Friday, April 2, 2021

Generalized Ramblings

 I'm just inspired to ramble in a general way, tonight.

I was watching ALUX today and it had 15 ways to make money with no start-up expenses. I think #9 was to have a blog. It got me thinking about my blog. 

The reason I named it "Working the System" was that at the time I started it I was starting out on disability for my schizophrenia . I was familiar with working thru the welfare system since I really didn't have much choice in applying for disability. 

I live in a small town and evey body knows all about everyone else. I wasn't about to get a decent paying job. And I was too broke to move so I set myself on the path for disability. I felt it was my only option.

I wouldn't advise anyone to go this route but sometimes it's the only alternative. It's defiantly the path to more poverty. Of course, many people are going this way because it probably beats starving in a business doorway on a Winter night.

For the last five or ten years I've been trying to get an RV and maybe my own land so I can be homeless with some style. Instead I end up in tiny apartments and I go month to month with no savings. 

I don't know the solution to poverty. I keep reading books and watching YouTube videos about breaking the chains of poverty but I simply don't have the motivation to break thru. One of the videos I watched yesterday said that poverty can be a habit and we lose the drive to break out of what is comfortable to us.

I think I'll leave on that note. This is simply not improving. I'll put a picture of one of the etchings I have for sale below.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Working on my Taxes

I've been working on paying my taxes. 

The first step is always, getting the printer to work. I only need it one time a year but I always end up going thru my ink by printing out test pages. I alway have trouble getting it working. Even though this year it's brand new. I've got three printers. I think they all work but two of them are out of ink. And it's cheaper to buy a new printer than to replace the toner cartridge. 

I had to print out the tax records from my various brokerages. Online, they were so small that I couldn't read them.

I've done everything except to enter the gains and losses from the brokerages. I'm afraid that I may actually owe taxes this year. I made  $4,000 in one of my accounts (Robinhood) last March. It all went into my car. I'm ahead by about $1,000 on my Kraken account right now so I could sell that and pay taxes with it. We'll see. 

I'm now the IT guy at the local Republican Headquarters. I'm not a dedicated Republican but I like the free coffee I get there. 

I think I'll wrap it up and show you another etching by Malcolm Childers.