Saturday, September 21, 2024

I got my Theta farm working.

I've been setting up three computers to run Theta Edge Node. It's a way to farm out my computer resources to help other people with their bandwidth problems I think I'll make about $75 a month.

I don't want to know how much I spent improving my machines and the money I had to devote staking tfuel.

I had a successful garage sale today. I sold $100 of art. Now I don't have to worry so much about making bills. 

Also, Faye told me to put fixing the garage door on her check. I have to call Mike tonight.

I ran by a house for sale on N12th St. to see what it looked like. It's ok but I don't think it's worth the money they want for it. 

I need to find the lot for
sale on Ahrends Street. I think it would have a great view. 

I don't know what to link. Alitore Mcleod thinks silver will go through the roof. He has for at least 30 years now. Everybody is saying the currency will collapse. But once again they've been saying that forever. I'll find something; maybe an Alux video.


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