Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Bitcoin Won

 Max Kaiser said that Bitcoin has won the competition with fiat currencies. It's time to sell the farm and buy Bitcoin. Tomorrow I'll see about borrowing against the truck and buying more Bitcoin while I still can. 

I'll see about getting a credit card from the credit union. and maybe I'll borrow against the truck. First I'll close down my crypto farm and swap tfuel for Bitcoin. I can do that tomorrow. 

I'll link Max here.

I couldn't find the video I was watching so I loaded this.


It's Raining

 If it stops raining long enough, I'll rake the leaves from my neighbor's place. The wind will blow them to my yard anyway. 

Right now, it's still dark and I'm watching Denys talk about the war in Ukraine. I'll link him, here.




Monday, November 11, 2024

Bitcoin is rising and gold and silver are plummeting.

 From appearances, bitcoin is replacing precious metals as an inflation hedge. At least it is today. 

I went to SD Bullion to see what the premium would be for buying silver coins, and it has gone down. It looks like all the silver stackers are going to Bitcoin instead. 

I think I'll link something about Bitcoin


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Bitcoin over $80,000.

 Bitcoin went over %80,000 then it dropped a bit. I'm still broke. I need to get $8,000 to get a 1/10 of a Bitcoin. I'll need that to be wealthy enough to actually retire. 

I think I'll link something talking about the last move.


Saturday, November 9, 2024

I got my new computer working

 I added RAM to my new computer, and it died. After switching RAM modules with another computer, everything works. I was worried that I might have to buy another computer.

I'm up to four readers. Maybe more than just the CIA and FBI are reading my blog. Could it be that the Chinese are also reading it?

I don't know what to link so I'll find a song.


Friday, November 8, 2024

Steve Turley is talking about healthcare.

 I'll link Turley's YouTube video about healthcare. 


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Will Powell be fired?

 I don't think he's doing any worse than anyone else would in his position. 

They keep printing money for wars and other purposes. Every time they make more money, inflation goes up. It's not Powell's fault; it's the politicians' fault. Austrian Economics works; Kenseyian and later theories don't work. It's that simple. 

I think I'll link Stephan Gardner.

I couldn't find the one I'm watching on YouTube so I linked this one. 
