Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I'm Losing my Job a bit Early

I was hoping to hang on to my job at Seed Savers until the end of October. At the end of November I should be able to make a lot of money, shoveling snow.
I asked the boss about how much longer I could hope to stay on and he said a couple of days.
We're almost done packaging garlic and I'm too old and infirm to work in the fields. I have a hard time stooping over and actually picking fruits and vegetables. I get winded and my large belly gets in the way. If I could work in the fields I could extend the job for a couple of more weeks.
I'm taking a day off tomorrow to talk with my counselor at the VA. After that I'll look for a new job.
I've got trouble with my banks. I had a series of overdrafts at one of them over the weekend. I checked my balance before I bought anything but the online account was misleading. Now my other account will be giving me an overdraft for an automatic payment of car insurace. I can't get ahead of my finances. I've got too many credit cards and loans outstanding.
I'm thinking about giving up on fixing old laptop computers. I spend too much doing that and I can't get them sold; I have to give them away. I consider it to be a form of tithing but I can't afford it; maybe I could find someone to pay for the parts. I'll ask Joan Nelson if she knows someone who would help me with that.
Well, I'm listening to Tom at the piano at Java Johns. He's a lot better than the guy they had here last night. I think I'll sign off.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Still Hanging on to the SeedSavers Job.

I worked my second week at Seed Savers, today.
I got paid for my first week and spent most of it paying a credit card. At least I have money to live on this week.
Next week I hope to get my windshield replaced. It's had a large crack for the last couple of months.
I got the motor home sold but I have to take payments for a few months. Not only is it good to have some income from that, but I feel good to be out from under it.
It just took too many repairs and it never did run good. Now it's someone else's problem. I hope it works out for him.
I'm stiff and tired from working; yesterday I had to carry several fifty pound sacks of seed from one end of a building to another. It wore on my back and I had to sit down as much as I could, yesterday.
Well, I only have 4 or 5 more weeks at Seed Saver's; I should be able to handle it.
At the end of November I'll be shoveling snow. That will be harder, anyway, since we are expecting a bad year for snowfall. Of course, that means I'll be making a lot of money.
I need to get back to time travel and make all sorts of money with Bitcoins. I don't know if I mentioned it here but I have memories of encountering a future me back in the year 2010. He spent a lot of time messing with computers and he had a car with a license plate from 2017. I think he ended up with a lot of Bitcoins. He told me that I shouldn't invest since it was all rigged, but he knew that I wouldn't listen, anyway.
I've got to change my intro since I wiped out at panning gold, I sold my motor home and they never called me to do any driving for the VA. I just need to eliminate those things as well as any mention of Ebola since that sizzled out.
Conner is playing the piano here at Java John's so I think I'll clean up my intro and start listening to him.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I Started my new Job at Seed Savers.

I took the job at Seed Savers. They are an internationally known heirloom seed producer.
My first few days I worked in shipping and processing garlic. 
It wasn't that hard. I was tired but I felt that I could get used to it.
Today was different. I went out to the field with a crew to harvest tomatoes. I almost passed out. I was out of breath and sweating profusely. There were several times that I was dizzy. 
I worked an hour and a half and took the rest of the day off.
I think part of my problem is that I've had pneumonia several time and my lungs have a lot of scar tissues. I also had to do a lot of squats to get to the tomatoes on or near the ground. I don't have the strength in my legs that I used to. 
I'm going back to work tomorrow. I hope they keep me; I need the money.
Talking about money; I sold one of my etchings on Ebay today. I sell them through a place called The Game Exchange. I'll get a little more than $30. I really need it now. 
With the few days that I've worked, and payment for my motor home, I should be able to make my bills for this month. After that, I'll have to find another job. 
If I can get through to the end of November, I'll make plenty of money, shoveling snow. 
We'll see what happens.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Waiting to hear about Two Jobs

Tomorrow I'll hear about whether I get one of two jobs I applied for.
The first one is a computer tech job I've been trying to get for the last month or so; the second is at a place called "Seedsavers exchange". They ship heirloom seeds throughout the world.
I would like to get either of the jobs.
The Seedsavers job only lasts a couple of months but that would get me through a rough patch for me. By the end of November I should be able to make enough money, shoveling snow, to pay my bills for the next 3 or 4 months.
I think the computer tech job is part-time which is great for me.
Last week I applied for a manufacturing job.
I blew it by asking if I could work part-time.
I'm kind of glad that I didn't get the job. It sounded too physical to me; and the plant gets rather hot since there is no air conditioning. I don't think I would be up to it.
I sold some of my precious metals yesterday to keep up with my credit cards. I hated to do it but I figured that the metals would  be taken from me if I had to declare bankruptcy anyway.
I'm trying to sell everything I have just to keep up with my credit card payments.
That's just one of the problems of being poor. Even if you get ahead a bit it will be taken away from you. It always works that way.
I'd like to break that cycle. I just don't know how.
I've tried investing but I always lose since I'm not a Rothschild or Rockefeller. I'm just a poor schmuck who gets cleaned out every time I invest in anything.

Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm Reaching out to a Christian Science Practitioner.

I'm trying to find a Christian Science practitioner to help me time travel.
At the time that I was time traveling in the early 1980's, I was going to church a lot. I consider myself to be a Christian Scientist. Religion seemed to be a part of the experience. So I'm trying to find a practitioner who'll help me go back in time and get some Bitcoins.
To me, it makes sense.
I'm trying to sell most every thing that I have, just to pay bills. Nothing is moving.
The guy who expressed interest in my motor home never showed up.
I reduced the prices on my etchings, but none of them are moving.
I've had my membership to the gold prospecting club on sale for the last 6 months or more.
I suppose I could sell gold and silver but I wouldn't get much for that and I'll need it for the currency collapse.
I don't know what I'll do.
It reminds me of a woman I know who, last week, laid down in a driveway in the hopes of getting run over by a car; thereby committing suicide.
If she had talked with me I'm sure I would have come up with a better way to get the job done. I'm not one to talk anyone out of suicide. I know of at least 3 people who talked with me about suicide and they all succeeded. I'm not sure that it was a bad decision. At least they missed the economic collapse.
On that cheerful note I'll sign off for now.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

It Turns out that I'm Diabetic.

I had a physical and a blood test last week. My glucose levels are way too high.
I looked up the symptoms on the Internet; maybe that explains why I'm so tired, lately.
It seems like I have most of the symptoms that were listed.
Maybe diabetes and schizophrenia are why I don't get much done.
At least I now know what to do to counteract my disease. I need to get more exercise and not eat so much sweets. I'll cut out my snacks and I have to get on my bicycle a lot more.
I'm having financial difficulties so I'll head back to work. I put in for a manufacturing job last week. If I have to I'll go back to telemarketing. I hate to think about it but it's only for a couple of months. By the end of November I can make more than enough money, shoveling snow, to make my bills.
I need to get out to the community college and see if I can find the hard drive (with the Bitcoins on it) that I donated years ago.
The only alternative to finding that involves time travel. I'm crazy enough to believe that it's possible.
I just need to see myself in 2010. I'll buy a lot of Bitcoins. I just need to put them on my laptop which I'll take with me.
The way I see it; time travel is my only hope for a retirement. Hard work and investing are nothing but delusions. The ruling class has everything worked out so there is no way to make any money other than travel back in time and buy Bitcoins. I'll have to give it a shot.
I've gotten several computers working, all laptops. I guess I'll donate them to Community Action. They usually find homes for them.
That's all for now.

Friday, August 12, 2016

I've been thinking about opening my own prepper store.

Actually it's more like day-dreaming; but it seems like a good idea.
Right now, I don't know where the money for such an endeavor would come from. I think we'll be able to get loans for almost any purpose when it is obvious that quantitative easing isn't working. There is talk about "helicopter money". That is just money that is loaned out for almost any purpose.
They'll probably use it to build roads and such; but maybe I could get some as well.
It's worth a shot. Maybe I can make some money at that and take that money and go prospect for gold.
I had an application for an IT job today. I didn't fill it out because I felt that my qualifications weren't up to the job. For someone with no college degree they wanted 8 years of experience. I just forgot about it.
I got water on my good laptop, yesterday. I spilled about half a glass of water on the keyboard. I tried drying it out by leaving it upside down for a day and leaving it in a dry room. It's going to take more of a fix than that. The space key, the enter key and the shift keys aren't working.
Tomorrow, I'll take it apart and find a fan or heat gun to put on it. I don't think I have a heat gun. It may be beyond repair. I'm afraid I may have damaged a chip on the motherboard. The keyboard itself would be pretty hard to really damage but it goes to the motherboard which would be easy to destroy.
Silver went crazy today. There were 2 or 3 swings of over 60 cents each. CNBC tried to blame moves in the dollar for silver's move but the dollar never moves that much. Maybe there will be a better explanation tomorrow.
That's all I have for now.