Saturday, March 2, 2013

Quiet Day at Java Johns

Not much is happening today. I'm just hanging out at Java Johns and reading the paper.
I asked Mary, here, if she would like a desktop computer for her customer's use.
There is an old Imac at the Peace and Justice Center, which is something of a spare. I'm thinking of swapping it for one of my old laptops and taking it to Java John's. I would like to get $50 out of it. I put a lot of time and money into these old laptops and I feel I should get something out of them.
The new job is going pretty well. I'm having trouble getting the web page to work with the editor for the  calendar. CenturyLink hijacks the program in the middle of things and doesn't let me do anything. I have to get with them to straighten it out.
A beautiful young lady named Sonya moved into an office associated with the Peace and Justice Center, yesterday. I have to check if she is married. That's definitely worth hitting on if she's not.
I got an old laptop from Ebay, yesterday. Most of the time it's dead as a doornail. Every so often it chimes when I boot it. I'm going to replace the display and see if that is dead. It might only be good for parts. It had a good AC adapter, battery, and memory module. Well, today's project is to try to get it working.
Well, that's all for today.
Dell Inspiron 660 Desktop Computer, Intel Core i5-3330, 8GB Memory, (Google Affiliate Ad)

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