Sunday, February 21, 2021

Working on my Taxes

I've been working on paying my taxes. 

The first step is always, getting the printer to work. I only need it one time a year but I always end up going thru my ink by printing out test pages. I alway have trouble getting it working. Even though this year it's brand new. I've got three printers. I think they all work but two of them are out of ink. And it's cheaper to buy a new printer than to replace the toner cartridge. 

I had to print out the tax records from my various brokerages. Online, they were so small that I couldn't read them.

I've done everything except to enter the gains and losses from the brokerages. I'm afraid that I may actually owe taxes this year. I made  $4,000 in one of my accounts (Robinhood) last March. It all went into my car. I'm ahead by about $1,000 on my Kraken account right now so I could sell that and pay taxes with it. We'll see. 

I'm now the IT guy at the local Republican Headquarters. I'm not a dedicated Republican but I like the free coffee I get there. 

I think I'll wrap it up and show you another etching by Malcolm Childers.

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