Tuesday, March 14, 2017

So, Will the World's Economy Collapse Tomorrow?

If you are into watching the gloom and doomers on YouTube (and I am) the world's economy will probably collapse tomorrow. That is based on the combination of an interest rate hike (by the Federal Reserve) and the debt ceiling. 
People are saying that the combination signal the end of the world's economy. I'll be pacing the floor tonight.
I'm afraid that thinking like this is influencing my job search. I'm not getting spiffed up when I go looking for work. I'm unshaven and wearing dirty clothes. I've given up. There just don't seem to be any jobs any more. 
I told Lori at Manpower to put me in for the telemarketing job in Monona. It's about a 40 minute drive from here and I hate telemarketing. I just have to take any job that is available. 
I'm overdrawn by $115 at the credit union. Nobody is paying me the money that they owe me, and there isn't enough snow to make serious money shoveling it. I have to do something. 
I've been thinking about it and I feel that I'm in a debt trap. I have to borrow money at high interest rates in order to pay my credit cards and debt. There is never anything to save or get out of debt. The only way to keep above water is to work and collect Social Security as well. 
If I can hold on to a job for a couple of years maybe I can get to a point where I can buy a trailer and some land. 
I don't see any way to prepare for the collapse. I just don't have the money and I never will. 
I keep grabbing for straws. I keep buying options on silver in the hopes that I will make a fortune by betting against the economy. 
I also listen to all sorts of things on the internet about positive thinking. One of my favorite sites is T. Harv Eker; I also like to listen to a guy named Kyosaki.
I also get books; the last one was "The Nine Things You Must Do". It was good but nothing changes the reality that everything I've ever done has ended up with me in the depths of despair and hopelessness. 
I think I'm just feeling sorry for myself because I'll be telemarketing, next week; if I'm lucky. 
If I don't get a job soon I don't know what I'll do. If the world's economy collapses tomorrow that may not matter much. 
On that dour note I think I'll sign off.

Friday, March 10, 2017

I'm Disappointed with Myself.

I haven't been looking for a job like I should be. I went online and sent my resume to a couple of places, but most of the time I've been fixing a computer.
I've got 3 ready for sale and I'm waiting for a part for a fourth.
If I sell them it would help my finances but all I can do is wait for someone to call my add in Decorahnow.com.
I've had good responses from the add that I run there but all I can do is wait until someone calls me. It's taken a couple of weeks between sales on occasion.
I'm worried about where the money will come from for next month's bills. I guess I need to have faith that everything will work out as planned; as in a divine plan for us all.
It looks like there will be plenty of snow this weekend and early next week. After that, maybe I'll get a job. It always has worked out and it will next month as well.
I'm concerned about the economy next Wednesday. Not only is the debt ceiling being reached then, but Janet Yellen may raise the interest rate the same day. It could collapse the economy. We'll see. I would be buying bitcoin, gold and silver but I'm too broke to do anything.
That reminds me, bitcoin went down today because the ETF was declined. I think that is a buying opportunity. It'll come back and then some. It might not go to the moon like it was looking like it would last week but it's a good "long term" investment.
Maybe I'll make enough, next week, shoveling snow, to buy a silver coin. I'll try, if I can.
Pray for snow.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

I need to get Serious about Getting a Job

Next Monday I'm going to all the gas stations and convenience stores to seek employment. I'll even go to Wal-Mart. I hate applying at Wal-Mart because their software to apply for a job messes me up
Manpower isn't finding me any jobs. I think it's because I told them that I'm 69. That was a mistake; now they see me as too old and infirm to do gainful employment.
I was talking with my counselor at the VA last Thursday. She wants me to stop watching all the negative YouTube sites that I watch.
I admit that I take in a lot of negative information about rigging the metals markets and Pizzagate.
She said that when her clients would come back from a war she would have them avoid war movies.
I think she has a point. In fact, I would include myself with the war veterans.
With me it was probably all hallucinations, but I have horrible memories of all sorts of wars. If it turns out that I was a time traveler, then the Marine Corps sent me to battles in World War II, the Korean War, the Civil War and the Revolutionary War; at least I have those memories. It was all real enough for me that war movies trigger strong emotions. I've got to quit watching those movies.
The thing we talked about most was the YouTube sites about the end of the currency. They are getting a little repetitive anyway. The same people are usually saying the same things only it's on different days.
I told her that I would take up watching more  things about prepping and homesteading. I think it would be a better use for my time. I'm also going to take up bicycling and fishing. I need to get serious about providing for myself during a currency collapse. Being in shape is one of the best things a person can do to be ready for anything.
Well, it's Saturday night and Mike is starting to move tables around to get ready for Connor the piano player to come. I think I'll sign off.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Random Rants

Something that is getting under my skin is how so-called experts on Youtube constantly say that silver and gold are going through the roof soon. Sometimes they even give the dates that they expect the market to catch up with their true worth.
They are saying that the debt ceiling (which will be reached, March 15) signals the end of the dollar.
The same people were saying that September 23 would be the collapse last Autumn. It didn't happen then and it probably won't happen now.
The problem is that I always bet a couple of hundred dollars on it, just in case. I always lose and I really can't afford to.
I'm a sucker for fear combined with greed. That's been my biggest downfall.
I've got some options on silver that expire in July and June. I've already lost $75 on commissions; maybe I should get out now and buy a fraction of a bitcoin. I don't know; I always make the wrong choice.
Instead of getting paid for a laptop I had one given back to me today. I needed the money but that wasn't happening. The woman I sold it to said that every time she fired it up someone would call her and say that there was a virus on that machine.
I did get a call as soon as I fired it up but the other end hung up right away. Somehow they know when that machine is turned on. It's probably just the NSA messing with me. Oh well.
I'm watching David Seaman on Youtube, now; so I'll sign off.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Things are Looking Better.

Things are looking up from the last time I posted.
It snowed and I made over $100 from shoveling snow.
I got the verification code from the IRS and I was able to file my 2016 income tax. It took less time than I thought it would. I should get a refund  (at least from the state) within a couple of weeks.
I should be able to make it through this month's round of bills without being too late on most of them.
I still need a job (at least for a couple of months) to keep up with my bills. I keep applying for jobs but nothing is showing up.
On other news, Dustin is not finding my bitcoins. His program went through a couple of thousand combinations and it didn't show anything. He's still working on it.
I've got all sorts of computers working, but nobody is buying them. I have to review my add on Decorahnow.com and see if I can improve it. I think I'll email some people who've already bought my computers and see if they know anyone who needs an inexpensive laptop.
I'm not making any progress towards buying either land or a trailer. There's no hurry on either one. Maybe I'll see if I can get land cheap through a sheriff's sale. My father bought some land that way a long time ago; and it was cheap.
I would like to get both the land and the trailer before the currency collapses because I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off in the chaos that will ensure. It would be better to have a small acreage and a few chickens and goats to see me through it.
Without the bitcoins I don't think I'll be able to pull it off. I've got a little food and silver set aside and that will have to do.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Help me Decide.

Lately, I've been talking about buying land and a trailer.
I feel that I will have to get one or the other and wait for a few years to get the other. I just don't have the financial means to do both.
Today I'm going to list the pros and cons of both and try (with your help) to decide which way to go.
I'll start with buying land:

  1. I should be able to find someone who'll write the mortgage so I won't have to go through the loan approval process. That will require a lot of searching around but I have all the time in the world. 
  2. I would be able to have a garden and hunt and target shoot on it. 
  3. I could set up a tent or build a primitive structure on it without costing too much. 
  4. I would be looking for something near the river (Mississippi) so I could fish a lot. 
  5. When I get a trailer I could park it there for free.
  1. It would be years before I could actually live on it; I would have to be making payments until then. 
  2. I might be buying at a high since I feel the economy will collapse soon. 
I'm already leaning towards buying a trailer first.
  1. I would be mobile; If I wanted to I could take off and pan for gold or something. 
  2. It would be good for bugging out if it comes to that. 
  3. I could move it to someplace that had more jobs for me than Decorah has. 
  1. I would have to pay someone to store it until I either moved into a trailer park or my own land. 
  2. I would have to pay insurance since it would be financed.
Well, If you have anything to add to this just write a comment. 

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