Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Big Day at the Food Pantry

 Today is a big day at the food pantry. The mobile food pantry is coming today. We'll have dozens of cars lined up to pick up food. They will be lined up around the block. I'll be in the middle of things. 

On the third Wednesday of every other month we have the truck come; and we give out food in mass. 

It's raining a bit and I'm on my bicycle because my cars starter doesn't work. 

On that note I'll find a YouTube video.

I like Stansberry Research and Danilla.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Will Silver go through the Roof Monday?

 I've been buying options on silver miners (silj) for several months, now. It moved almost a dollar last Friday. If it keeps moving I'll clean up financially. If it moves by five dollars I'll be ahead by thousands of dollars. 

If it happens I'll first pay for my trip to Nashville  next July. Then I'll double down on my bets. I hope to end up with a lot of Bitcoin.

I listen to Michael Saylor when he talks about Bitcoin on YouTube. I think I'll leave one of his interviews here.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

My Car is Broken

 I got up at 6:00 A.M. and started to go to breakfast. The car didn't start. I'm sure that the starter is dead. It's Saturday so the car shops are closed. I ordered a starter from Amazon and I'll take care of it Monday. 

I haven't had much to say, lately. I do;t have much to say today as wll. 

I'm watching an interview that is pretty good; I'll link it here.



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

I like Alux

 I like the "Alux" podcasts. It's slogan is that it's where future billionaires go to get inspired. I' all link to it now.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

I saw Two Presidential Candidates Yesterday.

 I went to Ida Grove at 9:00 A.M. to see Nikki Halle; then after I got off work

I spotted a gathering of reporters and such at the popcorn ball. I stopped and got to talk with Ron Desantos about Bitcoin. He said he was for it and he was going to make an announcement soon.

This can only happen in Iowa during election year.

I'm leaning towards Ramaswamy. Here is an interview by Tucker.



Saturday, October 7, 2023

Interesting video

I've been watching an interesting video. Jordan Peterson is interviewing a woman who wrote a book "Laptop from Hell".

I'm going to load it here.


This is just a summary. I guess the video is censored. The real interview goes on for at least an hour and a half. I don't know how you would find it. 

Another thing; the woman in this video keeps using the word allegedly when referencing the laptop. Joe Biden admitted it was his when he tried to use the law to get it back.


I'm going to see Nikki Haley Monday

 I 'm going to see Nikki Haley in Ida Grove, Monday. Being an Iowa resident I get to meet as many presidential candidates that I can stand. 

I'll ask her to make can redemptions a national thing. That's my issue. I asked Tim Scott about it an he pretty much laughed me off. I'll keep at it because it's important to the really poor people. 

I started writing my book on a desktop computer's files and it showed up on my Microsoft computer as well. I may have to handwrite it for privacy. 

It's almost time for me to go swimming so I'll wrap this up. 

Here's a video.

Jenny is my tarot reader and I think she knows me better than anyone except a young lady also known as Jenny.
