Friday, October 27, 2017

I'm Making Progress on Marketing my Coins

I spent about 4 hours trying to get a Windows microscope camera working with Linux. It turned out that it was just so unfocused that no images came through. Once I got it focused a bit I was able to get it working. I'm looking forward to using it on my coins, next Monday.
I had some good news from the auction place in New York about my expensive coin. They said that they felt that it was properly graded as an MS 65. They are sending it to another grading service that is more reputable than the one that graded it in the first place. It looks like I'll have a lot of money in March; that is when the auction, in Baltimore, will take place.
On other news, my car didn't start yesterday. It turned out that the alternator isn't working right. I found a kit to repair the alternator on Ebay for $30. I don't have that kind of money this week. I'll wait until I get my Social Security money and send for it.
It'll take me a day to get it fixed but I can do it. That's what poor people have to do; I can't afford to spend $50/ hr. to pay a repairman.
Well, the music is about to start here at Java John's.


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