Saturday, August 26, 2017


I've been Watching News about Hurricane Harvey.

I've been watching news on YouTube about Hurricane Harvey. It doesn't look like it will be as bad as predicted; but there is still a lot more rain to come over the next few days.
I'm glad to see that there is only one death reported, so far, attributed to Harvey. I was expecting a lot more; maybe more people had enough sense to simply leave before it hit.
On a different topic, I got a job that starts next Thursday. I don't have much money to get through until then; but at least I have enough gas in the car to get me to work, then.
I also should have enough money to go to Ames and talk to a hypnotist about my missing Bitcoins.
I get paid Social Security on Friday so I only have to worry about getting through Thursday. I'm down to $15 or so. Maybe I can sell a laptop; I have 4 that are ready to go.
I'm using them all to mine Monero which is a crypto currency.
It's such a slow process that it really isn't worth bothering with. After mining with several laptops for a couple of weeks, I've mined about 0.005 Monero. They are worth about $150 each, so it will take forever to get anything worth anything.
I was watching H.A. Goodman while he was interviewing a couple of the lawyers who sued the Democrat National Party for cheating Bernie Sanders out of winning the primary election for the Presidential election last year.
One of them made a very impassioned rant about how corrupt the system is. He pointed out that 2 of his witnesses had died under suspicious circumstances during the process of filing a law suit.
That seems to happen a lot to the people who 'get the goods' on Hilary or Bill.
I think the suspicious deaths associated with them is approaching 100, not counting the people who died in airliners that held people who were about to testify against the Clintons. I think I'll link H.A.'s  article to this blog; you really should see it.
I couldn't figure out how to link it so I'll just share it next on this blog.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I Feel like I'm done with all the negative YouTube sites.

It's probably temporary, but I'm burned out on all the YouTube sites I've been watching.
David Seaman rants and raves about Pedogate and Pizzagate but nothing is ever done about the pedophiles.
H.A. Goodman goes on and on about Hilary and her emails but there are never indictments.
Mike Maloney and friends talk about how silver and gold are being manipulated; but it's been going on for at least 30 years and it continues day after day.
J.J. talks about prepping; but the end of the world as we know it never seems to happen.
I just need to face that we live in a society that is at least a corrupt as Afghanistan but it can continue for an indeterminate amount of time.
I don't know what I can do about any of this anyway. I'm too poor to even prep very well. I can't even get more than a month's worth of food together.
My dream of having my own homestead with a few goats and chickens is just that (a dream).
My only hope for getting prepared is to find my lost bitcoins. And I doubt that, that will happen. It was probably a hallucination, anyway.
On that upbeat note (I'm being sarcastic), I'll sign off for now.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

I found Gold in Eldorado.

I went to Eldorado by myself, this morning.
I only panned one sample pan of gold and I found about 5 or 6 tiny specs of gold.
That showed me that gold is there. Now the problem is to process enough material to make it worth my time to actually mine it.
The next step is to find the owner of the land I found gold on and get permission to mine it.
Brian just told me that I should get a canoe and simply float down the river and be on state owned land while I mine gold.
The trouble with that is that I would have to spend money on a canoe. Maybe I could get an inflatable boat for under $100. Maybe I can make that work.
I'll ask at the Department of Natural Resources about the legalities of it all.
I need to know about the legalities of mining on state owned land.
There is an office in town here so it shouldn't be hard to find out what I need to know.
I'll keep you posted on new developments in regards to mining in Eldorado.
Brian and I might be going to a protest next Saturday in Madison, WI. If we go we'll be protesting the censorship that Google and YouTube are doing against the Alt-right.
We're the only conservatives that I know in Decorah so it will probably just be him and I who go.

Friday, August 11, 2017

I shared a video about Youtube censorship and my numbers collapse.

The last thing I did on my blog was to share a video about Youtube censorship and my numbers went down like crazy. So, do you think there is a relationship? I do.
I still haven't gotten back to Eldorado to look for gold. I'm kind of waiting for Brian to go with me. I guess that, that will not happen. He's got some sort of mental problem (I think bi-polar) so he's pretty unreliable.
I just have to take off on my own.
There are three places I want to go to, there.
I'll be using the sample pan and just try to find a few specks of gold. I just want to see if there is any gold to be found at all, there.
I would have gone there this morning but I had a sick computer I was working on. I got it working by re-flowing the solder on the display chip. That works on most of the computers that have display problems. I now have three computers to sell or give away.
I mentioned that I have a computer that I'm mining a crypto coin with. I'm about ready to give up. I've had it running day and night mining. After a week I have about 3/1000s of a coin. It just doesn't pay enough to bother with. I'll either sell or give away that computer.
I worked for 3 days last week. I made good money for me ($11/hr.).
That will pay some bills this week.
That reminds me, I need to get some checks in the mail, yet today. With that I think I'll run home and get that done.