Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10

I just wanted to tell the world how disgusted I am about the latest version of Ubuntu. They got away from the Gnome user interface and they have something, I think is named Unity. I find it to be harder to use than Gnome. Instead of having, easy to use, menus, I have to think of what I'm looking for and type it in. It's kind of like going back to DOS. I think they tried to mess with Mint Linux which copies Ubuntu every revision and improves on it. This time Ubuntu deliberately messed up their operating system to mess with Mint. That's my opinion.
I added a picture of Dug Road that I took last Sunday. I've had a lot of pictures of Dug Road in my blogs. It's rather scenic. During the first part of the Twentieth Century it was, in fact, a road. It was repeatedly flooded so they quit driving on it. At some point it was converted into a bike path and walking trail. However, it still retains the name of Dug Road. Later this winter, I may get some cross-country skies and ski here. They don't clear it for all the skiers.
The stock market is still going crazy. Yesterday it went up 337 points and today its down about 100 points. There  is no way to trade this. I'm glad that I'm out.
I'm thinking about getting into buying things at auctions here and selling them on E-bay. I've done well with coins, stamps, and guns. I'll need to study about jewelry. I'll have to read a book or two about old jewelry and try to buy that, cheap.
Loula didn't show up this morning. She left a message on my phone, which I left at home. I guess I really should carry my cell phone with me all the time. Maybe, I'm afraid that I'll lose it.
Not much going on here. I'll post again in a few days.

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