Sunday, January 12, 2020

I Need to Get Back to Blogging on a Regular Basis

This blog is not only for raising the public's awareness of interesting and timely items; but it's also a journal.
I use this as something of a diary and something to remind myself of things that are important.
I'm getting away from the fear-based prepping stuff.
For instance, I've started eating my freeze-dried food. Maybe I'm getting too optimistic or something. But I'm not buying that food any more and I'm eating it down.
I just can't afford buying food any more. I now have to pay for electricity and water. The electricity is costing $170/month and I don't know what the water was. It seems to get billed every other month.
At my old place they were included in the rent. Now, I'm struggling.
Somebody keeps saying that everything will blow up on the 14th of January. It seems to have something to do with the REPO thing.
Later, I have to go to bed to get up early and shovel snow.

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