Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Maybe I'm Making Progress on Getting my Bitcoins Back.

I was listening to the recording of my hypnosis session.
I got to the section where I was asked when I first bought bitcoins.
The date of May 8th came up.
I did a google search about that date and Bitcoins.
The date of May the 6th came up as the date that the first bitcoin exchange was started. It's name was Bitcoin Market. They went out of business in 2011 so I couldn't find them.
I remember making a bid for the bitcoins that I was buying. That would fit with an exchange.
Since that was the only exchange running, for bitcoins, at the time it would make sense that it's where I bought my bitcoins.
I don't remember transferring my bitcoins so maybe they are still there.
I haven't been able to find out much about that company.
I found a book that mentioned it and I ordered the book from Ebay. It's coming from Australia so it will take some time to get here.
I'll keep you posted if there is any more news about the search.

Friday, September 15, 2017

I went to Ames and two computers died.

Yesterday, two of my laptops died on me. I might be able to get them working by re-flowing the solder on the graphics chip; but that raises the question about how reliable are computers that had that fix done to them are.
I've got a good notion of saving up a hundred dollars and buying a new computer. Constantly messing with old laptops is probably a waste of time and money.
On a different topic, I went to a hypnotist in Ames, today.
I haven't found my misplaced Bitcoins yet; but I feel that progress was made. At least I got a lot off of my chest.
He said that I should expect some divine help in the near future toward getting my Bitcoins back.
I don't know how deeply under I really was but I know I spent an hour and a half there and it seemed like it was under an hour.
He'll be sending my a recording of our session so I can see if there is anything that will help me in my mission of getting my Bitcoins.
I'm jobless and I'll need some more money for continuing sessions in Ames. I think I'll go back to  Manpower in a week or so and see about getting another job. Maybe I'll be able to sell some of my etchings. That would save me from having to work another factory job. That seems to be the only thing that Manpower can come up with, for me. I'm getting too old for that sort of thing.
I don't really have much else to say; I think I'll go back to watching my negative YouTube videos.

Friday, September 1, 2017

I went to Eldorado again.

I went back to the place outside of Eldorado, where I found some gold specs, today.
I went back to move a lot of dirt to see if I could find enough gold to make regular mining worth while.
I'm disappointed with myself as I couldn't do the work required. I got tired out and stiff by stooping over and panning gold. I just wasn't up to the work.
I have to face reality and realize that I'm 70 years old and I'm not up to working, hard, anymore.
If I get a job it will have to be something involving sitting at a desk and doesn't involve heavy lifting anymore. That severely limits the jobs I can do.
I was talking with Brian about getting rid of my car today. I figure that it would save about $300/month.
I would be able to live fairly well on the income from Social Security.
The only things I need a car for is to go to work when work is far away, and going to church in LaCrosse.
I'll also need it to go to Ames to talk with a hypnotist about finding my lost Bitcoins. I'll do that in a couple of weeks.
After that, I might let them repossess my car. My credit sucks anyway.
I might get back.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I was Wrong about Harvey.

Harvey was a worse hurricane than I thought it would be. What made it so bad was that it lingered and dumped so much rain in a limited area. Apparently it will end up causing more damage than Katrina. I  don't know if it was worse than Sandy but if I watch enough YouTube videos someone will tell us how it rated.
That brings up something I saw on Glendon Cammeron's vlog "Hustler's Kung Foo". He said that everyone who doesn't have much going for themselves financially should drop everything and go to Huston, now.
I might do it. I'm getting a little old for manual labor; but maybe I can find a job that wouldn't involve manual labor that much.
I got thinking about fixing old laptops, and loading Linux Mint on them and selling them at a gain. Maybe I could score some gold or silver, cheap.
I made the commitment of working a job for Manpower for a couple of weeks.
After that, I will have some money to go down there. I'll have to sleep in my car but I can do that.
Maybe I can leave most of my stuff at Gary's place.
Glendon said that anyone who would be willing to work will make enough money to buy houses at a major discount and then unload them at a great profit.
Even without money a person should be able to make enough money to buy houses for $5,000 or even less.
From the macro view, I would be afraid of having any real estate right before the economic collapse.
On the other hand, Huston has the energy industry going for it. We'll always need energy so Huston should be the last place to collapse.
I'll probably forget about moving to Huston in a couple of weeks. I don't know why I would think I would make any more money there than I would here. I've maxed out at $10/hr. and there are only so many hours in a day. I could probably make as much money here as I would there.
The low prices of real estate is the only compelling reason to move there.
I don't think it's a place I would want to live. It's just too hot and humid. I lived for a few months in Florida and I was miserable there. I doubt that Texas would be much different.
On a different topic, I think I'll go to Eldorado, tomorrow.
I was told not to go to work until Friday so I'll have the gas to go there.
I'll be alone but I can dig out a couple of places that I think have gold and run the dirt through my tiny sluice box. With a couple of hours of work I should be able to find out it the gold there is in workable quantities. I doubt that it is but the only way to find out is to work some.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


I've been Watching News about Hurricane Harvey.

I've been watching news on YouTube about Hurricane Harvey. It doesn't look like it will be as bad as predicted; but there is still a lot more rain to come over the next few days.
I'm glad to see that there is only one death reported, so far, attributed to Harvey. I was expecting a lot more; maybe more people had enough sense to simply leave before it hit.
On a different topic, I got a job that starts next Thursday. I don't have much money to get through until then; but at least I have enough gas in the car to get me to work, then.
I also should have enough money to go to Ames and talk to a hypnotist about my missing Bitcoins.
I get paid Social Security on Friday so I only have to worry about getting through Thursday. I'm down to $15 or so. Maybe I can sell a laptop; I have 4 that are ready to go.
I'm using them all to mine Monero which is a crypto currency.
It's such a slow process that it really isn't worth bothering with. After mining with several laptops for a couple of weeks, I've mined about 0.005 Monero. They are worth about $150 each, so it will take forever to get anything worth anything.
I was watching H.A. Goodman while he was interviewing a couple of the lawyers who sued the Democrat National Party for cheating Bernie Sanders out of winning the primary election for the Presidential election last year.
One of them made a very impassioned rant about how corrupt the system is. He pointed out that 2 of his witnesses had died under suspicious circumstances during the process of filing a law suit.
That seems to happen a lot to the people who 'get the goods' on Hilary or Bill.
I think the suspicious deaths associated with them is approaching 100, not counting the people who died in airliners that held people who were about to testify against the Clintons. I think I'll link H.A.'s  article to this blog; you really should see it.
I couldn't figure out how to link it so I'll just share it next on this blog.