I've taken to begging on EBay. I'm now asking people to buy my etchings to help a prepper bug out to Northern California. I needed to do something to get people to actually buy my etchings
I start them out at $100 and I end up going down to $75 before 1 person actually makes a bid. I'm tempted to start out at $0.99 and see if I can get some bidding between people. I don't think I'll do that even though EBay advises it. The idea of selling an etching for $0.99 is just too frightening.
I tore a hangnail off of my big toe on my left foot a couple of days ago. Was that ever a mistake. Now it's throbbing and swolllen. I found some antiseptic in an old first aid kit and that helped a lot, but I'm still a few days away from it being well.
Not much is happening with my motor home. Dan is busy rebuilding his garage. I think he is too busy to get to my motor home. I was just asking a friend (named Nick) where I should take it. Maybe I'll take it to an RV dealer in Cresco. I think that is my best bet. It looks to me like he's been around for a while and he probably knows how to repair things. Well, I've got to get going on getting my bug-out vehicle running. I think the Ebola outbreak will only affect Africa, but I would like to have the option of leaving if I have to. I'll run up to the RV place, here in Decorah, and see if he can work on it, tomorrow.
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