Saturday, July 22, 2023

They're still talking about "Sound of Freedom"

 I'm still seeing all sorts of pormotions and interviews about "Sound of Freedom" I've seen the movie so I think I'll quit watching the promotions about it.

Ragbrai is coming to Storm Lake tomorrow. I'm going to take my extra bike there and see if I can sell it. With 10,000 or more bike riders, someone should need another one. I think I'll put something about the Ragbrai trip between Storm Lake and Carroll here.


Friday, July 21, 2023

Ragbrai and the county fair are blending into each other.

 Ragbrai (the bicycle ride across Iowa) and the fair are blending together this year. Ragrai doesn't go thru Sac City this year. It does go thru Lake View so I'll go there. 

I'll be trying to sell the extra bike at both places. I should be able to get $100 for it. 

I'll see if I can find a video about Ragbrai.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Struggling with Nationalable websites.

 I stuck and "L" into my email address and caused myself an hour of work getting my account registered at "". Misplacing a "." or something like that can cause a lot of trouble. 

I watch Dan on (I Allegidly) on youtube a lot. I'll link his latest vlog here:


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I missed blogging yesterday

 I had 2 teeth extracted yesterday. I didn't feel like blogging after that. I'm still feeling a little woozy. 

I need to get back to doing online classes for National Able. I also need to find out about an interview for an IT job.

There is news, today, that Russia will be backing a gold-backed currency. That should help gold and silver prices. I have a few options on junior silver miners. 

I'll load David Morgan's video about this.



Sunday, July 16, 2023

I went to Omaha, today.

 I went to church in Omaha, today. It's a 2 hour drive.

The main reason I went there was because there are a couple of very attractive young ladies who are also Chistian Sciencetis, there. I got into an argument with one about politics. It was  my fault but I'm glad I found out how liberal they are so I can quit wasting my time with them. 

I sold all of my guns yesterday. Now I'm apparently defenseless. I'll rely on God to provide me with the neccessary weapons for whatever comes up. 

I was just watching something about reversing aging on Youtube. I'll see if I can find it again.


Saturday, July 15, 2023

I'm trying to get google analytics working.

 I'm trying to get analyatics actually working with my blog. I have no idea what I'm doing but it's strange that I only seem to get 2 viewers a day but then I se e hundreds showing up in another place. I don't know what is going on.

Living in Iowa, I'm bound to talk with presidental candidates. I'm going to push raising the redemtion price for cans and bottles and promoting Bitcoin. 

I consider the bottle redemtion increase to be important to impoverished people who have no other income and Bitcoin is essential for the future.

I'll look for a suitable video.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Watching "Minority Mindset"

 I decided to do more in the morning. Instead of blogging just before bedtime I'm doing it first thing in the morning.

This morning  I wound up watching Jasprit Signh on Minority Mindset. I'll post his vlog here.

