Tuesday, June 27, 2023

I don't know why so many people are reading my blog

 Apparently hundreds of people are reading my blog. I don't know why. Maybe more people are reading blogs than they were a couple of yeares ago when I pretty much stopped blogging. 

I still need to get the spell check workig. I don't know if I need two g's in blogging or should it be bloging. 

I talked with my new counselor this morning. I was more honest about what is going on with me than I have ever been. It's probably stupid on my part. 

I quit using Facebook because they sent me a notice that they would be able to search my computers if I used them. Now it's hard to share videos since I don't have access to Facebook. I'll keep an eye open on Youtube for good videos. 

It's good to see the Bidens be investigated for corruption. I hope we can clean up the nation.

Tomorrow I get my teeth checked for a root canal. I don't know how I'll pay for it. Maybe I can get it on the Iowa Veterans Trust Fund. It'll take months but it's worth it. 

I think I'll show another picture (an etching by Malcolm Childers). I want to sell these three etchings. Maybe that would help me with money for my rotten teeth. 


Monday, June 26, 2023

I'm going to try to force myself to blog every day.

  Mostly for self improvement I'm going to blog every day. 

I couldn't get the spell check to work.  And I went to Ad Sense to check out some new thing they had and I got very confused. It has something to do with private messaging in Europe.

Back to blogging.I talked with my shrink this morning and I was more honest then I've ever been with a shrink. Maybe it'll do some good but I doubt it.

I think I just have to face that a lot I experience is a hallucination or I just live a strange life. Maybe it's both.

I didn't call the lady who helped me fill out forms for the National Able program. I was busy with talking with my shrink and such. I really didn't get much done at all.

I think I'll post one of the pictures I'm trying to sell and call it a day. I would like to get back to YouTube.


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Alux shamed me into restarting my blog

 It's Sunday I'm watching ALUX again on Youtube. They had 15 inexpensive ways to start making money. 

One of them was to start a blog. They also mentioned writing a book. I started one of those as well. 

I just don't stick with things. I think I've already tried half of the things they mentioned. I'm just so flaky that I never get things done. My mental illness might be a major part of why this happens. 

I get to thinking about things that probably never happened.

I just finished mowing the lawn. Even though it rained last night it's getting dry. I've been watereing the new trees and the garden plus a few flowers in the front. The only place that the grass is growing is where I've been watering.

Tomorrow I should find out if I've got a job. I applied for something called National Able. It's for elderly disabled people to improve themselves. I'm schiztophrenic and 75 so I should qualify. I'll call the lady who had me fill out forms tomorrow and see if they are taking me. 

I'm watching Vice Grip Garage on Youtube so I'll sign off here.


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Back to Blogging

 It's been over a year since I've been on blogger. It's time that I get back.

I've always used this more as a journal than anything else; since I can be reasonably certain that nobody will be reading it anyway.

I'm concerned about the long-awaited banking crisis. Tomorrow I'll be transfering my social security deposits to Robinhood.  I feel that, that will be safer than a bank. I'll have to make sure that I can use my Robinhood debit card to pay my bills. But I feel safer with them than a bank or credit union.

I'm also starting my garden tomorrow. The ground may still be frozen but I can stake it out. One of the reasons that I wanted to move here was to have a lot of space to put in a large garden. 

I'm going to quit my job Monday. Running up and down those stairs has gotten rather old and I'm not making much at it anyway. Time to move on.

I'm going to Jacksonville in a few months to see if I can find my lost Bitcoins. Like everything else about  Bitcoin it's a high risk but potentionally immensely profitable proposition. I'm going after the garage sale which I hope will help pay for the trip. Right now I'm thinking about just driving as it appears to cost about the same as flying or taking a bus. I'm going to have to look into flying some more since it seems that going round-trip should be cheaper by plane.

Time to go to the airplane ticket places on the internet.

That's all I have for now. Later