Moving to California is dependent on getting this card.
Of course, I'm engaging in the old "pay off a credit card with another card" gambit. It reminds me of what the U.S. government is doing with quantitative easing.
My only other hope to get out of here is to sell my etchings.
I was disappointed with the appraisal last week. They said that none of my etchings were worth more than $500 and they don't deal with things that cheap. Maybe I can find someone who values my etchings more leniently. I'm still waiting to hear from an art gallery in LaCrosse.
My stock options are going down since both oil and silver are going down.
I still expect Saudi Arabia to be invaded; it's just taking longer than I thought. I think that's why they are selling so much oil; they're accumulating money for the war.
I may have to go out and get a job. I hate to think about it since it has always been so futile, anyway.
I priced a trailer a couple of days ago.
I was thinking I could junk the motor home and tow a trailer out to California.
It turned out that I might be able to swing that, financially. I just don't want to tie my money up for the next 5 years and I would have to spend another $500 installing a tow hitch on the van. The loan officer at the credit union said that it would work better if I could keep the cost of the trailer to below $7,000.
Maybe I should be spending my time looking for used trailers.
I sold some silver, last night. I was hoping to sell the gold rings as well but they didn't move.
At least I have some money for the move; but I keep buying more silver on E bay on impulse.
I think I'll look for a trailer, online.