Saturday, October 28, 2023

I need to Write more Content

 I've been linking a lot of videos without writing much, lately. I really haven't had much to say.

I started a new job at "New Opportunities". It's a food  pantry and clothing store.

I bought a printer for $5.00 yesterday. I think I can get it running by adding ink to it. I ordered a cartridge from Amazon. It'll get here by Wednesday. it's a nice printer. If I get it running I'll use it in the basement with the Windows computer.

I need to get a better laptop for my trip to Nashville next July. I'm going to a convention for Bitcoin.

Changing the topic, it's cold, here today. It's supposed to snow but so far only little pellets have come down. 

I was going to mulch my leaves today but it's too cold. It should warm up soon.


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