Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I Went to the Doctor Yesterday

I was worried that I might have pneumonia so I went to a doctor at the V.A.
Apparently the vaccine for pneumonia is working since I really haven't had that disease since I had the shot.
I just have a chest cold and she recommended that I take something called Muscelex.  I think I misspelled that but I couldn't find out how to spell it.
I went to the co-op and they didn't have it so I tried a honey based medicine. It seems to be working.
That led to a screw up yesterday. I had my medicine in my car while I was at Barnes & Noble in Onalaska. I went out to the car to take a snort of the medicine and I forgot that my laptop was still at the table at the bookstore. I drove all the way home before I realized my mistake.
I called them and confirmed that the laptop was there; then I went back today to pick it up.
At least the cold seems to be breaking up; at least I'm coughing more and getting more flem out.
I think I'll be fine in a couple more days.
I bought a few hundred dollars of Litecoin and Bitcoin today. At least I'm in position to make some money. I think I'll have some more money this Friday. I'll put it all into crypto currency.

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