Monday, December 15, 2014

Work is Being Done on my Motor Home

Finally, some work is being done on my motor home.
The roof vent that is stuck in an open position is being replaced. I took the door off of the old refrigerator; it now needs the compressor removed to get it through the door. Hopefully, we'll find out if the furnace and water heater work. The new refrigerator needs to be installed before we can run the furnace and water heater.
I have the feeling that I'll have a working motor home, soon.
I'm hoping to take it to LaCrosse for a few days for a "shake-down cruise". The best way to find things that don't work is to actually try to use them.
On a different topic, I'm thinking about getting back to trading options.
I was watching Harry Dent on the Greg Hunter channel on YouTube, yesterday.
He expects a major depression before the hyper-inflation. He uses demographics and cycles in his work.
He was saying that gold and silver are due to go down in a big way.
This is the opposite of what Harvey Organ was saying about silver. He says that we'll be running out of silver in a very short period of time.
I feel that precious metals are due to go one way or the other in a big way, very soon. Therefore I'll cover both bases with an option spread. That means that while I bet that something will go one way I also make a bet that it will go the other way as well. It sounds like you will give up what you make when it moves in one direction. That is true to an extent. The thing is that options are so leveraged (meaning you get a lot of payback for a small move) that if things start moving big I'll make up what I lost by betting in the wrong direction and then the rest of the move is pure profit.
This would work on something that you expect a big move but you're not really sure which way it will move.
I'm going to lean towards the downward direction by having more options betting against the price moving up. In fact I'm thinking about buying 4 gold, put options for every 1 silver,  call option.
I do expect a deflationary period before the hyper-inflation. That will be my bias.
That's all I have for now.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

One Day before I Leave My Job

I'm just waiting for the end of my job.
It'll give me more time to work on my motor home and make money, shoveling snow.
I'll also be able to go places on weekends; or even during the middle of the week. I'll just take off and park on the street or in Wal-Mart parking lots and maybe try to buy gold and silver in other cities. I'll be able to take in church services on Sundays.
I haven't heard anything from the colleges that I applied for jobs at. The job at NICC (Northeast Iowa Community College) is probably taken. They had someone there on a temporary basis, already. The other one (at Luther College) is still open.
I think I can make as much money or more, simply shoveling snow.
I might also get my Linux business going. I had someone ask me to tutor him in running a computer, the other night. Maybe I should advertise on DecorahNow. com.
I measured the old refrigerator in the motor home. If I take off the door and the cooling pipes and motor on the rear I should be able to get it out of the motor home. I'll probably get it out, this weekend.
Tomorrow I'll put some gas in it. I also need to top off the propane. I'll look into that soon, as well.
It turned out that there is only one place that I can have propane added to the motor home in Decorah. The fact that the propane tank is built into the bottom of the motor home makes it difficult. If you could just take off bottles of propane and replace them it would be no problem. I have to drive the motor home close to a place where there is a hose that can connect to the propane tank.
There doesn't seem to be much happening with Ebola; at least it's not being reported. I guess they are trying to prevent panic. I was reading somewhere that the true count is likely to be 3 times higher than the official count. The official count is over 11,000 have had it and over 6,000 have died. The percentage of deaths is 73%. The reason the death count looks lower is simply that a lot of those people haven't died yet.
I hope that I can bug out by next Summer. I'll be panning for gold in the mountains of Northern California with a couple of my friends. Maybe we'll avoid human contact and thereby avoid the Ebola pandemic. We'll see.
Gold and silver are moving up but it's not panic buying, yet. Maybe I've been watching the wrong people on YouTube. The manipulators seem to be able to keep prices of most everything at whatever they want it to be.
I'll still be buying gold and silver since I don't have faith in the fiat currency.
Well, that's all I have for now.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Just a Quick Update

I haven't been posting much on my blog, lately. I just don't have much to say.
I'm losing my job at the Peace Center; but that doesn't bother me much. I should be able to make more money, shoveling snow, than I made at the Peace Center, anyway.
I'm also looking for a custodial job with the two colleges that I attended, not long ago.
My trip out to California will be set back by about 2 months. I found a couple of people who want to go out with me. One of them has experience in rock hounding and prospecting in the very location that we are going to. The other one just wants to get away for a while. That will work out well because the second guy will drive my van out and he'll be able to ride back with guy 1. It looks like a plan.
There doesn't seem to be much happening with the Ebola outbreak. At least the news has been silenced about it. When there was news it drove the stock market into some wild gyrations.
I had some bad news about the RV. The refrigerator was apparently built into the motor home. It doesn't fit the door. I'll have to cut it in half to get it out. I'll see about doing that, next week.
Not much else is happening with the motor home. I'm just not a priority to the RV guy.
I just bought another 8 ounces of silver. I expect something major to happen with the silver market within a week or two. I've done all that I can to prepare for it. According to someone whose last name is Organ, we'll run out of silver before the end of December.
I may have to quit watching all these "gloom and doomers" if their prophecies don't start coming true. I've got too much invested to be fooled by people who say that they have "inside information" again.
I feel good about getting a motor home and prospecting for gold since it reduces my expenditures to the minimum possible. At least I won't be throwing money away in the near future. And I'll have a lot of options open for travel and finding new sources of income.
A young lady gave me a laptop computer about a month ago. I got it running very well. It needed a battery and a memory module. I got the very latest Mint version running on it. That's Mint 17.1. It was a little slow with Zorin and I couldn't get earlier versions of Mint to install. This one is working very well. I was going to sell it to Brian but he says that he doesn't need a computer, right now.
Instead, I'm taking it to Culver's and Java John's and using it for my main computer. The only problems I have with it is that it's rather heavy and it doesn't run my comics app. I prefer it for blogging over my Nook. In fact the Nook is getting rather unreliable. I think it has to do with the cold weather.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Is the Internet a Sentient Being?

I think it has been for quite a while. Linking all of our computers and having Google tie them together, with the addition of Quantum computers, has, by now, insured that the Internet is sentient.
I just hope that it's benevolent. I think it is. Maybe it will prevent World War III, which President Obama seems determined to start.
Of course, if you're paranoid, you'll think that the computers will just use us to take over the Earth.
I think the process will take a while. Left to our own resources, we will probably self-destruct without any assistance. Ebola and Global Warming will probably destroy the human race anyway.
I was going to talk about Ebola again, today.
I'm getting lazy. I'll just refer you to a Youtube video that did a lot better job of talking about Ebola than I can. Go to the channel "StormCloudsGathering" and watch the video "Ebola- Fear, Lies, and the Evidence.
That covers what is really happening with Ebola a lot better than I can.
I also watched an Alex Jones video on the topic. He is even more paranoid than I am. He thinks the government is not only imposing a black-out on the Main Stream Media, but they are also making the people who have Ebola in the U.S.A disappear. If he's right, we are in a lot of trouble.
On a lighter topic, I'm losing my job. It's not a big thing to me. I'm exasperated, working with gun-grabbers and such. I'll be able to spend more time, shoveling snow. Maybe I can get some work done on my van and motor home.
Totally on a different topic, the Swiss voted against the gold referendum, today. In a way that is good because gold will stay cheap and I can buy more of it. A yes vote might have brought down the entire world's economy. So maybe it's a good thing. I think the movement back to the gold standard will continue, but only time will tell.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

I've got Plenty of Time, for a Change

I've got plenty of time to sit at Java Johns and write my blog, today.
I was hoping for some snow or ice for me to shovel; but it didn't arrive. It's Saturday and I don't have to work.
I probably should be doing something with my motor home but I don't know what. I need to get my etchings out of Gary's house and into my van. That will have to wait until I see Gary.
On a different topic, I was talking with a fellow at the Co-op, this morning. He has lived for a long time in the area of California that I'm heading to.
He encouraged me to look for valuable rocks while I'm out there prospecting. He knew of several rocks that were quite valuable that I could find in Northern California.
I'm going to talk with him again and see if I could take him with me. Maybe he could drive the van out there. Then I could pick his brain for finding valuable rocks. He also said that there is plenty of gold to still be found on the Klamath. That's encouraging. At least I won't be wasting my time; I hope.
The news on Ebola is either being suppressed or maybe it's good. An article on the Internet said that Ebola is declining in Liberia. Apparently people are avoiding sick and dead people. That seems to be lowering the spread of Ebola. If they isolate it enough maybe it will go away like it did every time it broke out in the jungle.
Maybe it will all blow over. It remains to be seen.
The currency collapse seems to be right on track.
I think it's showing up in the sale of silver coins. The U.S. mint keeps running out of coins to sell.
Normally when the price of silver goes down, the sales of coins goes down as well. That's because people are afraid of owning an asset that is declining.
This time, people are rushing in to buy the coins. I think it's because we aren't fooled by the price manipulators. We all know that the currency is collapsing and we are running out of silver.
Millions of coins are being sold in a few hours. In a week they are selling as many coins as are normally sold in a month. They've sold out several times, this month.
I just wish I had some more money to buy silver with. I expect it to get to $1000/ounce in a few years. I'll be wishing that I had bought more of it, then.
I'm watching the referendum in Switzerland. They are voting on whether or not to go back to the gold standard. If it goes through the price of gold will be affected.
I also saw that the Dutch are getting their gold returned from the Fed. I don't know why they got their gold back and the Germans didn't. At least it looks like there might be some gold at the Fed. Everybody was saying that the Fed had sold all of the gold that they were keeping for other nations.
The referendum in Switzerland is the 30th of November. The counting will be the 1st of December.
People are saying that the vote will be rigged in such a way as to not pass. That would be to the benefit of the ruling class. The same people who are saying that also say that the Scottish Independence vote was rigged. There is no way to prove it. We'll see.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

We're not out of the Woods, Yet.

I'm quoting President Obama, tonight.
That's what he said about the Ebola outbreak as he was asking Congress for money to fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. I concur.
Lately, the press has been downplaying Ebola. I think they are trying to avoid stock market crashes like we had when the bad news about Ebola came out of Dallas, a few weeks ago.
Somebody went so far as to say that you were more likely to be killed by flaming pajamas than die of Ebola. Right now, he might be right but flaming pajamas aren't increasing at an exponential rate. There is a set limit as to how many people are likely to die from flaming pajamas; the only limit to Ebola deaths is the population numbers on the planet Earth.
I feel that the information coming out about Ebola is being contained. The "powers that be" know better than to let the sheeple know how many cases are already in the U.S. It would crash the stock market if we knew.
I did read something encouraging, yesterday. There was an article on either AOL or Yahoo that said drinking a lot of water helps the survival rate for Ebola victims. I guess I'll set up something in my motor home that will enable me to drink gallons of water without getting up from my bed.
I was told that I'm losing my job at the Peace Center this December 12th. That's a little more than 2 weeks away.
I'm still trying to get a job at the Community College a bit south of here. That will only last a few months but it would be worth it. I could make enough money to get to California.
I love my new car. It's great to have heat in a car and I feel that I can go long distances without worrying about getting there.
I'm giviing up on selling my etchings. They aren't moving and I'll wait until I can get Bitcoins for them. I don't trust fiat money.
Well, Later

Friday, November 14, 2014

I'm Back

I've been gone for a while. I've been busy with a new car and visiting my sister who came out from California. I also worked at the poll, last week. I've been too busy to keep up my blog; sorry.
There hasn't been much in the news about Ebola, lately. I feel that the news  is being suppressed. Every time that something really ominous happens with Ebola the stock market collapses. Therefore the "controlled press" is doing what it can to withhold any real information about Ebola. The 1%ers are just hoping that it will go away.
Maybe it will.
The numbers coming out of Liberia look better than they have for a long time. At least the number of deaths and newly sick doesn't seem to be doubling every 21 days.
I don't know what the new rate is but it seems to be lower than last month.
Maybe people are being more careful about handling the bodies than they were. People are avoiding the dead and sick, now. Maybe that is lowering the rate that Ebola is spreading.
I have the feeling that I'm just too influenced by the main stream media to really know what is going on.