Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I Need a Plan.

I was watching a video by Dan Ally. He said that we all need a plan or we'll drift aimlessly.
He's right; I need a plan.
Going out to California to pan gold hasn't worked out very well. Maybe I can make some money with snow shoveling and make it work. I may be a bit too lazy to really make it work. Also the last time I was out there the air was bad, due to all the fires. I have a hard time breathing as it is.
Selling my etchings hasn't worked out very well. I ended up with 3 bogus checks. The dishonesty is through the roof. I think the basic crooks in Washington are trying to launder their money before Trump arrests them. Maybe I'm being optimistic. It's probably the normal level of corruption. I'll try again next week.
I get so much material from T. Harv Eker that I think he is targeting me to be a teacher of his program. It's a self-improvement thing. I met him at Luther and maybe he is trying to recruit me. It's probably just another delusion of grandeur. I'm big on those (it's part of my diagnosis). Oh, well.
I'll try to come up with more to talk about tomorrow.

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