Thursday, December 26, 2024

Bitcoin is Going Down

 Bitcoin is volatile, so it goes down occasionally. Someone is ranting about this volatility on YouTube. I think I'll link him here.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

I went to Kanawha to pick up my winnings from an on line auction

 I drove to the small town of Kanawha, Iowa, to pick up what I had bought in an online auction. I bought some silver, a snow blower and a couple of prints. 

It was a two-hour drive one way, so it took me about four hours to make the trip. I was late going to work, but it wasn't a big deal; I put in my full four hours. 

I think I'll link something, here.


Sunday, December 22, 2024

I'm Concerned about an On-line Auction

I'm bidding on a couple of things at an online auction tonight. I'm bidding on a bunch of Canadian silver quarters and an electric snow blower. If I get the snow blower I'll have to drive 2 hours to pick it up. I can have them ship the silver but I'll have to drive to pick up the snow blower. 

Everything there is a bargain so I might raise bids on a gold bracelet. And I'll bid on an ice auger for ice fishing. 

I think I'll link something.


The auction is over and I bought silver coins an ice auger and 2 prints. 
I'm happy with my buys. I spent $75 for $150 worth of silver. And the snow blower cost $27 for something that would be over $100, new. The prints were nice and will look good on my walls. I might be able to double my money in a garage sale. 
I feel I did well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

I Went to the Mobile Food Pantry

 I scored a bunch of food today, and my reserves are stacking up. I'm pretty ready for a financial collapse.

The stock market went down by over 1,000 points today. The collapse may be near. We'll see. 

I'll link something here.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Stephan Gardner has a good video today.

 Stephan Gardener has a good video. It will soon be taken off. I haven't seen anyone speak the truth as much as this guy does. I'll link it here.

It was already taken off. I couldn't find it. Here is another.

I'm not Swimming Today

 I'm going to ride the stationary bike instead of swimming today. I think I've been swimming too much lately. I've been aching all over, and now I'm going to work on my legs only. 

I'll listen to the church service while I'm pedaling. That way I can get two things done at once.

I'm watching something about how Norway is helping Ukraine. I'll link it here.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

I was up late, last night with a sick computer.

 Branden gave me a computer that hadn't worked for three years.

It had a bad power supply and RAM that needed to be installed correctly. 

The big problem was Windows. Windows doesn't want anyone to use Linux. 

I only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night because I was troubleshooting. Not only did my new computer give me problems, but a computer that had worked quite well died.

It turned out that a Windows update messed up my display for a Theta Edge Node computer.

I got most things running.

I'll link Chris: he's on a rant. 


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

I watch this guy a lot; talking about cryto

 I've been watching this guy a lot. He talks about crypto. Today he talked a lot about Shiba Inu and Doge coin. 


Monday, December 9, 2024

Pomp has a good video

 I'm watching a rather good YouTube video about the Fed and Bitcoin, I'll link it here.


Sunday, December 8, 2024

I'm watching a good Alux video.

 Alux has a good video today. I see myself in many of the points it's making.

I'll link it here and have another Blog later. 


Saturday, December 7, 2024

I fixed a laptop for Branden.

 I loaded Linux and added RAM for an old laptop we found in a closet at work. It's working good now. 

I think I'll link something I've been watching here.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

It's Cold

 It was 3 degrees this morning.

I went to Lake View to look at another house for my sister. It doesn't have a view so it's a lost cause. 

I got up late but at least I caught up on my sleep. My Fitbit says I slept 8 hrs and 22 minutes. That's great for me. 

I think I'll link something about Bitcoin here.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

I Swam a full Half mile today.

 I did the whole thing today. Yesterday I was hungry and I went home and ate. 

The day before I only swam a quarter mile. I've been pretty lazy lately. 

I think I'll link Alux and call it a day.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

I Spent most of the Night working on Passwords

 I woke up at 3:00 A.M.  and spent most of the morning getting my passwords straightened out. Some things worked on my laptop but not the phone, and vice versa. It was a mess, and the account that I needed the most had been locked up for two days because I had changed passwords. Oh well.

I didn't buy the gold watches on the online auction because someone else bid $30 and I stopped bidding at $10. I think it's just as well since every time I think I'm buying gold it turns out to be plated. 

I'll link something here. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Should I buy the "gold"

 An online auction has 3 watches and a couple of pieces of jewelry labeled as gold. From experience, I doubt that they are gold. 

It's cold and snowy outside. I shoveled the sidewalks and blew the driveway off with a leaf blower. 

I've got a Kiwanis club meeting today. More snow shoveling at work. Oh well. 

I think I'll link something here.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

It's WarmerToday

 I guess I'l go out and rake leaves. Yesterday I couldn't find my long johns so leaf raking was out. I've still got another pickup full to rake. 

My new jacket makes a difference, but it's over 20 degrees out there, and it wasn't yesterday. I better get at it before the wind picks up. Here's something by Jaspreet.

I haven't seen this one yet, but Jaspreet is always good.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

I bought a warm coat at Bomgaars

 The coats at WalMart weren't perfect. They only had one coat in various colors and they were all too thin with no hood to be considered winter coats. 

I went to Bomgaars and bought a Carthhart for over $100, but it was good. I also bought a pair of Wrangler jeans. My waist size is 38, down from 42. I keep losing weight.

I don't know what I'll link but I'll find something.


Friday, November 29, 2024

I went Shopping in Carroll.

I was looking for a nice winter jacket, but Walmart didn't have one, so I ordered one online at Amazon. 

I looked at phones at Wal-Mart and Verizon but decided to keep my old phone. Mostly I brought back groceries. 

It's been very cold today. I think it didn't get warmer than 25 degrees today. Tomorrow will be just as cold. 

I'm watching Jeff Williams. I think I'll link him.

Watching Jeff is fun once in a while.


Thursday, November 28, 2024

It's Thanksgiving

 I have nothing to do today. I guess I'll rake more leaves. 

I'll attend the online Christian Science service at 11:00. It's a testimony meeting.

I also need to replace the motor for the windshield washer in the Silverado. 

I think I'll link Stephan Gardner.

I couldn't find what I'm watching on youtube so I linked another.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

I Arranged a Tour of the House in Lake View

 I'm going back to Lake View, tomorrow to see the house for my sister. I think it's great; I hope she buys it. The realtor sounded like a young woman. I'll meet her at the house at 9:30. 

I think I'll link something; I don't have much to say. 


Monday, November 25, 2024

Had a Meeting with my Gambling Counselor Today

 It went pretty well. At least, she didn't haul me off to the insane asylum yet.

 I need to rake more leaves. I've taken 5 loads to the ravine and another to the landfill and I still have more to go. 

I think I'll link a video about Russian purges of their military.


Sunday, November 24, 2024

I got Lost in Lake View

 Once again, I got lost in Lake View. I was looking for a house for sale. I thought it was on Bay Drive and it was on Harbour Drive. I should have printed out the E-mail and a map but I didn't. Oh well, it was a pretty drive. 

I think I'll link something and go swimming. 


Saturday, November 23, 2024

I'm raking leaves.

 I took a load of leaves to where townspeople dump their leaves, and I almost got stuck. I'm glad I had the four-wheel drive in the truck. I won't go down there again.

Elon is being interviewed by Rogan. I think I'll link it.


Friday, November 22, 2024

Mike Fixed the Garage Door

 He also fixed the storm damage on the garage for free. He said the garage door would break again since Bill used Menards parts on it. At least it's working for now.

I'm making progress on my idea of making a video about using Bitcoin exchanges. I think it's doable, but we'll see. 

I need to get my Tfuel off of Theta Edge Node. I've got too much money tied up with that. I think I'll link Jaspreet today.


Thursday, November 21, 2024

I'm making progress on my idea about Bitcoin

 I've got an outline and the start of a script for my new idea. Only time will tell if I have enough ambitions to make it work. Undoubtedly, it will be more difficult than I'm aware. I'll have to learn how to make videos and edit them. 

I'm looking forward to showing Sara my work so far and seeing what she thinks. 

I'll link Mark Moss here.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Money Making Idea

 I've got a bunch of CD disks. I could put a video about how to invest in crypto on them. Every exchange I know of has a referral fee so I could make money on them. 

I've just got to get off my butt and make the video somehow. I figure I could make one, each, for Kraken, Coinbase, Binance, and Gemini. 

If I give them away, I might get tons of referrals. It's worth trying.

I think I'll link Alux, here. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Mike is Coming today

Mike is coming to work on my garage door today.  I haven't been able to raise it in several months, now. 

I'm looking forward to using the bike and having garage sales. I think I'll ride my bike to work today. I'll lock my swim stuff in a locker and be ready to swim after work. 

I think I'll post an image, maybe an etching by Malcolm Childers. 


This is one of Malcolm's more fun etchings.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Today is a big day for me.

 Not only do I have a meeting with my gambling counselor but I have a presentation on Bitcoin at the Kiwanis club. 

I think I'll link Stephan Gardener; he's ranting about Dr. Fauci.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

They Charged me over $400 to fix my bicycle.

 I need that money to buy Bitcoin but fixing my bike is important too. I need a bike for a few reasons:

  1. To replace my truck if it breaks.
  2. Exercise (I need to lose another 10 Lbs.)
  3. It's fun to ride.
I'm watching Mark Moss being interviewed on Kitco so I think I'll link it. 


I Couldn't Sleep

 It's a little before 4:00 and I'm wide awake. I may have woken up because I was hungry. I ate some Cheerios but I'm still wide awake. 

I'm watching Ron Paul on YouTube and think I'll link it.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Someone is Trying to scam me on Coinbase.

 I've been through it before. They say they are working for Coinbase and they are really scammers trying to get my Bitcoin.

I hate them, but they are so persuasive that if they call back, I'll just hang up. Everybody is a scammer anymore.

I'll link something here


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Bitcoin Won

 Max Kaiser said that Bitcoin has won the competition with fiat currencies. It's time to sell the farm and buy Bitcoin. Tomorrow I'll see about borrowing against the truck and buying more Bitcoin while I still can. 

I'll see about getting a credit card from the credit union. and maybe I'll borrow against the truck. First I'll close down my crypto farm and swap tfuel for Bitcoin. I can do that tomorrow. 

I'll link Max here.

I couldn't find the video I was watching so I loaded this.


It's Raining

 If it stops raining long enough, I'll rake the leaves from my neighbor's place. The wind will blow them to my yard anyway. 

Right now, it's still dark and I'm watching Denys talk about the war in Ukraine. I'll link him, here.




Monday, November 11, 2024

Bitcoin is rising and gold and silver are plummeting.

 From appearances, bitcoin is replacing precious metals as an inflation hedge. At least it is today. 

I went to SD Bullion to see what the premium would be for buying silver coins, and it has gone down. It looks like all the silver stackers are going to Bitcoin instead. 

I think I'll link something about Bitcoin


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Bitcoin over $80,000.

 Bitcoin went over %80,000 then it dropped a bit. I'm still broke. I need to get $8,000 to get a 1/10 of a Bitcoin. I'll need that to be wealthy enough to actually retire. 

I think I'll link something talking about the last move.


Saturday, November 9, 2024

I got my new computer working

 I added RAM to my new computer, and it died. After switching RAM modules with another computer, everything works. I was worried that I might have to buy another computer.

I'm up to four readers. Maybe more than just the CIA and FBI are reading my blog. Could it be that the Chinese are also reading it?

I don't know what to link so I'll find a song.


Friday, November 8, 2024

Steve Turley is talking about healthcare.

 I'll link Turley's YouTube video about healthcare. 


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Will Powell be fired?

 I don't think he's doing any worse than anyone else would in his position. 

They keep printing money for wars and other purposes. Every time they make more money, inflation goes up. It's not Powell's fault; it's the politicians' fault. Austrian Economics works; Kenseyian and later theories don't work. It's that simple. 

I think I'll link Stephan Gardner.

I couldn't find the one I'm watching on YouTube so I linked this one. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Trump Won

 It was a landslide. Thank goodness. 

Now we'll see if Harris gives up power or if she will go totally Commie dictatorship. 

Bitcoin is going through the roof. It moved up $5,000 overnight. 

I may be too late to buy Bitcoin. I would like to get 1/10 of a Bitcoin. That would have been $6.000 of Bitcoin. I only have a $100 or so.

Oh Well; I'll link something.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

It's Election Day

 I'll be up late at night watching the returns. I always do.

The big question is whether Harris will allow Trump to win or will just ignore the election results and declare the U.S. to be a dictatorship. It already is but this will be more obvious. 

I think I'll link Stixx; I'll be watching him tonight.


Sunday, November 3, 2024

I very rarely post twice a day

 I'm just avoiding doing my online class. I'll spend an hour online before 9:00 PM. 

I'm taking online courses for National Able. I'm not looking forward to it. 

All of the negative YouTube channels are saying that tomorrow the American economy will collapse. They always say that. I think negative news sells better than positive. It's like watching horror movies. Fear sells.

I think I'll link Gregory Mannarino. 


Chris is talking about the Dollar and Gold

 I'll link Chris Martenson and Peak Prosperity. He's talking about how the dollar is decreasing as the Bric nations buy more gold. 

It's raining and not much is happening. So I'll sign off here. 


Saturday, November 2, 2024

I'm going Swimming

 I've been swimming 1/2 mile every time I go swimming. I'm trying to get my blood pressure down so I might not have to take medicine for it. 

I am a Christian Scientist. It's against my religion to take medicines. As long as I take medicines the church won't accept me. 

I guess I'll link something and go to the pool.


Friday, November 1, 2024

I found my phone

 It was at work. Someone found it in the janitor's closet. The 'do not disturb button was clicked. 

That's why I went through the building while Sarah was calling me without hearing it ring. 

At least I got it back. I'm trying to link the phone to the laptop so I can show pictures of the Conference. It's coming along. 

I think I'll link Dan's channel on YouTube.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Still Looking for my Phone

 I've been looking for my phone for a couple of days now. I had it in a pair of pants that had pockets that were easy for the phone to fall out of. It could be anywhere. 

I picked up some stuff I bought at an online auction at Battle Creek last night. I hate driving at night but I made it. 

It turned cold today and last night. I guess winter is here. 

I think I'll link a song here.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

I lost my Phone

 I've been looking everywhere for my phone. I can't find it. I think I had it at work; but I had Sarah call me while I went through the Rec Center and I couldn't find it. I don't know where it went. 

I think I'll link Jaspreet, here.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I finally got my nut covers working on the Silverado.

 All the plastic nuts that hold on my nut covers for the Silverado are tight. It took grinding down the covers themselves to make it work.

I've been getting a lot of exercise, swimming. I've been trying to do 1/2 mile a day. I normally don't get the full swim in; I settle for around 15 to 18 laps instead of the whole 22. I'm feeling tired all the time. It's not bad for a 77 year-old. 

I picked up a form to send to the national archives to see if the reserves had me labeled as crazy back in 1975. 

I'm also waiting to hear from Chris about my private key. He still hasn't received the flash drive. Maybe the feds have it; it could have been stolen. 

I'll link something here.


Sunday, October 27, 2024

I gave up Watching Trump.

 I've seen Trump before and I've already voted for him but I'm tired of watching him campaign. 

He's now at Madison Square Garden. It's a massive crowd but I'm tired of it all. 

I'll link it to you in case you haven't gotten tired of it all.


Friday, October 25, 2024

I Don't have anything Today

 Not much is happening today. I think I'll link Dr. Steve Turley and call it quits.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sarah is Coming Today

 My VA nurse Sarah, is coming today. I don't know what we'll do but I'll find something. Something called Camily is messing up my computer; maybe we can do something about it. And for some reason my phone is getting a lot of videos loaded on it. Maybe she can fix that. 

It's almost 8:30 and Gold and Bitcoin are both down so I might lose with my options today. Oh well, It's been going up strongly, lately. 

I'll insert something here.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

I asked the coffee club about real estate with a view around here.

 Unlike the local realtor they knew of several places that had views of the lake and of the river in Sac City.

Apparently the realtor was limited to what came across his desk while the guys at the coffee club simply kept their eyes open when they travel the local area. 

I'm still waiting to hear back from Luther on whether I could finish my degree there. Someone from the Registrar's office said he would call back this week. 

I've got to get ready for work so I'll link something and sign off.

I wanted to have this readily available for my presentation.

Monday, October 21, 2024

I need to talk with my phycologist about entering new info about my Schizophrenia.

 Lauran said I need new evidence to refile a claim for my illness. I'll have to talk with my shrink again. 

I sent the copy of the flash drive to Chris; I hope he finds something on it. Microsoft AI said that simply copying one flash drive to another would be an exact copy. I hope she's right. 

I think I'll link something here. 


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Both Silver and Bitcoin are going thru the roof.

 I've got a silver and a Bitcoin option. They expire in 2027 so there's a lot of time for them to move. 

I'm looking forward to check my option's prices. 

On a different track, I'm sending a copy of my flash drive to a place that will look for my private key for my 2010 Bitcoins. I hope they find it; it would be worth a fortune if they find it. 

I'm going to hear from the Registrar's office at Luther College, soon. I'm trying to go back and get a Social Work degree. 

I also have to talk to Loran about getting my application for a service-related disability claim. I'll be busy tomorrow.

I think I'll link Stephan Gardener tonight.


Saturday, October 19, 2024

I Woke up at 3:00 and Can't get back to Sleep

 Once again I have a sleepless night. I have a lot of balls I'm juggling:

  1.  I'm trying to go back to school for a Social Work degree.
  2. I'm trying to find my 2010 Bitcoins.
  3. I'm trying to get my VA claim to be a service related disability.
  4. I'm getting a presentation ready for the Kiwanis club. 
  5. The currency is collapsing.
I guess it makes sense that I'm having sleepless nights.

I think I'll link some music to help me get back to sleep.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

I had a bag of cans break on the way to the redemption center

I got into a hurry and didn't have my load of cans tied down very well going to the redemption center in Lake View. The bags are rather thin and maybe a tie down strap rubbed it wrong. 

Anyway, I wound up running after cans in the parking lot and I looked for them going back to Sac City but they had already blown into the ditches. It was a pain in the butt and it was my own fault.

On that note, I think I'll link something about the Ukraine war. from Denys.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I Woke up early and can't get back to sleep

 I woke at 1:30 and now it's a quarter to four and I'm wide awake. I'm watching Alux. I'll link to it, now.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I can't believe it but I'm still having troubles with Microsoft accounts.

 After fighting with Microsoft accounts last week I still can't get logged in. I thought that when I had it reading my fingerprint that my troubles were over; but I was wrong. Microsoft is evil. I need to get back to Linux. The only reason I left was the ease of loading Theta Edge Node and it came with the National Able computer. 

I went swimming today. I did 20 laps and didn't feel too bad afterwards. I'm trying to lower my blood pressure. I need to get away from the doctors and such. I seem to have the diabetes under control; now I have to do something about the blood pressure. I think exercise is the solution. We'll see. 

I need to do an hour of online class for National Able so I'll link something and sign off. 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

I Woke up Late

 I was supposed to help set up the Kiwanis Club baked potato Lunch today at 8:00 this morning. I woke up at 8:03. I got up with a start. At first, I thought it was Monday when I had an appointment with my gambling counselor. It took me a few minutes to realize that it's Sunday. 

It worked out OK. I was early enough to help out. It wasn't that much work anyway. 

I went for a bicycle ride this afternoon. I'm going to do an hour of studying with Northstar Digital Literacy. 

I think I'll link Jaspreet Singh. He has a video site called "Minority Mindset".


Saturday, October 12, 2024

I Spent the Afternoon resetting my Microsoft account over and over.

 I finally got Microsoft to open with my fingerprint. That was after resetting my password at least 3 times. I have a lot of troubles with Microsoft. In fact I think most of my troubles came after I started using Windows. 

I should go back to Linux; I never had problems with it. The only reason I'm using Windows has to do with the ease of loading Theta Edge Node on it. 

I think I might give up on Theta. I don't seem to be making any money with it. Maybe I can't have three computers sharing the same router. Maybe my access simply isn't fast enough for all those computers. I might cut back to only one computer at a time. 

I'll see how they do at the end of the month. I might set up one of my computers on mining ETC. I used to make about $25/month with that. 

I think I'll show one of my etchings here.


Friday, October 11, 2024

I find myself talking with Google AI too much

 It's probably because I'm lonely; but I found myself talking with Google AI a lot. 

I told her all about my hopes to go back to school and get a Social Work degree. I feel that I could help other mentally ill people navigate the welfare system. 

I also talked about my Theta Edge Node farm. I'm probably spending too much on it. 

I was watching Chris Martinson on YouTube tonight. I'll see if I can link it. It was good.

I couldn't find the one I was watching but this should be good as well.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Still Having Troubles getting logged on to My Bank

 I changed my password and I can't get online with my bank. I'll call them tomorrow during working hours and try again. 

I got my Paylocity and Northstar Digital Literacy working. I just can't get on my bank. I'll straighten it out tomorrow. 

At least my bills were paid. 

I think I'll link one of my favorite songs from YouTube here.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

I'm Going for a Ride on my Bicycle

 I'm finally getting off my butt and going out to get some exercise. I've been putting it off for months. 

I got almost 10 hours of sleep today, which made up for some of the sleep deficit I've been running. I am doing something.

I think I'll link Dan on "I allegedly";


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Someone tried to scam me out of my bank account money.

 And I almost fell for it. I had to block my credit union account to keep them out of it. Now I'm worried about sending out the money for my bills. I am still determining how this will work out. 

I took my computer to Jeromy to have the hard drive removed and replaced with a new one with Windows. When I get it back I'll have to spend hours getting it working right. 

I had a garage sale today but I was waiting for someone to show up therefore I didn't sell anything. 

I'm watching Victor David Hansen so I think I'll link one of his interviews. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024

I got my new laptop working with Windows

 I was up until the wee hours last night getting my "bricked" laptop working. Fortunately I had my presentation and budget on the other computer. I lost everything on this one. 

It turned out that my National Able money doesn't count against my energy assistance. Therefore I can apply again. I just need a September statement from the bank. 

I don't have anything else therefore I'll link something. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I'm Trying to go back to school at Luther College

 In 2005 I almost graduated from Luther with a Social work degree. Now I'm trying to get back there and get my degree. I have a phone interview next Wednesday I should know by then if it's doable. 

I'm still trying to get the wheel covers working on my Silverado. I'm taking it to Pomp's and see if they can do something with it. I've got both plastic and metal lugnuts. With enough messing around they should be on securely. 

I think I'll put in a link to something, here.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

I'm going to have another garage sale this afternoon.

 I don't need to but want to drum up more money for options on BTC and silver. I think they both will go to the moon.

Fox News is talking about all the illegal aliens who are criminals who are in this country. They are right but it won't sway the Democrat voters. They don't watch Fox. 

I'll link something here. 


Friday, September 27, 2024

I'm trying to get Trump's speech at Nashville on my presentation

 I'm getting the portion of Trump's Nashville speech that involves using Bitcoin in the national reserve. It's difficult. 

The last presentation had Nixon's speech taking the U.S. off the gold standard; thereby destroying Western civilization. With this speech, Trump may be saving it. I'll link the speech here and maybe I can sort out when that portion. 

Here is the link.

I'll just skip over most of the speech.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I set up a budget on Excel

 I've been studying Microsoft apps for some time now and finally set up an Excel budget. It was easy; I just downloaded my bank statement and used it to fill in what I was taking in and spending. 

I need to keep blogging and making phone calls about my lost Bitcoins. Chris didn't give out a phone number so I can't contact him except by e-mail. Then he doesn't reply. 

I need to work some more on my presentation. I think I'll link to my favorite Stones album. 


Saturday, September 21, 2024

I got my Theta farm working.

I've been setting up three computers to run Theta Edge Node. It's a way to farm out my computer resources to help other people with their bandwidth problems I think I'll make about $75 a month.

I don't want to know how much I spent improving my machines and the money I had to devote staking tfuel.

I had a successful garage sale today. I sold $100 of art. Now I don't have to worry so much about making bills. 

Also, Faye told me to put fixing the garage door on her check. I have to call Mike tonight.

I ran by a house for sale on N12th St. to see what it looked like. It's ok but I don't think it's worth the money they want for it. 

I need to find the lot for
sale on Ahrends Street. I think it would have a great view. 

I don't know what to link. Alitore Mcleod thinks silver will go through the roof. He has for at least 30 years now. Everybody is saying the currency will collapse. But once again they've been saying that forever. I'll find something; maybe an Alux video.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

I need to do more about finding my 2010 Bitcoins.

 I need to do more about getting my lost Bitcoins back. I'll send an email to  Chris. There were a couple of places where the private key might be. 

I need to work on a Kiwanus Club presentation about the conference. I'll not spend much time on it. A quick report on what I did there and the speeches I saw. 

Styks had a good vlog that I think I'll post it here. 

I couldn't find the vlog I was looking for so I posted this one. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

I'm watching Mark Moss on YouTube

 Mark Moss is talking about censorship on You/tube. Here is a link. 


Monday, September 2, 2024

I Haven't Posted anything for a couple of Weeks

I need to post more as a journal or at least to show some discipline.  I use this more as a journal than anything else but what good is a journal if you don't write every day?

The last time I posted I was working on sick computers. I got them all working. Now I'm getting them working with Theta. 

Theta is a program that shares my computer's broadband capability with other people. I get paid for this. 

I'm watching Elon Musk talking about AI. I think I'll link to it.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

I've been working on computers

 I got my Theta Edge Node computer working. I kept changing things until it worked. It's chugging along and I hope to be able to unstake my tfuel and then offload it. 

I also got my ETCMC computer working. I found a hole in the chassis that said something about clearing something. I put a small screwdriver in it and held it there for a minute and it removed the BIOS. It started right up. I'm unable to run ETCMC, but I wasn't making serious money with that. 

The computer I got from National Able died and I'm reloading Windows. It's taking a long time to reload.

I think I'll load something about Ukraine here, on YouTube. 


Monday, August 12, 2024

I went to the State Fair

I got up at six this morning and went to the State Fair with Sarah. It rained all day and I got soaked. Talk about raining on your parade. 

I think the best highlight of the day was going to the pavilion that had newborn animals like baby duck and pigs and goats. Everyone was overdosing on cuteness. 

I finally had funnel cake I wasn't really impressed. Later I had a gyro and id it was good. 

I signed up to have an estimate of what it would cost to install gutter guards. I'm looking forward to that. I also talked to the Attorney General's office about my stolen Bitcoin. I have to make a phone call tomorrow about that. 

It was a fun day; I'm glad I went. 

I think I'll load a Mark Moss video. 


Monday, August 5, 2024

The trading on the stock market reminds me of 1987.

The action on the market reminds me of 1987 although it didn't go down as much. 

They'll lower the interest rates and drive the market back up.

Of course, this will lead to even more inflation. Oh well.

Hyperinflation is inevitable anyway. I'll link something.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's about time I face something

For most of my life I've known that I need to sell something to make real money. 

I always been happy fixing things and working for a living; but since I can't increase how many hours there are in a day l can't make much money.

I'm interested in Bitcoin so I need to find a job selling Bitcoin somehow. I'll link something about this.

I thought he would be talking about selling anything but options; as in stock options. I used to trade options but I gave up on it. I always bought options and I lost; maybe he's right. 

I would rather sell real estate or cars or something. 


Thursday, August 1, 2024

I made 3 cents on my Blogger account.

 Someone actually read my blog and visited an advertisement. So I made 3 cents; I'm up to $10.39 out of the $100 I need to cash out. 

I suppose if I made more content, it would be easier to make more on my Adsense account. 

Chris Martensen is investigating the Trump shooting so I think I'll link that here. 


Monday, July 29, 2024

I'm back from the convention

I got back yesterday. I was tired and saw double while driving, but I made it with no accidents. 

If I had it to do again I would go to the convention again. Not only was it fun but I met many people who could help me find my Bitcoins. 

Instead of paying extra to watch Trump's speech, I went to the hotel and watched it on YouTube there. 

I think I'll link it here. 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

I'm Disappointed with Myself

 I watch all sorts of motivational YouTube videos. I would read books and such on the same topics, but my eyes are giving out; I don't do anything good for me. 

It's not enough to submerge yourself in positive vibes; you have to do something. 

I get up early in the morning but I don't exercise or write a journal or blog. 

I need to show more discipline. At least I could ride my bike to breakfast or swim in the morning. 

I'll link something for my two readers (probably the CIA or NSA).


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump was Shot

 Trump got shot at a rally today. It's not surprising. 

The way the mainstream media creates a false world for people who actually watch that crap. People who watch that stuff can actually believe that Trump is a threat to democracy. Therefore they might see shooting him as being patriotic. 

It could have been political or some billionaire (like George Soros) had it done.

I think I'll link a video about the shooting. 

He was going to the convention I'm going to and I hope he still does. 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

I got the Title

 Now I can sell the car. I kinda hope the first guy doesn't show up because I want to add $500 to the asking price. 

I filled out some forms for National Able. I hope it goes well. 

Faye left, and now I can get to work on my computers and such. I want to make this computer into a Theta edge node. The cost of Tfuel has gone down and maybe I can afford it after the trip to the Bitcoin Convention in Nashville. 

I'll link a video here and sign off


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I'm Thinking about Selling both of my Cars

 Getting rid  of my cars would give me a lot of money and  force me to get into better shape. 

I would have to walk or ride my bicycle everywhere I went. I couldn't help but lose weight. 

The big problem is that I  would be stuck in Sac City. I wouldn't be able to leave it.

I couldn't make any airplane trips. Banking in Carroll would be difficult. I might have to re-open my UBI account. 

I'll see what happens after my trip to Nashville. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I've got to Consider what to do with all my computers

I was mining ETC in two ways and working with Theta Edge Node. Now I only have Theta working. My other computers aren't working anymore. 

None of the things I was doing made significant money. Getting other computers on Theta Edge Node would require investing $700 each for staking 10,000 Tfuel and the return is insignificant.  

Maybe I'll close it all down and sell my computers. It's a waste of time. 

I'll link Jaspreet here.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Coinbase took $30 out of my checking account and my Coinbase account is locked.

 The thieves apparently have more access to my Coinbase account than I do. 

I'm busy with Faye cleaning up the place. I'll link something.


Monday, July 1, 2024

I Almost had my Car Sold

 A guy wanted to give me $1500 for my Jeep, but I need help finding the title. I sent $25 to the Winneshiek County treasurer for a duplicate copy. It's going to take a week or so to get the title. 

I'll sell it for $3000 if someone wants it badly. We'll see.

I'll link something here.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

I made $40 at my Garage Sale.

 I had a garage sale yesterday and made $40. I sold a couple of paintings and a bicycle. Hardly anyone showed up. 

I'm considering selling lawnmowers and hiring out my lawn work. I'm getting old for that. It takes a lot of time. 

I've been watching a lot of Jim Rohn videos lately. I'll link one here.

I've been tired lately; maybe it has to do with my blood sugar levels or maybe I'm just getting old. 

I think I'll do a lesson for National Able. Later

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I did my presentation Monday

My presentation on Bitcoin went well on Monday.  It was a little long but it's a big topic. 

The local banker was upset at the nasty things I had to say about the Federal Reserve but other than that it went well. 

I need to get my car or pickup sold to buy more Bitcoin. I'm expecting a major move in the price, soon so I need to buy it now. 

I think I'll do some class lessons now so maybe I'll link a video and sign  off.


Monday, May 20, 2024

I Lost my Bitcoins

 I was frauded and lost my Bitcoins to scammers. 

They said they were investigating hackers who had my passwords from the Dark Web. They wore me down and convinced me to give them my pass phrase for Ledger. 

I feel like such an idiot. I don't know why I trusted them. I knew within 5 minutes of them hanging up that my Bitcoin was gone. 

I've been depressed all day. I'll get over it but all my hard work has gone to naught. 

It seems they would have had to have access to my ledger to work this but it was locked up in a safe deposit box. Apparently, Ledger has sacrificed security for convenience. 

Tomorrow I'll have to tell Sarah about it We'll have to write an email to Ledger about this and I'm not looking forward to it. 

I might link a video. 

They keep me poor by scamming me.


Monday, May 6, 2024

I need to get a ticket back from Arizona.

 I wasn't able to use my pass to get a ticket to California. I now need to get a ticket from Arizona to Omaha. 

I spent $400 for the stupid pass and now I can't seem to use it. I've got to get t with the Frontier support and straighten it out or get a refund. 

I didn't do much with the garage sale. My Silverado wasn't ready. I need to spend a month or so to get it ready to sell. At least I have the radio installed. I need to put in the rear-view camera. 

I bought seat covers and floor mats. that will help but it's still a mess. Tomorrow I'm putting a new tire on the left front. At least I'll have good rubber on it. 


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Troubles with Frontier

 I got the Summer pass but now I can't seem to get my flights on it. I tried chatting with a representative but I fell asleep waiting to converse with somebody. 

Tomorrow is the garage sale. I need to sell a lot of stuff. I've got 2 cars I want to get rid of. and all sorts of computer stuff as well. 

I'm tired, I'm going to lay down for a while.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

I'm trying to get a Summer pass on Frontier

 Frontier has a go-anywhere pass for Summer for only $399. I'm trying to buy it but they wouldn't take a debit card. I sent some money to my credit card account but it got hung up in the bank holding. If I had used a debit card it would have gone through. Now I have to wait a week or more. 

I signed up for another credit card from PayPal. If I could get the credit card number I could buy the pass. I'm waiting to hear from a customer support person.

I need to get an hour of training in before I go to bed: so I'll sign off here.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Waiting for Sarah

I'm waiting for Sarah to show up at 10:00. We are going to transfer the presentation that chatgpt-4 did to the computer.

I've got several things going on, that I'm waiting for. Things like the instrument panel for the pickup is probably in the mail. I'm waiting for an install kit for the pickup's radio. 

Tomorrow I'm going to a salvage yard in Galva to pick up a tire and wheel for the pickup. I need all sorts of things to make it really nice. 

I'll insert a video about Bitcoin here. 

I have the hots for Natalie.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

AI took about 5 seconds to do the presentation

 Tomorrow Sarah and I will put the thing that AI did on slides. We'll add pictures and a video to them. 

I'm looking forward to getting parts for the Silverado. The instrument cluster is being worked on, now. I got the radio but I need a kit to install it. I ordered it from eBay. It's coming around. I'll try to sell it during the city-wide garage sale. 

I'll look for a good video, here.

This is just for fun.  And it reminds me of a girl who will remain nameless.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I'm going to try to make my presentation about Bitcoin with AI

 I'm going to try to use chat-gpt to write my slide show presentation. I'm getting bogged down with Google Slides. 

On a different topic: Josh came over and is working on the garden. I'm grateful I could never do it myself. Things are going well. 

The truck is coming along. I'm making good money at the community center. and the garden is being made. 

I'll link something (a video) and sign off so I can work on my presentation.

I haven't seen this yet but VDH is always good.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Collage is Out

 I would have to pay back my student loans which were forgiven due to schizophrenia I'll just have to forget it. 

I went to Carroll with Sara this morning. We were looking for tires but we couldn't find any at Quant's it was too disorganized. Maybe I could call around to other salvage yards. 

I'm more and more tired. I think the tinnitus is keeping me awake. That could have something to do with my mental problems as well. Oh well. 

'm going to take the seats out of my pickup and clean it some more. I just have to keep at it. 

I think I'll link Natalie in a video, here. She's more enthused about Bitcoin than I am.

Micael is my favorite Bitcoin pundent. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

I didn't get the Caddy

 Fortunately, I didn't get the Caddy. Someone else got it for $220. I'm strapped this month and I want to keep adding 10% of my income to Bitcoin. I was relieved that I didn't get the Caddy. I don't know why things go so cheap at that auction. 

I'm worried about the Chevy pickup. It took a whole gallon of coolant and a quart of oil. I'm going to have to watch what is going thru it. Maybe I have some bad leaks that will cost a fortune to repair. We'll see. 

I need to get more hours in with the training at National Able. I need the money. 

I talked with somebody at Iowa Works yesterday and he thinks I need to reopen my disability claim with the VA., this time for PTSD and tinnitus. I've got to talk with Lauri about that, Monday. 

Maybe I can get some College out of it as well. 

I think I'll link an ALUX video, they're always good. 


Thursday, April 4, 2024

It cost over $200 to install the Receiver Hitch and I'm bidding on a Cadillac

 I had to pay a couple of hundred dollars to have my receiver hitch installed and I might buy a Cadillac at auction this afternoon. I hope I don't get it. 

Social Security sent my check to the wrong bank so now I'm broke for a while. I've got to go to their website and make sure they have the right info. 

I need to get online with my classes and put in some time. Later

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Now I get to Work on Fixing up the Silverardo

 I've got to replace the lights on the dashboard and replace the handles on the back hatch. The first thing to do is to install the receiver hitch and the wiring for trailers. 

It'l keep me busy for a while. I'm tempted to keep the pickup and donate the Jeep to someone. I'll be able to tow a nice, small trailer with it. 

At least I now have options. A trailer is being sold on an online auction this Thursday. I might bid $500 for it. I doubt that I'll get it. 

I might do some classes today. I'll look for something to link to.

This is just for fun. Later

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

I Bought a Chevy pickup Last Night.

 I bought one of the pickups I bid on last week. At $500 I should be able to make a profit on it: if I don't just keep it for myself. Now I have to find cheap, used quarter panels and a cargo bed. Tomorrow I'll get it licensed and insured. I'll try to find parts online and over the phone. 

Next week I'll go to Carroll and I'll look into the salvage yard, there. Being a Chevy, I should have no trouble finding parts.

Bitcoin is fluctuating. I've got to learn not to watch it much. It's a waste of time. I might set up an automatic buy order every couple of weeks. 


Monday, March 25, 2024

Bitcoin is Roaring Back

 Bitcoin is over $70,000 so it came back from $63,000 in a couple of days. I've got to hold on this time. 

Tomorrow I'll find out if I'll own a couple of pickups. I'm a bit fearful that I might get them both. If I do I'll put the best one up for sale and hang on to the worst one. I do hope I get one. We'll see. 

I have an online conference to go to today. Later

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Opening the Bids is Tuesday night.

 They'll open the bids on the pickups next Tuesday at the City Council Meeting. It's at 6:00 P.M.

I'm anxious about spending money until I find out if I have to pay for a pickup or two. I'll cook my own meals until Tuesday night. I'm afraid that they were such pieces of shit trucks that no one else will want them. At $500 apiece I might have overbid. 

On the good news side: I got the fingerprint reader working on the old computer. That's something. I think I'll get rid of the new computer. It's crap anyhow. 

I think I'll link Johnny Bravo, tonight.


Thursday, March 21, 2024

I bid on a couple of Pickups and now I'm afraid I might get them, Both

 I put a couple of sealed bid offers on two pickups (owned by the city) and now I'm worried that I might get them both. If I get both of them I'll have to sell some Bitcoin. And I don't want to. I think someone will outbid me. 

I need to do more homework for National Able. I find it hard to find time and the discipline to do it. I just have to grab an hour or two when I can do it. Well I think I'll go online and do some homework. Later.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Crypto waivered so I fixed a couple of Laptops

 I worked mainly on my new (old) computer today. It's new to me but old in years. Its biggest problem was a dead AC adapter. I think it also has a bad CMOS battery and it definitely had a bad main battery. 

I should have been working on a presentation about crypto for the Quwanis club. I may have misspelled that.

The other computer (the new one) seems to be working better with Mint Edge on it. In fact, they both seem to be better. It will take some time to see if all the intermittent problems are gone.

It's time to go to bed. Later

Friday, March 15, 2024

If Bitcoin makes new all-time highs tomorrow I'm going to buy a new Car Radio

 Bitcoin has been extremely volatile lately. It went over 73 k and then it sold off by about 7%. It's a real rollar coaster. 

I would like having a radio with a rear camera and GPS. I like knowing what's behind me and I'm tired of getting lost. 

I hope that when I wake up Bitcoin is over 74 k. 

I Gave up Trying to get my private key off the Flash Drive.

 I must have overwritten my private key to my Bitcoins on the old flash drive. I used Recoverit to try to recover the number. No luck.

At least I tried. Now I should call Lazslo and see if he remembers anything.

I used Northstar training for National Able and it worked until I had to right-click on something and delete it. I don't think Linux does that. Maybe it's my computer. I'll try it with a mouse. I tried it with a mouse and id didn't work. 

I'll have to use the Windows machine for Northstar. 

I'll go to the basement and do some classes now. Later

Thursday, March 14, 2024

I spent a weekend getting my ETC mining computer working.

 I spent last weekend getting the ETC computer working. I can't remember what finally fixed it. I only make about $0.06 a day with it but it's a hobby. 

Bitcoin is doing well It went over $73,000 a coin yesterday. I'm in it for the long haul.  I hope to never sell. In fact, I hope it goes down so I can buy more.

I picked up some auction items this morning from Holstein. I got tools, a laptop and a couple of monitors. I forgot I also got a police scanner. I'll be spending time getting this stuff working. 

That's all for now. Later.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

My ETC mining computer died Today

 The computer I use to mine ETC, died. I think it's the display module. It took hours but it seems to be running  I'm trying to load a new operating system on it. Mainly I want to find out if it has 4 processors. If so I could use it on Edge Node for Theta. 

It's doing some sort of long time consuming process, now. I'll have to wait to see if it works after that. 

Bitcoin went up again but it hasn't broken it's all-time high yet. I'm waiting for a breakout. 


Friday, March 8, 2024

I Started with Northstar Today

 I started a new training on Windows today. Now I can work 15 hours more a week and increase my income. I put in two hours of training today. I can put in as much as 15/week.

On a different topic., I'm still waiting for a computer from ETCMC I've been waiting for about 3 weeks now. It's coming from England so maybe it's on schedule. Also it could be hung up in New York with the trucker's strike.

I normally make a link to a video here so I'll try to find something.

I haven't seen this yet but I like Lewis and Jaspret.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

My earnings went up by $0.02 today.

 I don't know how many years I've been writing this blog and finally, someone clicked on an add and I made 2 cents.

Maybe Sarah went to my blog. I might have done it. I can't remember. 

I think I'll link a video that I like, here.


Sunday, March 3, 2024

I found my Bitcoin

 I found my Bitcoin on my Bitcoin wallet. I thought I was transferring it to the Ledger Bitcoin Wallet and I sent it to my Coinbase Bitcoin wallet. A dumb mistake but at least I found it

My Theta Edge Mode seems to be working better. I'll know how much better at the end of the month. 

That's all for now. Later

I staked my tfuel on Theta edge node.

 Today I finally figured out how to stake my tfuel on the edge node. The key was to use the edit ribbon on the site. Right-clicking didn't work. 

Now I have to wait and see if it makes a big difference in my profits. I think it will. We'll see.

I'm fundamentally an optimist. I keep hoping I'll get back my lost Bitcoin from coinbase. I think I'll switch to Kraken or Binance when I do. 

You/tube is still going on and on about /bitcoin so I'll link something.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I lost $1900 trying to send bitcoin to a ledger hardware wallet.

 I lost $1900 sending bitcoins to my ledger. I can't get to a real person. What should I do?

I've been hacked

 About $2500 vanished from my Coinbase account. They say my funds are safe but I don't know what to believe.

I was doing great, now I don't know what to do. If I get my Bitcoins back I'll send it to my Ledger hardware wallet. I should have done that yesterday.

maybe I can find something on You/tube about the hack.


Wish me well. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Trouble of being a "Nice Guy".

 I'm watching a YouTube video about nice guys. I;ll link it here. 


Monday, February 26, 2024

I'm up $100 for Three days.

 I converted my Cardano to tfuel and Bitcoin. That's not bad for a start.

The next thing I'll do is to get an edge node working on Theta. 

I think I'll use the computer in the office since I might need a Microsoft computer, later.

On the other hand, Theat might work better with Microsoft. Most things do. 

I'm watching an interesting Vlog. I think I'll link it, here.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

I Bought Cardano

 Five minutes after getting my loan I went to a coffee shop and bought $1500 of Cardano.

It's going up quite well.

Tonight, I transferred $40 of Cardano to the Ledger. I got it working on the phone but it still doesn't work on a desktop Maybe the Ledger only works with Bluetooth. I'll go to Amazon to get some Bluetooth adapters and I'll experiment with it.

I'll find YouTube video for here.



This is one with Jasprit Sing.

Friday, February 23, 2024

I got a Loan from Dupaco

 This morning I went to Carroll to apply for a loan. I asked for 5000 but I got $2500. I'llStore it in Bitcoin and spend it on my car and garden.

I'm glad to get a loan and I'll ask about a car loan as well. I'm afraid that if I get a car loan I'll be spending too much on insurance. We'll see. 

Crypto has been going down. That's good for me. I'll get a lower price.

 I'll link Vice Grip Garage.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Sarah Came by Today

 Sarah (my mental health nurse) came by today. We made my advance directive and sent it to the VA.

I applied for a loan and it doesn't seem to be going thru. I'm hoping to buy Bitcoin.

It's going down so I might get a better price. At least I hope so. 

I'm watching LI'm watching  Lewis Howes again. I'll post it.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I'm Going to try these Exercises

 I was watching this on YouTube and I think I'll try them.


Monday, February 19, 2024

Turbo Tax is pissing me off

 I shoveled snow for a disabled guy now I have to bother him for a social security number or an IEN. I'll be claiming the standard deduction anyway and I don't get it. There probably won't be a return and I'll have to pay Turbo Tax.  The time I'm wrestling with this is just too much. You can't do charity work anymore. It's all taxable. 

A curse on Turbo Tax. 

That's all. Later.