Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The End is Near

I was just watching Greg Hunter interview a guy whose last name is Organ, on You tube.
He is an expert on precious metals. He was saying that by December we will run out of silver. There is simply more being used to produce solar panels and such than is being mined. He predicted that silver will go to $200/ounce. I can't remember how high he thought gold would go.
He thinks that we will have major disruptions, then. We'll see.
On the Ebola front, an official of the Liberian government said that Ebola could destroy Liberia. There was a lot of alarming news out of Africa, today. Travel and trade is being shut down.
The good news is that money is starting to flow to Africa to fight Ebola. Bill Gates donated $50 million to fight it. That is on top of other countries and agencies spending money for the fight.
The bad news is that it's getting harder to find doctors and nurses to actually put their lives at risk to treat Ebola patients. I think we are still behind the 8 ball when it comes to Ebola.
A lot more people are using the word exponential when it comes to describing the spread of Ebola.
I watched a YouTube video on RT that discussed Ebola as an STD. It made me wonder if they saw my blog a few weeks ago. I hope they did because that possibilty needs discussion.
Well, Nick came into the Co-op where I'm writing the blog so I'll sign off for now.
I'm back. I forgot to mention that I went prospecting in a stream in Decorah. I thought that the asteroid that made the crater, that Decorah is built in, might have some metals. I found that there was nothing but limestone rocks in the stream. Therefor there is no hope of finding metals in the local streams. I might keep looking but I'm not hopeful. That is probably why no one else has found any gold or silver around here.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Few of my Favorite Vlogs

Tonight, I thought I would mention a few of my favorite vlogs. A vlog is a video blog.
I go to see what Troy is doing on "The do it Yourself World", quite often. He's building a tiny home on wheels at his homestead in New York state. It's kind of like what I want to do by getting my RV and going prospecting for gold, next year.
I went to a good vlog that Chris Martenson at "ChrisMartensondotcom" had, today.
He was interviewing Kirk Sorenson about Thorium reactors. It sounded really hopeful. He does a lot of presentations about exponential graphs. He makes it look like everything is falling apart. Maybe he's right.
Peter Schiff has a good channel. I watched him talk about the situation in Ferguson, MO, today.
Stefan Molyneux always has a lot to say. I agree with him more often than not; but he is very long-winded.
Fernando, at the "Modern Survivalist" has a lot of level-headed information about how to survive the coming bad times. He's lived through a couple of currency collapses in Argentina so he knows what to expect with ours.
I always like to talk about Ebola. Not much is happening on that front, today.
More countries are talking about spending big money fighting it in Africa. I think the world leaders are awakening to the fact that it's better to fight it there than at their home countries.
China and the U.S.A are talking about spending a lot there. There are also some world health organizations that are getting involved, like the U.N.
The quarantine in the West Point suburb of Monrovia, Liberia has been lifted. With all the bribery to get people in and out of there and the troubles getting food in; maybe it makes sense to lift it.
Talking about getting food moved around Western Africa; it's starting to mess up every one's economy, there. We might not be able to get our fill of chocolate. Also food isn't moving like it used to in Western Africa.
It's not affecting the world's economy yet; but it probably will.
On that note, I'll sign off for the day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

EBay is Acting Strange

I tried logging in to EBay several times, today, and failed. It kept saying that I had the wrong password. It finally let me log on even though I used the same password that I used before  
I figure that the NSA was messing with me. I don't plug into the controlled press so I'm probably seen as a threat to them. Maybe they are trying to take away the money that I made by selling one of my etchings.
Well, we are another day closer to the inevitable currency collapse. I don't know why everything has held together as well as it has. Today someone being interviewed by Greg Hunter on YouTube said that by his calculations we should have had a currency collapse  two years ago. So much for timing economic events.
I saw on CNBC that people on Wall Street were more positive than any time since 1987. I see that as an indication of a pending collapse.
Talking about pending collapses, the Ebola outbreak may actually be getting worse. Now, they are having trouble moving food because of the fear of spreading the contagion. It may be that more people will die of starvation than die of Ebola. There was really no good news about what is going on in West Africa, today. Only time will tell how bad things will get, there. I think the WHO's estimate that 20,000 people may die of the disease is overly optimistic.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Prospecting in Decorah is Postponed

In my last posting I said that I was going to see if I could find some of the precious metals that might be in Decorah.
Well, I couldn't find my dowsing rods so I have to put that off until I can get another pair from EBay. I won't be able to afford to do that until tomorrow. Since the mail isn't working today they won't ship until tomorrow anyway.
I doubt that there is any gold or silver to be found anyway but I feel I have to try. Maybe the asteroid that hit the Earth at Decorah contained gold or some other precious metal. I did find my metal detector but I have more faith in dowsing than I do metal detecting.
It's Labor Day and Java Johns is closed. I'm hanging out at the Co-op and listening to music at Pandora. I'm too broke to do much else. I have a credit account, here; so I can buy some coffee and surf the net.
I'm not finding much about Ebola on the net, today.
Apparently it spread to Senegal. A student crossed the border and brought it into another country. The authorities, there, feel that they have it contained. We'll see.
Maybe no news is good news, but I feel it's just a case of people not knowing what is going on.
I think one of the most important things to look at for the Ebola outbreak right now is how fast it spreads in the West Point suburb of Monrovia. There are between 70,000 and 100,000 people quarantined there. If it spreads wildly, there, we'll know that it's very contagious. If people get it by the tens of thousands, there, we'll know that it probably can't be contained.
I may be wrong; after all they are quarantining those people to keep it from spreading throughout Monrovia. Maybe they will succeed in keeping it at West Point. It looks to me like the quarantine is just a delaying action, anyway.
I may have more to talk about, this evening. I'm goin home now and my Internet connection isn't very good, there.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Patriot Nurse, Ebola, and ISIS

Patriot Nurse on YouTube made a vlog about ISIS using Ebola as a biological weapon.
It was the most frightening article that I've seen, so far, about Ebola.
She kept saying that she wasn't trying to incite panic but that is what she accomplished. Go to the "Patriot Nurse" channel on YouTube and you will see what I'm talking about.
Not much else is happening here.
I'm still waiting to find out how much has to be replaced on my motor home.
I found that I can get a new refrigerator for around $700, Since used ones cost close to $500 I'll be tempted to get a new one.
I'm still waiting to hear if the furnace, the water heater, and the air conditioner, work.
Maybe I'll luck out and everything will work.
Like I said earlier, not much is happening, today. I'm waiting for Jim to show up at Java Johns. I'll show him the video that the "Patriot Nurse" made. And maybe we'll talk about the collapsing economy.
Tomorrow I may go prospecting for gold right here in Decorah.
Last year there were people flying around here in helicopters. They were prospecting with devices hung under the helicopters.
Last week they announced that they may have found signs of metal deposits.
I'm not too hopeful about actually finding anything, since the deposits that they are interested in are around 2000 ft. beneath the ground.
I have to look, anyway, since I'm probably the only gold prospector in Decorah.
If I find anything I'll write about it on my blog.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Not much news on Ebola Today

I spent a lot of time checking out the articles on the Internet about Ebola, today.
The only thing I saw that was a bit new was an article about "bush meat".
Of course, bush meat refers to wild game; especially game taken in Africa.
The writer of the article apparently did an article a few months ago on this topic. Then he went to grocery stores in ethnic African communities in the New York, NY area.
Then, he found plenty of "bush meat" to be found at a high price. Africans must like their wild meat.
He went back to the places that he found bush meat a few months ago and found that it was no longer being sold. Maybe the Ebola outbreak is scaring people from continuing to eat that.
I see that as a good thing. Bush meat was another unchecked route for Ebola to enter the U.S.
There was an article about Ebola in the Congo. It turned out that it is a different form of Ebola. I don't believe that it is as dangerous as the Zaire variant. So far, only 2 people have it so I don't think it will be a big thing. I could be wrong.
Not much else happened with me, today.
I have to get to the RV repair place and see how my motor home is coming. I need to find out how much repairing I'll have to do with it. I know that I need 3 light fixtures. I would like to get the fuel gauges working. I also need to have the rider's side window fixed. I also need to find shower curtains and privacy curtains. Those are just the things I know about. I haven't had the furnace, water heater, refrigerator, and air conditioner checked yet. I still don't know where I stand with the motor home.
I was watching Glendon Cammeron on YouTube, last night. He made 2 main points:

  1. We are all selling something; selling is not inherently bad.
  2. We all have to ask for money; asking for money is inevitable.
It got me thinking about asking people for a loan to get out to California and finding gold. I think I'll use my art and precious metals as collateral and ask people for a loan to get my gold prospecting business off the ground. I just have to get up the courage to ask people for money. Glendon is right again.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Ebola an STD?

I'll get to the topic hinted at in the title a little later.
I want to talk about quarantining Ebola patients, first. I saw an article that talked about the problem of accidentally mixing people with other diseases with Ebola patients, today. The writer ended up saying that they felt that Ebola patients should be isolated at home at least until it was certain that they had Ebola. The possibility of putting someone with another illness into an Ebola ward was just too severe.
Another article said that a knowledgeable doctor could simply smell Ebola. If they can do that early in the diseases progression it would help immensely and make the decision to send a patient to an Ebola ward a lot simpler. Heaven knows, doctors need all the help they can get.
Back to the Ebola as an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disesase) possibility. A week or two ago I read something that said that Ebola can be spread by semen or vaginal fluids for up to two months after the person is considered cured. Today the spouses of two of the people who were infected by Patrick Sawyer came down with Ebola. That raises the possibility that they were infected before their mates had obvious signs of the disease. It seems to me that if it can be spread by sex after they had been officially cured maybe it can be spread before it is apparent. I'm just saying that this needs to be looked into. Maybe it can be confirmed by statistics; I don't see any sense in risking any one's life to find out if it can be spread by sex before the person shows signs of the illness. I'm probably being paranoid again.  
On a lighter topic. I'm still trying to sell my etchings by Malcolm Childers. I've got a couple of them on EBay right now. I'm only asking $75 each for them. I've got several others at an art framing gallery. I also have several that are framed that I'll try to sell next Spring.  I'll be asking a lot more for the framed works. Most of those are more rare. If anyone is interested in getting your hands on some quality art at a reasonable price contact me at I prefer to be paid with Bitcoins but I can take fiat as well. If you are interested in some of the less expensive ones, go to Malcolm's website at and check out his less expensive works. I may have the one you like.

This is one of my favorite Childer's etching. It's named "Frenchy's Flathead Flyer"
I have a framed version of it and I would have to wait until next Spring to sell it. I would want at least $500 for it.