Chronicling life in Sac City, Iowa. Fixing old laptop computers, and dealing with poverty while prepping for the financial collapse.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Blogging as a Journal
I use my blog more as a journal than anything else. I've been blogging, now, for 10 or 15 years.
I started it too talk about how to navigate the disability maze. If you are going to file for disability some of my earlier blogs have a lot of good tips for that purpose; but if I were you I would youavoid disability and just work for a living. No matter how fruitless it may seem. Disability is a trap. You'll always have a very limited income.
Maybe that is just the way things are in today's world; you're damned if you try to work and you're damned if you are on disability.
I had an active blog during the Ebola scare. I think that was when at one week I had hundreds of views from Moldova. I think I remember having 500 or so on one day.
Recently I haven't been writing very much. It's mainly due to my schizophrenia. Something happened in Vail CO a couple of years ago that had me hung up in sexual fantasies concerning a Hollywood babe.
To this day I tend to believe that it really happened. Usually my schizophrenic breaks involve combat in different time periods, like WWII and farther back. I never seem to go into the future for some reason.
My break at Vail did include catching a wormhole to go back to the South Pacific in WWII but I don't remember much of it. I'm getting too old for such crap anyways. I'm also too old for Hollywood babes but they get it in their minds that I'm actually very rich. Maybe I tell them that it's a tradition in my family to hide our wealth. I'm cynical enough that I think women are just after men for their money.
On a different track, I'm trying to buy Theta coin. For some reason it's difficult for Americans to get that crypto coin even though it's about to go through the roof.
I'm drawing a blank right now so I'll leave an image of one of my etchings and sign off.