemic. It turned out that it was a false alarm.
I doubt that the collapse will be as bad as people say and I have doubts that it will happen at all. After all, they've held things together for years by simply printing more money and throwing it at the stock market. Why wouldn't that work again?
I've got to find gold. I went to a different claim, this morning. There are plenty of places to metal detect and dowse, there. I'm going there, early tomorrow morning. I intend to give it a good go and get out and dig places that I feel there is gold. I might throw the air mattress into the van and camp out there; since it costs so much to drive around. The claims are between 11 and 15 miles from my apartment. The gas costs add up over time.
Just to remind myself: I was thinking about getting a loan from Mary at Java John's in Decorah. If I can find a cheap place to stay; I could make some money there shoveling snow. That should enable me to pay back the loan and I could see about getting the motor home out here for the next gold panning season. Maybe I could stay at Gary's or Jim and Sherry's.
Well, I'll look into it tomorrow.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Dug Up a Beer Can

I went back to the spot on the claim on the South side of the claim. I was digging there last week. I still had a signal even though I went down over a foot through rocks.
I finally found a beer can. It turned out that my metal detector was seeing a target that was actually to the right of where I was digging. There is probably something wrong with the head of the detector. Maybe it's just my inexperience.
I think I'll give up on the claims on the Upper Klamath River. I think I'm more likely to find gold near Happy  Camp which is about 1 1/2 hours away from here. The big reason I'm here in Yreka is that there is a Christian Science Church here.
I'm not finding any gold. I have to go where people are actually finding it.
At least I'm doing a better job of actually finding my targets and I'm getting around the river banks and hills better than I was.
I think the real reason that I'm doing so badly physically is that I'm carrying about 50 extra pounds in the form of a big belly. I've let myself go physically and now I'm paying for it. I don't know of any way to lose it quickly so I'll just have to live with it for a while.
That's all for now. The Chinese stock market is down.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Getting Things Done

I didn't find any gold today but at least i tried. I spent over an hour digging at a spot that my metal detector said there was something there. I got worn out and when I came back from the claim a light came on that said there was something wrong with the engine.
I took the car to a dealership (Ford) and they found that the computer code said that I had a misfire on cylinder 6.  I went to a car parts place and bought a spark plug and a set of wires for the spark plugs.
Since I haven't had the oil changed for a long time; I took it back. They changed the oil and lubricated the car at a reasonable price. Then they told me that I needed new rear brakes.
I told them that I couldn't afford the over $300 that they wanted.
I went home and bought a kit for the rear brakes for around $80 on Ebay.
I then went to Craigslist and E-mailed a mechanic and asked him if he would take a computer or a gold coin in exchange for installing the brakes.
It looks like something I could do. I looked it up on Youtube and it really doesn't look that hard. The problem is that since I don't have power wrenches; it would be a lot harder than it looks like on Youtube. I would also need a few specialized tools.
I figure that it would make sense to hire a mechanic.
At least the light didn't come back on, but I do need to fix the brakes. I wish I had found that before I left Decorah.
Oh Well,

Saturday, August 29, 2015

I Decided Against the Loan

It turned out that the people who wanted to loan me $2300 are getting between 100 and 300% APR. They are doing some sort of short-term loans that only last a few months and the get atrocious interest in return.
I was almost tempted since I might be able to make a ton of money on the financial collapse ( or what I'm starting to call the Reset). I could use put options and inverse ETFs to make a bunch of money. The trouble is that everything is pretty much time sensitive and I could be off, by I don't know how much.
It did get me thinking about another loan that might actually work for me. I could refinance the car. Then I could go back to Iowa and get my stuff out of the motor home; and junk it or give it away. I have a good relationship with a loan officer so maybe I'll do that.
I think the trip out here is just too far for that old motor home. Fifty miles is as far as I would like to go with it.
Maybe I could give it to Brian or Nate. Neither of them would be likely to take it so maybe I could junk it. I would feel guilty selling it to some unsuspecting person. I hate to think about how much I put into it, financially. It's just pouring in good money after bad.
The sensible thing to do is to save up for a nice, new trailer that I can tow with my van.
On a different topic, it rained this morning. I was so nice to have clear air for a while. We could see blue skies and actually see the mountains. The smoke is coming back so the mountains are obscured again. I hope we get a little more rain tonight.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Somebody Wants to Lend Me Money.

I've been spinning my wheels, trying to come up with money for both the car and RV registration and the payment for the real estate workshop. Somebody sent me a pre-approved letter for a loan of $2300. I could use it for getting the motor home out here or maybe I'll just junk the motor home and haul the stuff in it out to here in my van.
I'll have to think about it. Maybe, I'll call Gary and ask his advice. I don't know what to do; but I think I'll fill out the application. No matter what, a little more money would help out, now. Maybe I'll buy a few more silver options.
The stock market went crazy, today. When it opened it went down by 1000 pts. I was expecting a big down move on the open because it closed on a low point last Friday. By moving down at the close it signaled that there was more downtrend still in the market.
After a terrible open, it moved up and down all day. It didn't close at the day's low but it was moving down at the close. I think tomorrow it will open down again. I don't know what it will do after that. The manipulators might be able to save it again. They just print fresh money and throw it at the market. Maybe that will work.
Ted Williams (the homeless guy with the golden voice) is running for president. It probably is just a source of income for him but he might be the most qualified person for the job. At least he hasn't taken a bribe yet. I like that he has experience with drug abuse and homelessness. I can relate more to him than any of the other candidates. Maybe he'll work hard and make himself aware of the real issues like illegal immigration and bailing out the bankers and wealthy. Maybe I'll vote for him as a protest vote.
I've been out to the claim a couple of times recently.
The first time, I walked up the hill where I feel that the old 49er's might have dropped some coins. I used the walking stick my sister bought me. It helped a lot. The closer I got to the top of the hill the steeper it got. The thing that stopped me was that I realized that there was hardly any over-hang to the cliff. It became clear as I got to the top that the over-hang was only a few inches.Without an over-hang there was no reason for the 49er's to shelter there. You just couldn't see that from below.
Oh well, I had to try.
The second time I walked to a place on the downstream end of the claim. I wasn't able to get down to the river from the road; it was too steep for me. Maybe I should have used the walking stick. It was getting hot and I was feeling a little dizzy so I left.