Friday, December 6, 2019

I have to Reconsider Things

I was watching John McAfee being interviewed on a YouTube channel this morning. He stated that Bitcoin wasn't "digital gold" because gold is being made obsolete by Bitcoin.
He made the point that gold is being hoarded by the immensely wealthy therefore switching to the gold standard simply extends their dominance.
Bitcoin and other cryptos are different. They are an open-source means of the average person taking over the currency, as in means of exchange.
It's potentially, a clean break from our slavery.
I've been wrong to collect gold and silver. Obviously, even having precious metals will not break the grip of the Rothschild and such.
Therefor, my money belongs in freeze-dried food and weapons.
On a different topic, I may have found a way to sell my etchings. If I could afford $100 for Premium Amazon, I could sell them on Amazon.
Sometimes I write things into my blog to remind myself to do things, later. Like trying to move my etchings on Amazon.
The news has had some good things happening lately.
The Zimmerman guy in Florida who shot a black guy because he was having his head beat into a sidewalk is suing the parents.
Also some politician is suing CNN for defamation. Heaven knows CNN deserves it.
Also, the deep state is causing all sorts of shootings to hide their failures with the impeachment.
Only a few people are getting shot and the shooter is being gunned down quickly. I think people are on to them and more people are carrying weapons. We need them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I Need a Plan.

I was watching a video by Dan Ally. He said that we all need a plan or we'll drift aimlessly.
He's right; I need a plan.
Going out to California to pan gold hasn't worked out very well. Maybe I can make some money with snow shoveling and make it work. I may be a bit too lazy to really make it work. Also the last time I was out there the air was bad, due to all the fires. I have a hard time breathing as it is.
Selling my etchings hasn't worked out very well. I ended up with 3 bogus checks. The dishonesty is through the roof. I think the basic crooks in Washington are trying to launder their money before Trump arrests them. Maybe I'm being optimistic. It's probably the normal level of corruption. I'll try again next week.
I get so much material from T. Harv Eker that I think he is targeting me to be a teacher of his program. It's a self-improvement thing. I met him at Luther and maybe he is trying to recruit me. It's probably just another delusion of grandeur. I'm big on those (it's part of my diagnosis). Oh, well.
I'll try to come up with more to talk about tomorrow.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I sold one of my etchings.

I finally sold one of my etchings at a decent price. I advertised it on Craigslist in Washington D.C.. I felt that putting it on a more wealthy venue was the way to go. It only took a couple of days to move.
Here is an image of the etching that moved:

I did well with shoveling snow last week. And it's supposed to snow tomorrow. I'm looking forward to making between $60 and $100. I've got 5 places to shovel. Tomorrow is Sunday and 2 of my customers are across from churches.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

I forgot to blog last night.

I've decided to blog every day. Last night I forgot.
I had a tough day of snow shoveling and I got a new kitten yesterday. I was just a little wrecked physically and emotionally.
On a different topic, I haven't heard much about the new Ebola outbreak. I hope it's being contained.
I wrote a lot about the last one back in 2015 but there doesn't seem to be much in the news about this on.
A good source for information about this outbreak is "stixxhexinhammer" at least his youtube name is something like that.
An important thing about this outbreak is that there is a war going on at the same place as the epidemic.
I think people are realizing how controlled they are by the press. There are so many important stories that are being suppressed (like Jeffry Epstein's death and the Las Vegas shooting) that it's becoming apparent that there is a narrative we are supposed to believe. It's all BS.
Well it's a little after three in the morning and I should be sleeping.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I'm having troubles coming up with something to say.

I'm listening to H.A. Goodman talk about the impeachment B.S. I'm getting sick of it.
Nobody ever gets indited and the I.G. report is still about to be disclosed just like all of last year.
I'm more concerned about Deutsche Bank going bankrupt. Of course, it's been on the verge of bankruptcy for multiple years.
I hope that things hold together for another year so I can get more freeze-dried food.
I tried to buy a little gold at an auction a couple of weeks ago. It was in a neighboring town and I tried to get there by bicycle.
I not only didn't get there but I failed in what I felt was a life-threatening fashion. It was early Sunday morning and the temperature was around 20. I was breathing hard from cycling and I got hyper thermic.  I don't know how cold I got but I had to lie down (which didn't help much since the ground soaked up what body heat I had). I left my bicycle behind and went to the hotel where I was able to warm up. It was a lesson to me. I can't get very far without being warmly dressed and being in better shape.
I have a friend who works at Walmart and he goes farther on his bike every day. I think my big problem was that I wasn't dressed well.
I'll try to get something up for every day, now.

Monday, November 11, 2019

I'm Back

It's been years since I've really published anything on this blog. I've linked some videos that I've liked.
I noticed that someone else is using the name of my blog. I looked at his content and it looked rather good to me but I have to wonder if Google is trying to shut me down.
I'm having troubles with my Google account as well. It might have something to do with my adding another laptop.
That reminds me; my phone hasn't worked for about 6 months, now. I think it has to do with censorship from Google.
I might get back a little later. I'll try to blog every day; I think it's good for me.