Monday, September 1, 2014

Prospecting in Decorah is Postponed

In my last posting I said that I was going to see if I could find some of the precious metals that might be in Decorah.
Well, I couldn't find my dowsing rods so I have to put that off until I can get another pair from EBay. I won't be able to afford to do that until tomorrow. Since the mail isn't working today they won't ship until tomorrow anyway.
I doubt that there is any gold or silver to be found anyway but I feel I have to try. Maybe the asteroid that hit the Earth at Decorah contained gold or some other precious metal. I did find my metal detector but I have more faith in dowsing than I do metal detecting.
It's Labor Day and Java Johns is closed. I'm hanging out at the Co-op and listening to music at Pandora. I'm too broke to do much else. I have a credit account, here; so I can buy some coffee and surf the net.
I'm not finding much about Ebola on the net, today.
Apparently it spread to Senegal. A student crossed the border and brought it into another country. The authorities, there, feel that they have it contained. We'll see.
Maybe no news is good news, but I feel it's just a case of people not knowing what is going on.
I think one of the most important things to look at for the Ebola outbreak right now is how fast it spreads in the West Point suburb of Monrovia. There are between 70,000 and 100,000 people quarantined there. If it spreads wildly, there, we'll know that it's very contagious. If people get it by the tens of thousands, there, we'll know that it probably can't be contained.
I may be wrong; after all they are quarantining those people to keep it from spreading throughout Monrovia. Maybe they will succeed in keeping it at West Point. It looks to me like the quarantine is just a delaying action, anyway.
I may have more to talk about, this evening. I'm goin home now and my Internet connection isn't very good, there.

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