Sunday, June 25, 2023

Alux shamed me into restarting my blog

 It's Sunday I'm watching ALUX again on Youtube. They had 15 inexpensive ways to start making money. 

One of them was to start a blog. They also mentioned writing a book. I started one of those as well. 

I just don't stick with things. I think I've already tried half of the things they mentioned. I'm just so flaky that I never get things done. My mental illness might be a major part of why this happens. 

I get to thinking about things that probably never happened.

I just finished mowing the lawn. Even though it rained last night it's getting dry. I've been watereing the new trees and the garden plus a few flowers in the front. The only place that the grass is growing is where I've been watering.

Tomorrow I should find out if I've got a job. I applied for something called National Able. It's for elderly disabled people to improve themselves. I'm schiztophrenic and 75 so I should qualify. I'll call the lady who had me fill out forms tomorrow and see if they are taking me. 

I'm watching Vice Grip Garage on Youtube so I'll sign off here.


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