Friday, December 18, 2020

Some of the Things I've been Leaving out

 I've avoided blogging about some things because they are probably just delusions due to my schizophrenia. 

Back in the 1980's I had hallucinations involving Hollywood babes and violence. 

I had a repeat of that a couple of years ago in Vail Colorado. In some ways this time was worse. I got more addicted to the babe and maybe I started a baby. 

About the baby, apparently she was already 8 or 9 years old when I started her. Since I have troubles with the time/space continuum  maybe that happened. Whenever I teleport somewhere I always have to ask what year it is because it gets messed up at times. 

Anyway I was off my medication and things got weird. Maybe it all goes back to all the LSD and marijuana I was smoking in the 70's and 80's. Like I used to say "reality is for those who can't handle their drugs".

Anyway a gal (who's name shall remain unrevealed) wants me to take responsibility for a 10 year old kid I started a couple of years ago. As confused as I am and as hopeless when it comes to sex as I am; it works for me.

I'm afraid it will all blow away since it was probably a hallucination anyway.

I had a phone call last year from this gal but she seemed to be back on drugs and back to her pimp so it isn't hopeful.


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