I'm getting tired of watching all of the YouTube channels that I normally watch. The same people are saying just what they've been saying for the last 2 or 3 years.
The Las Vegas shooting was probably a false flag event. Nobody believes the main stream media anymore so we notice when they change their narrative and such.
We're all convinced that the currency can't hold together for very much longer. Of course, the same people who've been saying that the currency will collapse this month have been saying similar things for the last 30 years. There's always something that will bring down the world's economy but for some reason it never seems to happen.
Gold and silver never seems to go through the roof because the currency never seems to collapse. That has to do with the "never happening" currency collapse.
There is a sharp divide as far as crypto currencies are concerned. A lot of people have jumped on board with them but the die-hard precious metals people see them as another massive bubble.
I'm all for jumping in with both feet on crypto currencies but I'm too poor to actually do anything about it.
If I could sell my coins (and it's turning out to be harder than anyone would expect); I would buy Litecoin on margin and clean up.
Talking about my coins, I took some of them to Onalaska yesterday. Fedex has some sort of deal with Ebay; you simply take your stuff to Fedex and they have a thing called Ebay valet. It's a thing where they market your stuff on Ebay and do all the work for you. There is a 20% charge but I feel it's worth it to have your stuff marketed professionally.
Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I was unable to get anything listed. Apparently there was something wrong with their software. Anyway I drove 150 miles and wasted a day trying to make it work. I guess I'll have to buy a camera and do it myself. I couldn't find my old camera and I don't think the phone has enough resolution for the job. I'll have to take everything out of the back of the car and keep looking for the camera tomorrow.
Well the music is about to start so I'll finish this for now.
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