Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I Haven't Blogged for a While.

I'm sorry that I haven't blogged for a while.
I've been busy trying to get my car running and taking pictures of my coins and indexing them.
My car has had two problems: first the battery died and Dan the mechanic thought it was the alternator, then the front brakes wore out.
I can't afford the $300 that a mechanic wants to replace the pads and rotors so I'm trying to get it done by a friend of mine named Brian. I had to buy the parts and tools to get it done but Brian is a bit depressive and he doesn't get things done quickly. Maybe I'll get it done tomorrow.
I'll get the car up and take off the left wheel before Brian shows up tomorrow. Maybe I'll save myself a few silver coins and just do it myself. I have a YouTube video about how to do it. It doesn't look that hard.
I got my coins all neatly photographed and entered into a data base called "OpenNumismat". It's an open source data base for coins. It really helps me keep all the information in one spot.
It took a while to get it all entered but it makes it a lot easier to find info on the coins.
The music has started at Java Johns and it's a bit distracting.

Friday, October 27, 2017

I'm Making Progress on Marketing my Coins

I spent about 4 hours trying to get a Windows microscope camera working with Linux. It turned out that it was just so unfocused that no images came through. Once I got it focused a bit I was able to get it working. I'm looking forward to using it on my coins, next Monday.
I had some good news from the auction place in New York about my expensive coin. They said that they felt that it was properly graded as an MS 65. They are sending it to another grading service that is more reputable than the one that graded it in the first place. It looks like I'll have a lot of money in March; that is when the auction, in Baltimore, will take place.
On other news, my car didn't start yesterday. It turned out that the alternator isn't working right. I found a kit to repair the alternator on Ebay for $30. I don't have that kind of money this week. I'll wait until I get my Social Security money and send for it.
It'll take me a day to get it fixed but I can do it. That's what poor people have to do; I can't afford to spend $50/ hr. to pay a repairman.
Well, the music is about to start here at Java John's.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I'm Spinning my Wheels on Marketing the Coins.

I'm having troubles moving my coins. I don't have a good camera to take pictures for Ebay and potential buyers. I tried using my phone to take pictures of the coins, this morning.
I was able to transfer the image to the computer but it was too fuzzy to do any good.
I ordered a microscope camera from Wal Mart. It will take a couple of weeks to get here from China.
I'm broke so I don't know how I will get the pictures taken.
I'm trying to find someone who can help me with this; but so far I have no takers.
I have a couple of people interested in the coins. One  is in New York and the other is in Colorado; but I have no way to get good pictures to either.
I also left off 10 coins at a place called Game Exchange. They not only are into video games but they market things on Ebay for people.
The trouble with them is that they are not doing anything. I took those coins there last week and they haven't listed them yet. I'm getting exasperated.
On a different topic, I watched a video about something called C60 today. It's some sort of isotope of carbon that has benefits for health, apparently. If I could get my brother to take it (and maybe marijuana) maybe he'll heal his cancer. If I ever get any money I'll send him a bottle from Ebay. I'll get a bottle for myself because it's supposed to be good for everything including improving intuition.
I'm also not making any headway in getting my Bitcoins back. I was thinking today that if I ever get any serious money I should hire a private detective to help me find my coins. I think it's a good idea.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

All My Negative Videos are Getting Repetitive.

I'm getting tired of watching all of the YouTube channels that I normally watch. The same people are saying just what they've been saying for the last 2 or 3 years.
The Las Vegas shooting was probably a false flag event. Nobody believes the main stream media anymore so we notice when they change their narrative and such.
We're all convinced that the currency can't hold together for very much longer. Of course, the same people who've been saying that the currency will collapse this month have been saying similar things for the last 30 years. There's always something that will bring down the world's economy but for some reason it never seems to happen.
Gold and silver never seems to go through the roof because the currency never seems to collapse. That has to do with the "never happening" currency collapse.
There is a sharp divide as far as crypto currencies are concerned. A lot of people have jumped on board with them but the die-hard precious metals people see them as another massive bubble.
I'm all for jumping in with both feet on crypto currencies but I'm too poor to actually do anything about it.
If I could sell my coins (and it's turning out to be harder than anyone would expect); I would buy Litecoin on margin and clean up. 
Talking about my coins, I took some of them to Onalaska yesterday. Fedex has some sort of deal with Ebay; you simply take your stuff to Fedex and they have a thing called Ebay valet. It's a thing where they market your stuff on Ebay and do all the work for you. There is a 20% charge but I feel it's worth it to have your stuff marketed professionally.
Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I was unable to get anything listed. Apparently there was something wrong with their software. Anyway I drove 150 miles and wasted a day trying to make it work. I guess I'll have to buy a camera and do it myself. I couldn't find my old camera and I don't think the phone has enough resolution for the job. I'll have to take everything out of the back of the car and keep looking for the camera tomorrow.
Well the music is about to start so I'll finish this for now.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Lot is Happening, Now

While I was visiting my brother he gave me his coin collection.
Now I have to figure out what to do with the coins. It appears that one of them is worth a lot of money.
I contacted a coin broker in New York about it. He said that there is an auction next March that he would like to list it at. It is labeled as being an MS 65 but the broker said that the grading agency which graded it has a bad reputation for  overly optimistic ratings.
It'll cost $50; but he wants a more reputable agency to look at it. The difference between a rating of MS 64 and MS 65 is thousands of dollars.Here is a picture of that coin.

I'm contacting other buyers as well but the first one is the most interested. In fact, I've sent off images of the coin to several buyers and none of them has gotten back to me.
I took several other coins to a dealer in La Crosse and he insulted me with his offer. I'm giving up on dealers since they only want to cheat people.
In fact I was tempted to go to a coin show this weekend. I think I'll skip it since a coin show is just a collection of dealers who all intend to cheat a seller as much as possible.
I'm listing some of them on Ebay next week. I used a magazine that I bought at Barnes and Noble to set my beginning prices. I was happy to see that the prices in the magazine were within 5 dollars of what the Ebay sellers were getting. They'll be on the market next week.
My brother has bladder cancer but the radiation treatments seem to be helping him. He needs to be in a nursing home and maybe he will be soon.
I got the book about Bitcoins but it didn't add to my knowledge of the early days of Bitcoins. I need to hear back from the 2 people I sent messages to about my missing Bitcoins. I'll have to find different ways to contact them.
Java John's is closing soon so I'll sign off, now.