My sister emailed me this picture. I don't know the woman, but that is some cat.
I gave away my first free laptop, last night. I was going to give it to Jennell, but I bumped into Dave W. first. He's unemployed and he likes to look for internet businesses that he can try. I had my slowest Thinkpad working so I gave it to him. He seemed quite happy to get it. I'm glad for him.
He's been looking into going to school while he's unemployed. At NICC (Northeast Iowa Community College) they told him that he wouldn't qualify for the TAA program. I told him to keep plugging away on it. What the Workforce Development people say is more important than what they say at the college. After all, they would be the ones to continue paying him unemployment on that program. He's also looking into what the V.A. might be able to do for him.
The markets went up, today. The Dow went up over 250 points and gold went up over $16. Oil went up as well, close to $2.00. Maybe it's telling us that inflation is back. More likely it's just a fluke. The earnings reports seem to be good. But I think it's just a trap. I'm keeping my money in bonds.
I think I'll get out and get some more pictures. I live in such a scenic place. I'm caught up in fixing old computers and trading bonds. Sometimes I just forget to enjoy where I'm at.
Well, I'm back to working on old laptops. I've got Suse linux on both of my Thinkpad 390X's. The sound doesn't work right. Noise comes out. I thought that I had that fixed but I don't. I tried loading the latest Mandriva (2009). It took forever to just load the live portion. When I tried to install it, it took even longer. I then tried Mint Linux (version 7). It would load but the sound was no better than Suse's. I think I'll just give these away without the sound working. I could load Windows 2000 but they no longer support the updated on that distribution. I don't know what to do. I'll think it over tonight. Maybe I'll ask Alice what she thinks. She has Windows 2000 on her 390X. Maybe that is good enough.
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