I got up early to help the Democrats set up for their book sale. It turned out that they already set things up yesterday.
So I went to Java Johns to load some updates on my new, old Gateway. Their internet dropped me in the middle of things 2, or 3 times. From there I went to Magpies. I had troubles there as well. I ended up linking to someone names Intellinet. That worked. Bookends seems to be the only place that works consistently. I just have to remember to bring the right wifi card.
Today, I'm using the Gateway that has a bad USB port. That means I'll have to take out the wifi module while I upload a picture from the memory board. I'll do that in a minute. I have the time to mess with it.
I got a wifi card in the mail. It's a 'B' version. It won't work at Bookends and Beans. I'll have to try it at the co-op.
I found a DVD player on one of the Gateways. I might be able to sell it to Dave. He expressed interest in having something to watch videos with. He'll need a faster machine to make it really work. Maybe I can find a 700 Meghz. machine. Even that would be pushing it. The battery on this machine seems to work. That is practically a miracle. Batteries don't last that long.
It's still cold, today. I'm wearing a sweater that I normally put away in May or June.
I think I'll try uploading a picture, now.
I uploaded a picture of a bee, at the hospital's flowers, on Montgomery St.
The bee is a bit blurred but what can you expect with a $20 camera. I could get better pictures with a hundred dollar camera, but then I would have to learn how to use it as well.
Maybe I'll do that as a hobby. It would be cheaper than putting together old laptops. After I have 100 Delphi bond, I'll think about getting into that hobby as well.
I still haven't had any success at dowsing for the lottery number. I tried it Wednesday. I didn't even get 1 number right. I might keep trying but I don't think I'll post my numbers since they don't seem to win.
You've been appealing your disability now for 2 years. Now it's time to get a lawyer. You need a lawyer for the hearing. Maybe you could have gotten one for the appeal process but you probably handled that yourself. When you get into the hearing you will feel better to have a lawyer.
The good news is that there is no 'out of pocket' costs. The lawyer will get paid on contingency. If he wins he'll get 25% of your back pay or $5300, whichever is less. If you don't win there is no costs. That protects you if you lose. You don't need added expenses if you lose. I think the fee for the lawyer is mandated by law, so you don't have to negotiate it.
An important question is: How do you find a lawyer?
Most lawyer don't want the job. Like I said their fees are limited by law and there aren't any if they lose.
I would talk to friends and neighbors about local lawyers. I got a referral from a state agency that led me to 3 lawyers. 2 of them turned me down.
Binder and Binder advertises nation-wide. At least if you call them you'll know that they do take Social Security cases. They even advertise on this blog. You might try them.
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