Thursday, November 14, 2019

I forgot to blog last night.

I've decided to blog every day. Last night I forgot.
I had a tough day of snow shoveling and I got a new kitten yesterday. I was just a little wrecked physically and emotionally.
On a different topic, I haven't heard much about the new Ebola outbreak. I hope it's being contained.
I wrote a lot about the last one back in 2015 but there doesn't seem to be much in the news about this on.
A good source for information about this outbreak is "stixxhexinhammer" at least his youtube name is something like that.
An important thing about this outbreak is that there is a war going on at the same place as the epidemic.
I think people are realizing how controlled they are by the press. There are so many important stories that are being suppressed (like Jeffry Epstein's death and the Las Vegas shooting) that it's becoming apparent that there is a narrative we are supposed to believe. It's all BS.
Well it's a little after three in the morning and I should be sleeping.

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