Friday, December 15, 2017

Not Much is Happening.

I haven't posted for a while because not much is happening.
I still have my cold but I started actually sneezing; so it's finally breaking up.
I've got some money in Bitcoin and Litecoin but they aren't really doing much. They just fluctuate. I think there is an upward trend but it's in a holding pattern.
I've been spending too much at the co-op. I like to eat there because it's organic and local but it simply costs too much. It's similar to Whole Foods which has a nickname of Whole Paycheck. Retired college professors and other rich people eat there. I shouldn't; I need to get food from Safeway and simply eat at home.
At least the snow shoveling has begun. I made $50 shoveling snow a couple of days ago. I hope it's a snowy year. The last 2 years it hasn't really snowed much. I barely made any money shoveling; in fact, I barely kept up with my coffee and doughnut bill.
Regina will be singing and playing the piano soon so I think I'll sign off for now. I really don't have much to say, anyway.

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